AI3711 – Remote Sensing and GIS Laboratory Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University
In this article subject code AI3711 deals with the Remote Sensing and GIS Laboratory Syllabus of Anna University B.Tech Agricultural Engineering syllabus, Regulation 2021. This will help you to understand the academic syllabus well in one place.
We include the unit-wise syllabus in this article AI3711 – Remote Sensing and GIS Laboratory Syllabus, to help the students get a detailed syllabus of this subject. Having a good knowledge of the topics in the syllabus of this subject, helps you to make your effective notes and strategies before someone else does from your fellow friends. This will simplify your process of searching for syllabi. Including the reference books and the required textbooks to read. The following article will help you to guide the syllabus unit-wise. Hoping this information is useful to you. Kindly share it with your classmates.
If you want to know more about the syllabus of B.Tech Agricultural Engineering connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree program. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.Tech Agricultural Engineering Syllabus Anna University, Regulation 2021.
Aim Of Objectives:
To introduce the principles and basic concepts of Remote Sensing and GIS through hands-on training.
- Measurement of relief displacement using parallax bar
- Stereoscopic vision test
- Aerial photo interpretation – visual
- Satellite image interpretation – visual
- Introduction to QGIS
- Geo-referencing of images
- Image enhancement practice
- Supervised classification practice
- Unsupervised classification practice
- Database Management Systems
- Spatial data input and editing – Digitising
- Raster analysis problems – Database query
- GIS applications in DEM and its analysis
- GIS application in watershed analysis
- GIS application in rainfall-runoff modelling
- GIS application in soil erosion modelling
- Lillesand, T.M. and Kiefer, R.W. 2005. “Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation “, II edition. John Wiley & sons.
- Heywood, I., Cornelius. S., Carver. S 2002. An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems. Addison Wesley Longman, New York.
- Floyd F.Sabins. 2005. “Remote Sensing: Principles and Interpretation”, III edition. Freeman and Company New York.
- Jensen, J.R., 2004. “Introductory Digital Image Processing: A Remote Sensing Perspective”. Prentice–Hall. New Jerse.
Related Posts On Semester – VII:
- AI3701 – Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System
- AI3702 – Renewable Energy in Agricultural Engineering
- GE3791 – Human Values and Ethics
- GE3752 – Total Quality Management
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