BM3301 – Sensors and Measurements Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

In this article, we are going to discuss the B.E. Biomedical Engineering, semester III, Anna University connected to the regulation 2021 subject syllabus. Let’s see what’s more…

We tried our best to provide the following unit-wise BM3301 – Sensors and Measurements detailed Syllabus. We sum up the appropriate textbooks and references to this page. If you have any doubts regarding the syllabus, you can simply comment below on the following page. Hope this information is useful. Share it with your classmates. Thanks for landing on this page.

If you want to know more about the B.E. Biomedical Engineering Syllabus connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree program. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.E. Biomedical Engineering Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University.

Aim of Concept

  • To understand the purpose of measurement, the methods of measurements, errors associated with measurements.
  • To know the principle of transduction, classifications and the characteristics of different transducers
  • To learn the different bridges for measurement.
  • To know the different display and recording devices.
  • To understand various type of biosensors.

BM3301 – Sensors and Measurements Syllabus

Unit I: Fundamentals Of Measurements

Measurement System – Instrumentation – Classification and Characteristics of Transducers – Static and Dynamic – Errors in Measurements and their statistical analysis- methods of error analysis,- uncertainty analysis-expression of uncertainty: accuracy and precision index, propagation of errors– Calibration – Primary and secondary standards.

Unit II: Displacement, Pressure, Temperature Sensors

Strain Gauge: Gauge factor, sensing elements, configuration, and unbounded strain gage. Capacitive transducer – various arrangements, Inductive transducer, LVDT, Passive types: RTD materials & range, relative resistance vs. temperature characteristics, thermistor characteristics, Active type: Thermocouple – characteristics.

Unit III: Photoelectric And Piezo Electric Sensors

Phototube, scintillation counter, photo multiplier tube (PMT), photovoltaic, photo conductive cells, photo diodes, phototransistor, comparison of photoelectric transducers. Optical displacement sensors and optical encoders. Piezoelectric active transducer- Equivalent circuit and its characteristics.

Unit IV: Signal Conditioning Circuits And Meters

Functions of signal conditioning circuits, Preamplifiers, Concepts of passive filters, Impedance matching circuits, AC and DC Bridges – wheat stone bridge, Kelvin, Maxwell, Hay, Schering, Qmeter, PMMC, MI and dynamometer type instruments – DC potentiometer- Digital voltmeter – Multimeter.

BM3301 – Sensors and Measurements Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

Unit V: Recording Devices And Advanced Sensors

CRO – block diagram, CRT – vertical & horizontal deflection system, DSO, LCD monitor, PMMC writing systems, servo recorders, photographic recorder, magnetic tape recorder, Inkjet recorder, thermal recorder. Biosensors: transduction mechanism in a biosensor and Classification Electronic nose.

Text Books:

  1. A.K.Sawhney, “Electrical & Electronics Measurement and Instrumentation”,10th edition, Dhanpat Rai & Co, New Delhi, 19th Revised edition 2011, Reprint 2014.
  2. John G. Webster, “Medical Instrumentation Application and Design”, 4th edition, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2015
  3. Ernest O Doebelin and Dhanesh N Manik, “Measurement systems, Application and design”, 6th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2012


  1. Khandpur R.S, “Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation”, 3rd edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2014.
  2. Leslie Cromwell, “Biomedical Instrumentation and measurement”, 2nd edition, Prentice hall of India, New Delhi, 2015.
  3. Albert D.Helfrick and William D. Cooper. Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques”, Prentice Hall of India, 1st edition, 2016.

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