MA8452 – Statistics And Numerical Methods Syllabus Regulation 2017

Code – MA8452, this article about B.E/B.Tech./B.Arch Mechanical Engineering Semester IV Statistics And Numerical Methods syllabus. Students are requested to make notes or PDFs of the semester in Statistics And Numerical Methods for effective preparation from here. It will help you to understand what are the topics in the syllabus of Statistics And Numerical Methods. And to make preparation strategies to score well in the examinations. Unit-wise detailed syllabus is given below in one place, in the following article MA8452 – Statistics And Numerical Methods. If the information helps you, kindly share it with your classmates.

Aim Of Concept:

  • This course aims at providing the necessary basic concepts of a few statistical and numerical methods and give procedures for solving numerically different kinds of problems occurring in engineering and technology.
  • To acquaint the knowledge of testing of hypothesis for small and large samples which plays an important role in real life problems.
  • To introduce the basic concepts of solving algebraic and transcendental equations.
  • To introduce the numerical techniques of interpolation in various intervals and numerical techniques of differentiation and integration which plays an important role in engineering and technology disciplines.
  • To acquaint the knowledge of various techniques and methods of solving ordinary differential equations.

MA8452 – Statistics And Numerical Methods Syllabus

Unit I: Testing Of Hypothesis

Sampling distributions – Estimation of parameters – Statistical hypothesis – Large sample tests based on Normal distribution for single mean and difference of means -Tests based on t, Chi-square, and F distributions for mean, variance, and proportion – Contingency table (test for independent) – Goodness of fit.

Unit II: Design Of Experiments

One way and two way classifications – Completely randomized design – Randomized block design – Latin square design – 22 factorial design.

Unit III: Solution Of Equations And Eigenvalue Problems

Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations – Fixed point iteration method – Newton Raphson method – Solution of linear system of equations – Gauss elimination method – Pivoting – Gauss Jordan method – Iterative methods of Gauss Jacobi and Gauss Seidel – Eigenvalues of a matrix by Power method and Jacobi’s method for symmetric matrices.

MA8452 – Statistics And Numerical Methods Syllabus R-2017

Unit IV: Interpolation, Numerical Differentiation And Numerical Integration

Lagrange’s and Newton’s divided difference interpolations – Newton’s forward and difference interpolation – Approximation of derivates using interpolation polynomials – single and double integrations using Trapezoidal and Simpson’s 1/3 rules.

Unit V: Numerical Solution Of Ordinary Differential Equations

Single step methods: Taylor’s series method – Euler’s method – Modified Euler’s method – Fourth order Runge – Kutta method for solving first order equations – Multi step methods: Milne’s and Adams – Bash forth predictor corrector methods for solving first order equations.

Text Books:

  1. Grewal. B.S. and Grewal. J.S., “Numerical Methods in Engineering and Science “, 10th Edition, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2015.
  2. Johnson, R.A., Miller, I and Freund J., “Miller and Freund’s Probability and Statistics for Engineers”, Pearson Education, Asia, 8th Edition, 2015.


  1. Burden, R.L and Faires, J.D, “Numerical Analysis”, 9th Edition, Cengage Learning, 2016.
  2. Devore. J.L., “Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences”, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 8th Edition, 2014.
  3. Gerald. C.F. and Wheatley. P.O. “Applied Numerical Analysis” Pearson Education, Asia, New Delhi, 2006.
  4. Spiegel. M.R., Schiller. J. and Srinivasan. R.A., “Schaum’s Outlines on Probability and Statistics “, Tata McGraw Hill Edition, 2004.
  5. Walpole. R.E., Myers. R.H., Myers. S.L. and Ye. K., “Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists”, 8th Edition, Pearson Education, Asia, 2007.

If you want to know more about the syllabus of B.E Mechanical Engineering connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree programme. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.E Mechanical Engineering Syllabus Anna University Regulation 2017. If you want to check the syllabus of other branches provided by Anna University, Anna University syllabus Regulation 2017 will assist you in a clear path. Hope you find the required details.

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