MF3511 – Plastics Engineering Laboratory Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University
This article code MF3511 explains the subject syllabus of Anna University B.E Manufacturing Engineering fifth semester. We aim to provide the plastics engineering laboratory syllabus based on regulation 2021.
We intend to give helpful information regarding the syllabus Of Anna University B.E Manufacturing Engineering students. Subject code MF3511 – Plastics Engineering Laboratory syllabus assists the students in getting unit-wise info without leaving a topic from the syllabus. We included the required textbooks and references. The following image we added in this article will help you just by reading you will be able to get the whole syllabus of this subject. Hope you find this information useful. Never forget to share with your friends if you like this information. Comment below if you have any doubts regarding the syllabus of the subject.
If you want to know more about the syllabus of B.E. Manufacturing Engineering connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree program. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.E. Manufacturing Engineering Syllabus Anna University Regulation 2021.
Aim Of Objectives:
To practice the students in different types of moulding machines.
To train the student to identify plastics by different methods.
To train the students on testing of plastic materials.
To understand the mechanical and electrical properties of plastics.
To familiarize with various testing standards.
List Of Experiments:
- Hand-operated Injection Moulding Machine – Types, Specifications, Working principles, freehand sketches, Moulds, operations and troubleshooting.
- Automatic Injection Moulding M/cs – Types, Specifications, Working principles, freehand sketches, Moulds, operations and troubleshooting.
- Extruders – Types, Specifications, Working principles, free hand sketches, Dies, operations and troubleshooting.
- Hand Blow Moulding M/cs -Types, Specifications, Working principles, freehand sketches, Moulds, operations and troubleshooting.
- Semi-Automatic Blow Moulding M/cs -Types, Specifications, Working principles, freehand sketches, Moulds, operations and troubleshooting.
- Compression moulding M/c -Types, Specifications, Working principles, free hand sketches, Moulds, operations and troubleshooting.
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