CME382 – Composite Materials and Mechanics Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

Composite Materials and Mechanics is from Anna University conducting B.E Mechanical Engineering Sandwich containing semester V examination subject. In this article, we are glad to provide the syllabus of the Composite Materials and Mechanics.

We aim to provide the unit-wise syllabus for the students to get help with their preparation for the examination. With the assistance of the syllabus, you can able to learn before everyone else. You will get a good grip on the syllabus to make your preparation strategies. We also add appropriate textbooks and references from the expert faculty regarding the subject code CME382 – Composite Materials and Mechanics Syllabus. Hope this information is useful. Kindly share it with your classmates if you like it.

If you want to know more about the B.E Mechanical Engineering Sandwich syllabus connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree program. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.E Mechanical Engineering Sandwich Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University.

Aim Of Objectives:

  • To study the fundamentals of composite material strength and its mechanical behavior.
  • To study the analysis of fiber-reinforced Laminate design for different combinations of plies with different orientations of the fiber.
  • To study Thermo-mechanical behavior and study of residual stresses in Laminates during processing.
  • To Implementation of Classical Laminate Theory (CLT) to study and analysis for residual stresses in an isotropic layered structure such as electronic chips.
  • To study the fundamentals of composite material strength and its mechanical.

CME382 – Composite Materials and Mechanics Syllabus

Unit – I: Introduction, Lamina Constitutive Equations & Manufacturing

Definition –Need – General Characteristics, Applications. Fibers – Glass, Carbon, Ceramic and Aramid fibers. Matrices – Polymer, Graphite, Ceramic and Metal Matrices – Characteristics of fibers and matrices. Lamina Constitutive Equations: Lamina Assumptions – Macroscopic Viewpoint. Generalized Hooke’s Law. Reduction to Homogeneous Orthotropic Lamina – Isotropic limit case, Orthotropic Stiffness matrix (Qij), Typical Commercial material properties, Rule of Mixtures. Generally Orthotropic Lamina –Transformation Matrix, Transformed Stiffness. Manufacturing: Bag Moulding Compression Moulding – Pultrusion – Filament Winding – Other Manufacturing Processes.

Unit – II: Flat Plate Laminate Constitute Equations

Definition of stress and Moment Resultants. Strain Displacement relations. Basic Assumptions of Laminated anisotropic plates. Laminate Constitutive Equations – Coupling Interactions, Balanced Laminates, Symmetric Laminates, Angle Ply Laminates, Cross Ply Laminates. Laminate Structural Moduli. Evaluation of Lamina Properties from Laminate Tests. Quasi-Isotropic Laminates. Determination of Lamina stresses within Laminates.

CME382 – Composite Materials and Mechanics Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

Unit – III: Lamina Strength Analysis

Introduction – Maximum Stress and Strain Criteria. Von-Misses Yield Criterion for Isotropic Materials. Generalized Hill’s Criterion for Anisotropic Materials. Tsai-Hill’s Failure Criterion for Composites. Tensor Polynomial (Tsai-Wu) Failure criterion. Prediction of laminate Failure.

Unit – IV: Thermal Analysis

Assumption of Constant C.T. E’s. Modification of Hooke’s Law. Modification of Laminate Constitutive Equations. Orthotropic Lamina C.T. E’s. C.T. E’s for special Laminate Configurations – Unidirectional, Off-axis, Symmetric Balanced Laminates, Zero C.T.E laminates, Thermally Quasi-Isotropic Laminates.

Unit – V: Analysis Of Laminated Flat Plates

Equilibrium Equations of Motion. Energy Formulations. Static Bending Analysis. Buckling Analysis. Free Vibrations – Natural Frequencies.

Text Books:

  1. Gibson, R.F., “Principles of Composite Material Mechanics”, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill, CRC press in progress, 1994, -.
  2. Hyer, M.W., “Stress Analysis of Fiber – Reinforced Composite Materials”, McGraw Hill, 1998


  1. Agarwal, B.D., and Broutman L.J., “Analysis and Performance of Fiber Composites”, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1990.
  2. Halpin, J.C., “Primer on Composite Materials, Analysis”, Technomic Publishing Co., 1984.
  3. Issac M. Daniel and Ori Ishai, “Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials”, Oxford University Press-2006, First Indian Edition – 2007.
  4. Mallick, P.K., Fiber,” Reinforced Composites: Materials, Manufacturing and Design”, Maneel Dekker Inc, 1993.
  5. Mallick, P.K. and Newman, S., (edition), “Composite Materials Technology: Processes and Properties”, Hansen Publisher, Munish, 1990.

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