CH3312 – Technical Analysis Laboratory Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University
Regulation 2021 Anna University Code – CH3312 deals with the semester – III Technical Analysis Laboratory Syllabus of B.E Chemical Engineering. Most of the semester syllabus tries to give both practical and theoretical knowledge to the students. To acquire the proper knowledge regarding the studies to prepare for the examination, need a detailed syllabus right?
This article will assist you in gaining most of the syllabus details. We tried our best to provide the required syllabus info. Chapter-wise syllabus along with reference books written by experts and textbooks added. Hence in this article CH3312 – Technical Analysis Laboratory syllabus, we include all the details regarding the examination. Students can easily get all the data regarding the syllabus on one page. Hope you will understand the syllabus. And All the best for your exams. Don’t forget to share it with your friends.
If you want to know more about the syllabus of B.E Chemical Engineering connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree program. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.E Chemical Engineering Syllabus Anna University Regulation 2021.
Aim Of Objectives:
To learn basic principles involved in estimation and characterization of industrially important materials.
List Of Experiments:
- Soap Analysis
a. Estimation of total fatty acid
b. Estimation of percentage alkali content - Oil Analysis
a. Estimation of free acid
b. Determination of Saponification value
c. Determination of iodine value - Cement Analysis
a. Estimation of Silica content
b. Estimation of mixed oxide content
c. Estimation of calcium oxide content
d. Estimation of calcium oxide by rapid method - Coal Analysis
a. Estimation of Sulphur present in coal
b. Ultimate analysis of coal
c. Proximate analysis of coal - Analysis of Bleaching Powder
a. Estimation of available chlorine - Analysis of Glycerol
Estimation of purity of glycerol - Analysis of fuels
a. Flash point
b. Fire point
c. Cloud point
d. Pour point
e. Aniline point.
Related Posts On Semester – III:
- MA3356 – Differential Equations
- CH3301 – Basic Mechanical Engineering
- CH3302 – Mechanics of Solids
- CH3351 – Chemical Process Calculations
- CH3352 – Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers
- CH3303 – Chemical Process Industries
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