ML3411 – Materials Characterization Laboratory Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

Materials Characterization Laboratory is the subject of semester IV of Anna University B.E Material Science And Engineering Syllabus. In this article, we are glad to provide the syllabus of the materials characterization laboratory part of Semester IV Subjects in the first-year course.

We intend to provide the subject code ML3411 – Materials Characterization Laboratory syllabus based on regulation 2021 by Anna University. You can get an idea of the topics in the syllabus of the materials characterization laboratory. We hope that the absolute idea on the syllabus will assist the students in avoiding confusion of revision according to weightage. We also include required textbooks and references. If you require anything regarding the syllabus you can comment in the below section. Hope you like this information. Don’t forget to share.

If you want to know more about the syllabus of B.E. Material Science And Engineering connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree program. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.E. Material Science And Engineering Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University.

Aim Of Objectives:

The main learning objective of this course is to prepare the students for:

  • Gaining practical experience on handling sophisticated instruments.
  • Obtaining hands-on-practice for sample preparation.
  • Experiencing the procedure involved in the instrumentation methods.
  • Calibrating and standardizing the sensitive instruments.
  • Using the spectrometers, electron microscopes and thermal analysers for analysing the specimens.

List Of Experiments:

  1. Verification of Beer Lambert’s law using Absorption Spectrophotometer.
  2. Determination of concentration of metal ions using UV Visible spectrophotometer.
  3. Determination of thermal coefficient using dilatometer.
  4. Determination of conductivity using conductivity meter.
  5. Identification of organic compounds using IR spectroscopy.
  6. Quantitative analysis using column chromatography.
  7. Qualitative identification of species using TLC.
  8. Thermal degradation analysis using TGA
  9. Thermal transition analysis using DSC.
  10. Analysis of electron microscopic images.

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