- HS8151 – Communicative English Syllabus.
- MA8151 – Engineering Mathematics -1 Syllabus.
- CY8151 – Engineering Chemistry Syllabus.
- PH8151 – Engineering Physics Syllabus.
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GE8152 – Engineering Graphics Syllabus Regulation 2017
Code – GE8152, this article about B.E/B.Tech./B.Arch Mechanical Engineering Semester I Engineering Graphics syllabus. Students are requested to make notes or PDFs of the semester in Engineering Graphics for effective preparation from here. It will help you to understand what are the topics in the syllabus.
And to make preparation strategies to score well in the examinations. Unit-wise detailed syllabus is given below in one place, in the following article GE8152 – Engineering Graphics Syllabus. If the information helps you, kindly share it with your classmates.
If you want to know more about the syllabus of B.E Mechanical Engineering connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree programme. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.E Mechanical Engineering Syllabus Anna University Regulation 2017.
Aim Of Concept:
- To develop in students, graphic skills for communication of concepts, ideas, and design of Engineering products.
- T o expose them to existing national standards related to technical drawings.
GE8152 – Engineering Graphics Syllabus
Unit I: Plane Curves And Freehand Sketching
Basic Geometrical constructions and curves used in engineering practices: Conics – Construction of ellipse, parabola and hyperbola by eccentricity method – Construction of cycloid – construction of involutes of square and circle – Drawing of tangents and normal to the above curves.
Visualization concepts and Free Hand sketching: Visualization principles – Representation of Three Dimensional objects – Layout of views – Freehand sketching of multiple views from pictorial views of objects.
Unit II: Projection Of Points, Lines And Plane Surface
Orthographic projection- principles-Principal planes – First angle projection-projection of points. Projection of straight lines (only First angle projections) inclined to both the principal planes – Determination of true lengths and true inclinations by rotating line method and traces Projection of planes (polygonal and circular surfaces) inclined to both the principal planes by rotating object method.
Unit III: Projection Of Solids
Projection of simple solids like prisms, pyramids, cylinder, cone and truncated solids when the axis is inclined to one of the principal planes by rotating object method.
Unit IV: Projection Of Sectioned Solids And Development Of Surfaces
Sectioning of above solids in simple vertical position when the cutting plane is inclined to the one of the principal planes and perpendicular to the other – obtaining true shape of section. Development of lateral surfaces of simple and sectioned solids – Prisms, pyramids cylinders and cones.
Unit V: Isometric And Perspective Projections
Principles of isometric projection – isometric scale – Isometric projections of simple solids and truncated solids – Prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones – combination of two solid objects in simple vertical positions – Perspective projection of simple solids -Prisms, pyramids and cylinders by visual ray method.
Text Books:
- Natrajan K.V., “A text book of Engineering Graphics”, Dhanalakshmi Publishers, Chennai, 2009.
- Venugopal K. and Prabhu Raja V., “Engineering Graphics”, New Age International (P) Limited, 2008.
- Bhatt N.D. and Panchal V.M., “Engineering Drawing”, Charotar Publishing House, 50th Edition, 2010.
- Basant Agarwal and Agarwal C.M., “Engineering Drawing”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2008.
- Gopalakrishna K.R., “Engineering Drawing” (Vol. I&II combined), Subhas Stores, Bangalore, 2007.
- Luzzader, Warren.J. and Duff, John M., “Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing with an introduction to Interactive Computer Graphics for Design and Production, Eastern Economy Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2005.
- N S Parthasarathy and Vela Murali, “Engineering Graphics”, Oxford University, Press, New Delhi, 2015.
Shah M.B., and Rana B.C., “Engineering Drawing”, Pearson, 2nd Edition, 2009.
If you want to check the syllabus of other branches provided by Anna University, Anna University syllabus Regulation 2017 will assist you in a clear path. Hope you find the required details.
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