EN3501 – Soil Mechanics And Foundation Engineering Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

EN3501 subject code deals with the Soil Mechanics And Foundation Engineering syllabus of B.E Environmental Engineering. In the second year, it is included in the semester V. This subject deals with the statistics and probability concepts to explore. In this article, we include textbooks and references to guide you to some more extent.

We aim to provide a detailed syllabus of EN3501 Soil Mechanics And Foundation Engineering. You can find unit-wise concepts and can easily make your preparations for examinations. It wouldn’t be difficult to find all the requirements in one place for the subject syllabus. This motto makes us provide this information to make it easy for you. Hope this information is useful. Don’t regret to share it with your classmates.

If you want to know more about the syllabus of other branches including B.E Environmental Engineering connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree programme. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.E Environmental Engineering Syllabus Anna University, Regulation 2021.

Aim Of Concept:

  • To understand the basic properties and strength nature of various soils and their settlement behavior in foundations.

EN3501 – Soil Mechanics And Foundation Engineering Syllabus

Unit I: Soil Properties And Compaction Of Soil

Nature of Soil-Problems with soil-phase relation–particle size distribution–Atterberg limits classification for engineering purposes-BIS Classification system–Soil compaction-factors affecting compaction– laboratory and field compaction methods and monitoring-Clay Minerology.

Unit II: Soil Moisture– Permeability, Stresses In Soils

Soil water–Various forms–Capillary rise–Suction-Effective stress concepts in soil–Total, neutral land effective stress distribution in soil –Permeability –Darcy”s Law-Permeability measurement in the laboratory–quick sand condition-Stress distribution in soil media –Boussinesq”s formula– stress due to line load, Circular and rectangular loaded area–approximate methods- Use of influence charts–Westergaard equation for point load.

Unit III: Shear Strength And Slope Stability

Shear strength of cohesive and cohesionless soil–Mohr, Coulomb failure theory–Measurement of shear strength-direct shear, Triaxial compression, UCC, and Vanesheartests–Types of shear tests based on drainage and their applicability, Drained and undrained behavior of clay and sand. Slope failure mechanisms- modes- infinite slopes- finite slopes–Total and effective stress analysis-Stability analysis for purely cohesive soils-Method of slices–Modified Bishop’s method-Friction circle method-stability number.

Unit IV: Soil Exploration

Scope and objectives–Methods of exploration-averaging and boring–Wash boring and rotary drilling–Depth of boring–Spacingof borehole-Sampling–Representative and undisturbed sampling–sampling techniques– Split spoon sampler, Thin tube sampler, Stationary piston sampler–Bore log report–Penetration tests (SPT and SCPT)–Data interpretation(Strength parameters and Liquefaction potential).

EN3501 - Soil Mechanics And Foundation Engineering Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

Unit V: Foundation– Bearing Capacity And Settlement

Introduction–Location and depth of foundation–Selection of foundation based on soil condition codal provisions–bearing capacity of shallow foundation on homogeneous deposits–Terzaghi”s formula and BIS formula–factors affecting bearing capacity–problems Capacity from in-situ tests(SPT, SCPT, and plate load)–Allowable bearing pressure, Settlement–Components of settlement–Determination of settlement of foundations on granular and clay depositsAllowable settlements–Codal provision–Methods of minimizing settlement, differential settlement.


  1. Punmia. B.C, Soil Mechanics and Foundations, Laxmi Publications Pvt . Ltd, NewDelhi, 1995.
  2. Murthy, V.N.S, “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, UBS Publishers Distribution Ltd, NewDelhi, 1999.
  3. PurushothamaRaj.P., “SoilMechanicsandFoundationEngineering”,2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2013


  1. Coduto, D.P, Geotechnical Engineering Principles and Practices, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, NewDelhi,2002.
  2. McCarthy D.F, Essentials of Soil Mechanics and Foundations Basic Geo techniques, SixthEdition, Prentice-Hall, NewJersey,2002.
  3. Bowles J.E, “Foundation analysis and design”, McGraw-Hill,1996.

Must Read:
Anna University Syllabus 2021

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