MV3701 – Ship Operational Management And IMO Requirements Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

Ship Operational Management And IMO Requirements is a dynamic subject that continuously shifts from one perspective to another. However, the technicality is the same even if the theories and perspectives vary. Hence to gain knowledge in this subject you must be equipped with more vicious on the syllabus.

In this article, we tried to provide the required syllabus of the MV3701 Ship Operational Management And IMO Requirements subject to gain command of the subject matter. By the end of the course, you will be trained and guided with useful knowledge regarding technical english, which plays a major role in understanding the core of this B.E Marine Engineering semester VII related to Affiliated institutions awarded by Anna University course. Hope this information is useful. Kindly share it with your friends. Comment below if you have queries regarding the syllabus.

If you want to know more about the syllabus of B.E. Marine Engineering connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree program. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.E. Marine Engineering Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University.

Aim Of Concept:

  • To impart knowledge on shipping company structure and registration procedure of ship
  • To understand commercial shipping practices
  • To familiarize marine insurance principles
  • To understand on statutory regulation
  • To understand and remember STCW convention for seafarer

MV3701 – Ship Operational Management And IMO Requirements Syllabus

Unit I: Structure Of A Shipping Company

Structure of a shipping company and functioning of its various departments, ownership of vessels, registration of ships, flags of convenience, IMO identification number. Maritime Declarations of Health and the requirements of the International Health Regulations.

Unit II: Commercial Shipping Practice

Planning sailing schedules and voyage estimates, liner and tramp shipping services, conference systems, chartering and charter parties, ship’s papers for arrival and departure, port procedures, role of agents, theory of freight rates, bills of lading, , cargo surveys and note of protests, International labour organization (ILO) and Maritime Labour Convention,2006, COLREG 1972

Unit III: Marine Insurance

Underwriting and loss adjusting principles applied to Marine cargo insurance, hull/machinery policy, particular average, general average, P & I Clubs – making claims.

Unit IV: Statutory Regulations

IMO Conventions, legislations, MARPOL acts and conventions, annexes I to VI, SOLAS 1974 and amendments, main objectives, overview of all chapters and articles with an emphasis on ISM and ISPS codes, Maritime security policy, security responsibilities, vessel security assessment, security equipment, threat identification vessel security actions and security administration. Load Lines Convention 1966, Tonnage Convention 1969.
Responsibilities under International Instruments Affecting the Safety of the Ships, Passengers, Crew or Cargo, Ballast Water Management, Classification Societies and Survey of Ship.

MV3701 - Ship Operational Management And IMO Requirements Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

Unit V: STCW

International convention on STCW for seafarers 1978 with 1995 amendments, an overview of all sections, manning of ships, engagement and discharge of ship’s crew, ship’s articles, Merchant shipping act, Role of Maritime administration(DGS) and its functions: DGS Rules and MS Notices Port state control, PSC mandatory certificate checklist, grounds for PSC inspection criteria for detention. Emergency Preparedness, drills and exercises, ERM(engine room resource management)

Text Books:

  1. E.F. Stevens & C.S.J. Butterfield “Shipping Practice” 11th Edition, Sterling Book House, Mumbai, 1999.
  2. John.M.Downard, “Ship Management Series – Managing Ships”, I Edition, Fairplay Publications, Coulsdon, Surrey – 1990.
  3. Capt.Dara E Driver, “Advanced Shipboard Management”, I Edition, Rumar Publications, Mumbai, 1985.


  1. Nilima, M.Chanidiramani, “Carriage of goods by Sea and Multimodal Transport”, 1 st Edition, Saptarang Publication, Mumbai, 1996.
  2. SOLAS – 1974 – International Maritime Organisation Publications
  3. MARPOL – 1973/78 – International Maritime Organisation Publications
  4. STCW -1978/95 – International Maritime Organisation Publications
  5. G.Raghuram, “Shipping Management”, 1st Edition, Vasant J.Sheth Memorial Foundation, Delhi, 1992
  6. Pinto, “Maritime Law”, Bhandarkar Publications, 1998

Must Read For More:

Anna University Syllabus 2021

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