AU3601 – Automotive Pollution And Control Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

Subject code AU3601 deals with the semester VI Anna University Regulation 2021, Automotive Pollution And Control Syllabus. In this article, we discuss the AU3601 – Automotive Pollution And Control Syllabus.

We would like to provide the syllabus to perform well in academics. Anna University Offers the B.E Automobile Engineering Syllabus including the sixth semester containing the AU3601 – Automotive Pollution And Control Syllabus. We add every concept to the sixth-semester syllabus. You can get the proper information regarding the syllabus of the subject, it will assist you to excel in the academic examinations. You can also refer to our textbooks and references for more inclusive on the subject. Hope this information is useful. Don’t forget to share it with your classmates.

If you want to know more about the syllabus of B.E Automobile Engineering Syllabus connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree program. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.E Automobile Engineering Syllabus Anna University Regulation 2021.

Aim Of Concept:

The objective of this course is to prepare the students to have knowledge on the harmful effects of major pollutants of IC engines, emission standards, various pollution measurement devices and control techniques

AU3601 – Automotive Pollution And Control Syllabus

Unit I: Emission From Automobiles

Sources of Pollution. Various emissions from Automobiles — Formation — Effects of pollutants on environment human beings. Emission control techniques – Emission standards – National and international.

Unit II: Emission From Spark Ignition Engine And Its Control

Emission formation in SI Engines- Carbon monoxide- Unburned hydrocarbon, NOx, Smoke — Effects of design and operating variables on emission formation – controlling of pollutants -Catalytic converters — Charcoal Canister — Positive Crank case ventilation system, Secondary air injection, thermal reactor, Laser Assisted Combustion.

Unit III: Emission From Compression Ignition Engine And Its Control

Formation of White, Blue, and Black Smokes, NOx, soot, sulphur particulate and Intermediate Compounds – Physical and Chemical delay — Significance Effect of Operating variables on Emission formation — Fumigation, EGR, HCCI, Particulate Traps, SCR — Cetane number Effect.

Unit IV: Noise Pollution From Automobiles

Sources of Noise — Engine Noise, Transmission Noise, vehicle structural Noise, aerodynamics noise, Exhaust Noise. Noise reduction in Automobiles — Encapsulation technique for noise reduction — Silencer Design.

Unit V: Test Procedures And Emission Measurements

Constant Volume Sampling I and 3 (CVSI & CVS3) Systems- Sampling Procedures — Chassis dyno – Seven mode and thirteen mode cycles for Emission Sampling — Sampling problems — world harmonized driving cycles – Emission analysers —NDIR, FID, Chemiluminesecent, Smoke meters, Dilution Tunnel, SHED Test, Sound level meters. Particle counter

AU3601 - Automotive Pollution And Control Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

Text Books:

  1. B.P Pundir, Engine Emissions, Narosa publications 2nd edition 2017
  2. D.J. Patterson and N.A.Henin, ‘Emission from Combustion Engine and their control’, Anna Arbor Science Publication,1985.
  3. G.P.Springer and D.J.Patterson, Engine Emissions, Pollutant formation, Plenum Press, New York, 1986.


  1. A. Alexander, J.P.Barde, C.lomure and F.J. Langdan, ‘Road traffic noise’, Applied science publisher ltd., London,1987.
  2. Crouse and Anglin, ‘Automotive Emission Control’, McGraw Hill company., Newyork 1993.
  3. C. Duerson, ‘Noise Abatment’, Butterworths ltd., London1990.
  4. V. Ganesan, ‘Internal combustion Engines’, Tata McGraw Hill Book Co, Eighth Reprint,2005.
  5. L.Lberanek, ‘Noise Reduction’, Mcgrawhill Company., New york 1993.

Must Read For More:

Anna University Syllabus 2021

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