ML3403 – Mechanical Behaviour of Materials Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University
Mechanical Behaviour of Materials is the subject of semester IV of Anna University B.E Material Science And Engineering Syllabus. In this article, we are glad to provide the syllabus of the mechanical behaviour of materials part of Semester IV Subjects in the first-year course.
We intend to provide the subject code ML3403 – Mechanical Behaviour of Materials syllabus based on regulation 2021 by Anna University. You can get an idea of the topics in the syllabus of the mechanical behaviour of materials. We hope that the absolute idea on the syllabus will assist the students in avoiding confusion of revision according to weightage. We also include required textbooks and references. If you require anything regarding the syllabus you can comment in the below section. Hope you like this information. Don’t forget to share.
If you want to know more about the syllabus of B.E. Material Science And Engineering connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree program. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.E. Material Science And Engineering Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University.
Aim Of Objectives:
The main learning objective of this course is to prepare students for:
- Having an overview of elastic and plastic behaviour of materials
- Getting enlightened with the different strengthening mechanisms.
- Obtaining an insight into the types of fracture and mechanics of fracture.
- Interpreting the fatigue behaviour of materials.
- Having an insight on the high-temperature behaviour of materials.
ML3403 – Mechanical Behaviour of Materials Syllabus
Unit – I: Elastic And Plastic Behaviour
Elastic behaviour of materials – Hooke’s law, plastic behaviour: dislocation theory, Types of dislocations Burger’s vectors and dislocation loops, dislocations in the FCC, HCP and BCC lattice, stress fields and energies of dislocations, forces on and between dislocations, dislocation climb, intersections of dislocations, Jogs, dislocation sources, multiplication of dislocations, dislocation pile-ups, Slip and twinning. Methods of observing dislocations.
Unit – II: Strengthening Mechanisms
Elementary discussion of cold working, grain boundary strengthening. Solid solution strengthening, Martensitic strengthening, Precipitation strengthening, Particulate Strengthening, Dispersion strengthening, Fibre strengthening, Yield point phenomenon, strain aging and dynamic strain aging.
Unit – III: Fracture And Fracture Mechanics
Types of fracture, Basic mechanisms of ductile and brittle fracture, Griffith’s theory of brittle fracture, Orowan’s modification. Izod and Charpy Impacts tests, Ductile to Brittle Transition Temperature (DBTT), Factors affecting DBTT, Determination of DBTT. Fracture mechanics-Introduction, Modes of fracture, Stress intensity factor, Fracture toughness and Determination of KIC.
Unit – IV: Fatigue Behaviour And Testing
Fatigue: Stress cycles, S-N curves, Effect of mean stress, Factors affecting Fatigue, Structural changes accompanying fatigue, Cumulative damage- Miner law, HCF / LCF, creep-fatigue interactions, micro mechanisms of fatigue crack initiation and growth, fatigue testing machines- Pari’s Equation, Residual life prediction under Fatigue. Macro, Microstructural features of fatigue fracture.
Unit – V: Creep Behaviour And Testing
Creep curve, Stages in creep curve and explanation, Structural changes during creep, Creep mechanisms, Metallurgical factors affecting creep, High-temperature alloys, Stress rupture testing, Creep testing machines, creep life prediction-Omega (Damage rate) method, Larson-Miller (parametric) method. Deformation Mechanism Maps according to Frost/Ashby, Superplasticity.
Text Books:
- Dieter, G. E., “Mechanical Metallurgy”, McGraw-Hill Co., SI Edition, 1995.
- Thomas H. Courtney, “ Mechanical Behaviour of Materials”, Waveland Press, 2nd edition, 2005.
- Bhargava A K & Sharma C P, “Mechanical behaviour and Testing of materials” PHI learning 2011.
- Norman E Dowling, “Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, Pearson 2013.
- Prashant Kumar, “Elements of Fracture Mechanics”, McGraw-Hill, 2009.
- Shetty M N, Dislocations and mechanical behaviour of materials”, PHI learning 2013.
- William Hosford., “Mechanical behaviour of Materials”, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Related Posts Of Semester – IV:
- ML3401 – Characterisation of Materials
- ML3402 – Iron and Steel Making
- CE3391 – Fluid Mechanics and Machinery
- GE3451 – Environmental Sciences and Sustainability
Must Read:
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