FD3412 – Unit Operations Laboratory Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

FD3412 Subject code belongs to the Anna University, B.Tech Food Technology Semester IV syllabus. In this article, we discuss the syllabus of the Unit Operations Laboratory subject. We hope it helps the students prepare for the academic exams.

The following article, FD3412 – Unit Operations Laboratory Syllabus assists the students in thorough preparation for theory examinations. We include the detailed syllabus along with the expertise referred textbooks and references. Students can easily get information regarding the unit operations laboratory syllabus, we add every concept to each unit. You can follow the information and prepare well if you have any doubts regarding the syllabus of this subject. You can comment below. Aplustopper.com will be available as soon as possible. Hope this information is useful. Don’t forget to share this information with your classmates.

If you want to know more about the syllabus of B.Tech Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering Syllabus connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree program. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link  B.Tech Food Technology Syllabus Anna University, Regulation 2021.

Aim of Objectives:

  • To develop knowledge in handling basic operation equipment’s.

List Of Experiments:

  1. Flow measurement a) Orifice meter b) Venturimeter, c) Rotameter.
  2. Determination of economy and thermal efficiency of rotary flash evaporator.
  3. Solving problems on single and multiple-effect evaporators.
  4. Determination of separation efficiency of centrifugal separator.
  5. Determination of collection efficiency in cyclone separator.
  6. Determination of efficiency of liquid solid separation by filtration.
  7. Determination of absorption efficiency in a packing tower.
  8. Determination of porosity, coefficient of friction and angle of repose of grains.
  9. Determination of particle size of granular foods by sieve analysis.
  10. Determination of performance characteristics in size reduction using the burr mill.
  11. Determination of energy requirement in size reduction using the ball mill and hammer mill.
  12. Performance evaluation of pin mill and hammer mill.
  13. Performance evaluation of a steam distillation process.
  14. Visit to a solvent extraction, sugar industry.

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