Essay on Holidays | Holidays Essay for Students and Children in English
Essay on Holidays: Holidays are the most important part of not only children’s lives but also adult’s lives. As adults, we work from Monday to Friday with our monotonous 9 to 5 schedule in a hope that we shall be able to party in the weekend holidays. If we actually think about it, there is not much difference between robots and corporate employees. We spend half of our lives in the hope that we will enjoy the holidays. We spend 80 percent of our lives struggling so that we can relax in the remaining measly 20 percent? Sounds sad. In this particular essay on holidays, we shall be talking about the importance of holidays in our lives and how to change our lives so that we don’t depend on holidays to come in order to be happy in life.
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Long and Short Essays on Holidays for students and Kids in English
If you are searching for well-written Essay on Holidays then we have provided a 600-word long essay on holidays with good content. We have also provided a short 200-word Essay on Holidays in English. Both these essays can be used by students of class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10
Long Essay on Holidays 600 Words in English
Holidays Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.
Holidays are a part and parcel of life. Whether it’s a student, a small kid or a full-grown mature adult, everyone loves holidays. It is during holidays that we will get enough time to spend with our families and loved ones. It is during holidays that we can work on the things that we love and always dream of. We can work on our hobbies and dreams during holidays because during work or school time, we shall be completely preoccupied with the work that we might actually not like, but do it to earn our living.
Lucky are those whose holidays and work are not much different. Instead of waiting for 5 days a week so that we enjoy the 2 days in the weekend or wait for 3 months to wait for Diwali holidays or Christmas holidays, we have to build such a life where we need no vacation from. Perfect lives are those whose work and professional life itself feels like a vacation.
Students lives are more or less similar. Children are most excited to come out of school than go in. As children, we remember getting excited for the Christmas holidays or a 2 months summer holidays. This speaks volumes about our education system. If students are not interested to study in a school environment, it is high time education experts change the way teaching is imparted. Our entire education system needs immediate revamp so that children love to study and not forced to study. The education system should be designed in such a way that students don’t miss out on a single class. But it is easier said than done. Education systems in Finland and South Korea have nearly achieved that feat. It requires visionary leadership and policies in India to make that dream come true.
But not every time that the holidays are all hunky-dory. Each and every one of us have experienced this during the coronavirus holidays when India was under a complete Lockdown for more than 2 months due to the spread of COVID 19 pandemic. Most of us, irrespective of what age and occupation we had, were sick of holidays and sitting at home. While holidays that come our way once in while gives us time to reflect upon ourselves and take a break from the monotony of life, if the holidays are indefinite, then it will start taking a toll on our mental health as well as our physical health. As the saying goes, an idle mind is a devil’s workshop, if people are locked up in a house for a long time, our cognitive abilities will start shrinking and our children are especially vulnerable to these negative effects.
I would like to conclude by saying that holidays are important for us to relax and spend some quality time with our selves and with our families and loved ones. But building a life where we are not prisoners to holidays is also important. Build a life where every day of your life feels like a vacation. That kind of life is a truly happy and content life. And at the same time, indefinite holidays will have an opposite impact which means instead of feeling relaxed, our anxiety and restlessness will increase.
Short Essay on Holidays 200 Words in English
Holidays Essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Holidays are the time that each and every one of us wait eagerly so that we can go on a trip to our dream destination or spend some quality time with our families and loved ones or just spend some time alone in solitude to introspect of life. Irrespective of what the reason is, holidays are undoubtedly the best thing about our lives.
India is a secular country with many religions celebrating their festivities, has plenty of holidays in a year. Governments declare there own holidays other than the corporate holidays that companies and education institutes declare. Some of the major religious holidays in India are Deepawali holidays, Christmas holidays, Pongal holidays and Ganesha Chaturthi holidays. Other than religious festivals, India celebrates holidays to commemorate the birth and death anniversaries of its leaders such as Gandhi Jayanti, Children’s Day celebrated on Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s birthday and many more.
Without holidays, the efficiency and the interest to work and to learn will be reduced. In countries like Japan, to improve the work efficiency, companies ask employees to work only four days a week, unlike India where working in offices and studying in schools has 6 days working routine. Holidays are just get away from the daily work routine and holidays, it becomes forced and indefinite like the coronavirus holidays can have negative impacts on people and society at large.
10 Lines on Essay on Holidays in English
- Holidays are the most important part of our lives.
- Holidays are the perfect time to spend some quality time with our loved ones.
- It is during the holidays that we get enough time to work on our dreams and hobbies.
- Both children and adults look forward to holidays after rigorous work and study at offices and schools.
- Few major holidays in India are Christmas holidays, Diwali holidays, Ramzan holidays and Pongal holidays.
- There various types of holidays such as religious holidays, commemorative holidays, corporate holidays or government holidays.
- Saturday and Sundays are usually declared as holidays in most of the countries around the world.
- We have to build our lives in such a way that we don’t need holidays to get away from work.
- Not everyone can spend holidays with their loved one because of work. Essential workforce such as doctors or nurser or soldiers are few people who will have to work even during holidays.
- Coronavirus holidays have taught us the importance of taking a break from the everyday monotony of life.
FAQ’s on Holidays Essay
Question 1.
How many national public holidays are there in India in a year?
There are 3 national holidays, namely independence day on August 15th, Republic day on January 26th and Gandhi Jayanti on 2nd of October.
Question 2.
Why are holidays important?
Holidays are important for us to rejuvenate and relax with our families and loved ones.
Question 3.
Which are the major religious holidays in India?
Ramzaan, Christmas and Diwali are the major religious holidays in India.
Question 4.
Which is the most celebrated holiday in the world?
New-year on the 1st of January is considered to be the most celebrated holiday in the world.F
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