BM3401 – Signal Processing Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

In this article, we are going to discuss the B.E. Biomedical Engineering, semester IV, Anna University connected to the regulation 2021 subject syllabus. Let’s see what’s more…

We tried our best to provide the following unit-wise BM3401 – Signal Processing detailed Syllabus. We sum up the appropriate textbooks and references to this page. If you have any doubts regarding the syllabus, you can simply comment below on the following page. Hope this information is useful. Share it with your classmates. Thanks for landing on this page.

If you want to know more about the B.E. Biomedical Engineering Syllabus connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree program. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.E. Biomedical Engineering Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University.

Aim of Concept:

  • To understand about the continuous time and discrete time signals and systems.
  • To learn the analysis of LTI systems using Laplace and Z transform.
  • To represent the signal in frequency domain using FFT.
  • To gain knowledge about the design of IIR and FIR filters.

BM3401 – Signal Processing Syllabus

Unit I: Fundamentals Of Signals And Systems

Classification of systems: Continuous, discrete, linear, causal, stability, dynamic, recursive, time variance; classification of signals: continuous and discrete, energy and power; mathematical representation of signals; spectral density; sampling techniques, quantization, quantization error, Nyquist rate, aliasing effect.

Unit II: Analysis Of LTI Systems

Fourier Series – Fourier Transform and Properties, Analysis of Continuous Time LTI Systems – Z Transform – Properties of ROC– Inverse Z Transform – DTFT – Analysis of Discrete Time LTI Systems

Unit III: Discrete Fourier Transform

DFT and its properties, magnitude and phase representation-Linear Convolution- CorrelationCircular Convolution, Overlap-add and overlap-save methods. FFT – Decimation in Time Algorithm, Decimation in Frequency Algorithm. Use of FFT in Linear Filtering.

Unit IV: Infinite Impulse Response Filters

Analog filters – Butterworth filters, Chebyshev Type I filters (upto 3rd order), Analog Transformation of prototype LPF to BPF /BSF/ HPF. Transformation of analog filters into equivalent digital filters using Impulse invariant method and Bilinear Z transform method Realization structures for IIR filters – direct, cascade and parallel forms.

BM3401 – Signal Processing Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

Unit V: Finite Impulse Response Filters And Multirate Signal Processing

Design of linear phase FIR filters – windowing and Frequency sampling methods. Realization structures for FIR filters – Transversal and Linear phase structures, Comparison of FIR and IIR. Introduction to DSP processors. Introduction to Multirate signal Processing – Decimation and Interpolation.


  1. Construction of signals with different Frequencies.
  2. Analyse the stability of a CT System with various inputs.
  3. Analyse the stability of a DT System with various inputs.
  4. Reconstruct a signal from samples and study the effect of Aliasing.
  5. Spectrum Analysis using FFT
  6. Filter Design & Analysis.
  7. Finite word length effect.
  8. Multirate Signal Processing.
  9. DSP Processor Implementation. (Linear and Convolution, FFT implementation, IIR and FIR filters implementation)

Text Books:

  1. Allan V.Oppenheim, S.Wilsky, and S.H.Nawab, “Signals and Systems”, Pearson, Indian Reprint, 2nd Edition, 2015.
  2. John G Proakis and Manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing Principles, Algorithms and Applications”, Pearson, 4th Edition, 2014.


  1. S. Haykin and B. Van Veen, “Signals and Systems”, Wiley, 2nd Edition, 2007
  2. B. P. Lathi, “Principles of Linear Systems and Signals”, Oxford, 2nd Edition, 2009.
  3. Emmanuel Ifeachor, Barrie Jervis, “Digital Signal Processing- A practical approach”, Pearson, 2nd Edition, 2002.
  4. M. H. Hayes, “Digital Signal Processing, Schaum’s outlines”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, 2011.

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