MV3611 – Fire Fighting, Controls And Simulator Laboratory Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

Fire Fighting, Controls And Simulator Laboratory is a dynamic subject that continuously shifts from one perspective to another. However, the technicality is the same even if the theories and perspectives vary. Hence to gain knowledge in this subject you must be equipped with more vicious on the syllabus.

In this article, we tried to provide the required syllabus of the MV3611 Fire Fighting, Controls And Simulator Laboratory subject to gain command of the subject matter. By the end of the course, you will be trained and guided with useful knowledge regarding technical english, which plays a major role in understanding the core of this B.E Marine Engineering semester VI related to Affiliated institutions awarded by Anna University course. Hope this information is useful. Kindly share it with your friends. Comment below if you have queries regarding the syllabus.

If you want to know more about the syllabus of B.E. Marine Engineering connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree program. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.E. Marine Engineering Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University.

Aim Of Concept:

  • To impart Practical knowledge of fire fighting
  • To understand and practice hydraulic and pneumatic control systems on board ship
  • To train the students in simulator for the operation of Marine Machinery fitted on board ship

MV3611 – Fire Fighting, Controls And Simulator Laboratory Syllabus

Marine Engineering Fire Fighting Laboratory

List Of Experiments

  1. Fire hazard aboard ships – inflammability, fire extinguishing use. Control of class A, B & C fires.
  2. Fire protection built in ships, extinction systems, and escape means.
  3. System for tankers, statutory requirements for fire fighting systems and equipment’s on different vessels.
  4. Fire fighting equipment: fire pumps, hydrants and hoses, couplings, nozzles and International shore connection, Construction, Operation and merits of different types of portable extinguishers.
  5. Non-portable and fixed fire extinguishers, installation for ships. Properties of chemical used, bulk carbon-di-oxide, and inert gas systems.
  6. Firemen outfit its use and care, maintenance, testing and recharging of appliances, preparation, and fire appliance survey.
  7. Fire Control: Action required and practical techniques adopted for extinguishing fires in accommodation, machinery spaces, boiler rooms, Cargo holds, galley etc.,
  8. Fire fighting in port and dry dock. Procedure for re-entry after putting off fire, rescue operations from affected compartments.
  9. First aid, Fire organisation on ships. Fire signal and muster.
  10. Fire drill.


  1. Laboratory Manual
  2. M.G. Stavitsky, V.I. Vostryakov, M.F.Kortunov, V.I. Martynenko & V.M. Sidoryok., “Fire Fighting Aboard ships Vol. I & Vol. II, Structural Design and Fire Extinguishing System”, 1st Ed. Gulf publishing company, Houston, London, 1983.
  3. Frank Rush Brook, “Fire Aboard”, 3rd Edition, Brown, son & Ferguson Ltd., Glassgow 1988.

Pneumatic And Hydraulic Control Laboratory

  1. Symbols of Hydraulics
  2. Hydraulic Power Pack
  3. Double acting Cylinder Operation 4/3 Direct Control valve
  4. Pilot operated check valve.
  5. Speed control of cylinder with throttle valve.
  6. To study the cracking pressure pilot operated check valve.
  7. Meter-in-Circuit.
  8. Meter – Out-Circuit
  9. Bleed of Circuit
  10. Direct operated relief valve.
  11. Hydraulic motor operation.
  12. Speed variation of hydraulic motor.
  13. Sequence Circuit.
  14. Symbols in Pneumatics.
  15. Single acting cylinder with 3/2 Valve.
  16. Quick exhaust Valve.
  17. Time Delay circuit.
  18. Impulse operation of single acting cylinder
  19. Impulse operation of double acting cylinder
  20. Pressure switch operation pneumatic system
  21. Series connection of electro pneumatic Contacts
  22. Parallel connection of electro pneumatic Contacts


  1. Laboratory manual
  2. Shanmuga Sundram, “Hydraulics and Pneumatics Controls”, S. Chand group, 2010

Simulator Lab. Experiments

  1. Description of basic engine functions and their simulation.
  2. Manual Method of operation of engine from engine room station.
  3. Engine operation from Remote stations – i.e. engine control room and Navigation Bridge.
  4. Safety and interlocks in UMS – ships and effect of malfunction of main engine auxiliaries.
  5. Electronic logic circuits in remote control stations.
  6. Simulation of engine functions in logic circuits.
  7. Study and adjustments of Logic circuits for remote control operation of main engine


  1. Laboratory Manual
  2. Original Equipment (Simulator) Manufacturers manual
  3. Ganesan, V., “Computer Simulation of Compression – Ignition Engine Processes”, 1st Ed., Universities Press, Reprint 2013
  4. Ganesan, V., “Computer Simulation of Spark – Ignition Engine Processes”, 1st Ed., Universities Press, Reprint 2013

Must Read For More:

Anna University Syllabus 2021

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