CS3461- Operating Systems Laboratory Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

Anna University, Subject code – CS3461, deals with the B.E Computer Science and Engineering  Semester -IV Operating Systems Laboratory syllabus regulation 2021 relating to affiliated institutions. From here, Students can get assistance in preparing notes to excel in academic performance.

We include every topic of the Operating Systems Laboratory Syllabus, to understand the subject very well. It will help you to improve your idea of syllabus of CS3461-Operating Systems Laboratory Syllabus on your finger tips to go ahead in a clear path of preparation. In this following article Operating Systems Laboratory Syllabus, will help you, Hope you share with your friends.

If you want to know more about the syllabus of B.E Computer Science and Engineering connected to an affiliated institution’s under four-year undergraduate degree programme. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.E Computer Science and Engineering Syllabus Anna University, Regulation 2021.

Aim Of Concept:

  • To install windows operating systems.
  • To understand the basics of Unix command and shell programming.
  • To implement various CPU scheduling algorithms.
  • To implement Deadlock Avoidance and Deadlock Detection Algorithms
  • To implement Page Replacement Algorithms
  • To implement various memory allocation methods.
  • To be familiar with File Organization and File Allocation Strategies.

CS3461- Operating Systems Laboratory Syllabus

List Of Experiments:

  1. Installation of windows operating system
  2. Illustrate UNIX commands and Shell Programming
  3. Process Management using System Calls: Fork, Exit, Getpid, Wait, Close
  4. Write C programs to implement the various CPU Scheduling Algorithms
  5. Illustrate the inter process communication strategy
  6. Implement mutual exclusion by Semaphore
  7. Write C programs to avoid Deadlock using Banker’s Algorithm
  8. Write a C program to Implement Deadlock Detection Algorithm
  9. Write C program to implement Threading
  10. Implement the paging Technique using C program
  11. Write C programs to implement the following Memory Allocation Methods
    a. First Fit b. Worst Fit c. Best Fit
  12. Write C programs to implement the various Page Replacement Algorithms
  13. Write C programs to Implement the various File Organization Techniques
  14. Implement the following File Allocation Strategies using C programs
    a. Sequential b. Indexed c. Linked
  15. Write C programs for the implementation of various disk scheduling algorithms
  16. Install any guest operating system like Linux using VMware.

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