AE3611- Aircraft Design Project Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

Regulation 2021, Anna University Subject code – AE3611 deals with B.E Aeronautical Engineering 3rd year semester VI Aircraft Design Project Syllabus. To prepare for challenging subjects in the field of Aeronautics need a detailed syllabus and preparation strategies. In this article, we discuss the Aircraft Design Project syllabus.

We intend to provide every topic of the syllabus and content required for academic performance, along with reference books. In this article, AE3611 – Aircraft Design Project Syllabus, you will be guided to get an idea of each topic of the syllabus and you can make your preparation strategy, and notes by filtering difficult topics from the different subjects. Then you can concentrate on the topic where you need to focus more. We included all the topics regarding the Aeronautical syllabus. We hope this information is useful to you. Don’t forget to share it with your friends and classmates.

If you want to know more about the syllabus of B.E Computer Science and Engineering connected to an affiliated institution’s under four-year undergraduate degree programme. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.E Aeronautical Engineering Syllabus Anna University, Regulation 2021.

Aim Of Concept:

  • To make the student work in groups and effectively improve their team work.
  • To understand the Concepts involved in Aerodynamic design, Performance analysis and stability aspects of different types of airplanes
  • To carry out the structural design part of the airplane

AE3611- Aircraft Design Project Syllabus

Aerodynamic Design:

  1. Comparative studies of different types of airplanes and their specifications and performance details with reference to the design work under taken.
  2. Preliminary weight estimation, Selection of design parameters, power plant selection, aerofoil selection, fixing the geometry of Wing, tail, control surfaces Landing gear selection.
  3. Preparation of layout drawing, construction of balance and three view diagrams of the airplane under consideration.
  4. Drag estimation, Performance calculations, Stability analysis and V-n diagram.

Structural Design:

  1. Preliminary design of an aircraft wing – Shrenck’s curve, structural load distribution, shear force, bending moment and torque diagrams
  2. Detailed design of an aircraft wing – Design of spars and stringers, bending stress and shear flow calculations – buckling analysis of wing panels
  3. Preliminary design of an aircraft fuselage – load distribution on an aircraft fuselage
  4. Detailed design of an aircraft fuselage – design of bulkheads and longerons – bending stress and shear flow calculations – buckling analysis of fuselage panels
  5. Design of control surfaces – balancing and maneuvering loads on the tail plane and aileron, rudder loads
  6. Design of wing-root attachment
  7. Landing gear design
  8. Preparation of a detailed design report with CAD drawings

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