BI3601 – Chemical Reaction Engineering Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

Subject code BI3601 deals with the semester VI subject syllabus from Anna University 2021 relevant to affiliated institutions. In this article, we would like to introduce the syllabus of the BI3601 – Chemical Reaction Engineering in B.Tech Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering.

We like to provide the BI3601 – Chemical Reaction Engineering syllabus for students to perform well academically. This article will assist the students in getting the required syllabus for each unit with different concepts. We include expert textbooks and references for students to avoid confusion when reading books. The following links will help you to select the subject you want to read. Hope this information is useful. Don’t forget to share this information with your friends.

If you want to know more about the syllabus of B.Tech Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering Syllabus connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree program. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.Tech Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering Syllabus Anna University Regulation 2021.

Aim Of Concept:

  • To provide knowledge on estimation of kinetic parameter
  • To establish core foundation for the analysis and design of chemical reactors
  • To impart the knowledge of reaction rate

BI3601 – Chemical Reaction Engineering Syllabus

Unit I: Homogeneous Reactions In Ideal Reactors

Overview of Chemical Reaction Engineering; Homogeneous Reactions, The Rate Equation, The reaction rate and reaction mechanisms, Temperature-Dependent and concentration-dependent Term of a Rate Equation.

Unit II: Reaction Mechanism

Searching for a Mechanism- reaction mechanisms and rate laws, reactive intermediate and steady-state approximation in reaction mechanisms, rate limiting step.

Unit III: Interpretation Of Batch Reactor Data

Constant volume batch reactor – integral method of analysis of data, differential method of analysis of data.

Unit IV: Performance Of Reactors

Broad outline of chemical reactors, Performance equations for single batch reactor, ideal CSTR, ideal PFR Application to design, Industrial scale reactors.Single reactions and multiple reactor systems

BI3601 - Chemical Reaction Engineering Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

Unit V: Non-Ideal Flow Reactors

The residence time distribution, State of aggregation of the flowing stream, Earliness of mixing, Experimental methods (Nonchemical) for finding E, conversion in non-ideal flow reactions, reactor performance with non-ideal flow, Tank in series model

Text Books:

  1. Levenspiel, Octave “Chemical Reaction Engineering”, 3rd Edition, John – WileySons, 2006.
  2. Fogler, H. Scott. Essentials of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Pearson Education, 2010.

Reference Books:

  1. Missen, R.W. etal., “Chemical Reaction Engineering and Kinetics”, John – Wiley, 1999.
  2. Davis, Mark E., and Robert J. Davis. Fundamentals of chemical reaction engineering. Courier Corporation, 2013.
  3. Li, Shaofen, Feng Xin, and Lin Li. Reaction engineering. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2017.


  1. Anton Moser, “Bioprocess Technology, Kinetics and Reactors”, Springer Verlag.
  2. James E. Bailey & David F. Ollis, Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals, McGraw Hill.
  3. James M. Lee, Biochemical Engineering, PHI, USA.
  4. Atkinson, Handbook of Bioreactors, Harvey W. Blanch, Douglas S. Clark, Biochemical Engineering, Marcel Decker Inc.
  5. Harvey W. Blanch, Douglas S. Clark, Biochemical Engineering, Marcel Dekker, Inc

Must Read For More:

Anna University Syllabus 2021

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