MV3412 – Heat Engines, Boiler Chemistry And Refrigeration Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

Heat Engines, Boiler Chemistry And Refrigeration is a dynamic subject that continuously shifts from one perspective to another. However, the technicality is the same even if the theories and perspectives vary. Hence to gain knowledge in this subject you must be equipped with more vicious on the syllabus.

In this article, we tried to provide the required syllabus of the MV3412 Heat Engines, Boiler Chemistry And Refrigeration subject to gain command of the subject matter. By the end of the course, you will be trained and guided with useful knowledge regarding technical english, which plays a major role in understanding the core of this B.E Marine Engineering semester IV related to Affiliated institutions awarded by Anna University course. Hope this information is useful. Kindly share it with your friends. Comment below if you have queries regarding the syllabus.

If you want to know more about the syllabus of B.E. Marine Engineering connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree program. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.E. Marine Engineering Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University.

Aim Of Concept:

To develop skill of the students on

  • Demonstration ability to carry out the different tests on heat engines.
  • Carrying out the Performance and Characteristics of heat engines.
  • Performance tests on boiler feed water, oils, fuels and lubricants based on the test results
  • Operation and Maintenance of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.

MV3412 – Heat Engines, Boiler Chemistry And Refrigeration Syllabus

Heat Engines Lab

List Of Experiments

  1. Flue gas analysis by Orsat apparatus.
  2. Study and performance characteristics of steam turbine.
  3. Dryness fraction of steam using calorimeters.
  4. Performance characteristics of a constant speed air blower.
  5. Verification of fan laws and static efficiency of air blower.
  6. Test on Reciprocating compressor.
  7. C.O.P. of a Refrigeration plant.
  8. Performance test on A/C plant.
  9. Testing of fuels – calorific value, proximate analysis
  10. Testing of fuels – Ultimate analysis, octane number, cetane number.
  11. Testing of lubricants – flash point, fire point, pour point.
  12. Testing of lubricants- Viscosity index, corrosion stability, carbon residue.
  13. Testing of lubricants – Mechanical stability, ash content.
  14. Wind Tunnel – Drag and lift measurements.
  15. Performance test on IC Engine as per BIS specifications.Boiler Chemistry Lab
  16. To determine hardness content of the sample of boiler water in P.P.M. in terms of CaCO3.
  17. To determine Chloride Content of the sample of water in P.P.M. in terms of CaCO3.
  18. To determine Alkalinity due to Phenolphthaline, total Alk. and Caustic Alk. Of the sample of water (in P.P.M).
  19. To determine Phosphate Content of the sample of water.
  20. To determine dissolved Oxygen content of the sample of water.
  21. To determine sulphate content of given sample of water.
  22. To determine Ph-value of the given sample of water.
  23. Boiler trial.
  24. Water Testing – Dissolved oxygen, total-dissolved solids, turbidity.
  25. Water Analysis (Fresh and sea water)- Chloride, sulphate, hardness.
  26. Sludges and scale deposit – Silica, volatile and non-volatile suspended matter.Refrigeration Laboratory
  27. Watch keeping: Parameters to be monitored during running of refrigeration unit.
  28. Various cut-outs, viz, pressure, temperature
  29. Determination of actual COP, theoretical COP, and Carnot COP.


  1. Laboratory Manuals
  2. Skelly. J.D, “Water Treatment”, Marine Engineering Practice, Vol-2 Part-14, IMarEST, London, 2004
  3. Mathur, M.L., Sharma, R.P., “Internal Combustion Engines”, 7th Ed. Dhanpat rai Publications, REPRINT 2002
  4. Willard W. Pulkrabek, “Engineering Fundamentals of the Internal Combustion Engines”, 1st Ed., PHI Learnings Pvt. Ltd., 2011
  5. Flanagan,G.T.H, ‘Marine Boilers”, 1st Ed. ,Elsevier, 1990

Must Read For More:

Anna University Syllabus 2021

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