CW3501 – Fundamentals Of Management Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

Fundamentals Of Management subject from Anna University based on regulation 2021. In this article, we would like to discuss the syllabus for semester V of the B.Tech Computer Science and Business Systems.

We are glad to provide the syllabus to the students to assist them during academic examinations. The subject code CW3501 – Fundamentals Of Management unit-wise syllabus will help you to prepare well for examinations. I hope this information is useful. Never forget to share with your classmates.

If you want to know more about the B.Tech Computer Science and Design Engineering Syllabus connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree program. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.Tech Computer Science And Design Engineering Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University.

Aim Of Concept:

  • To familiarize the students the basic concepts of Management
  • To understand the history, evolution and growth of management concepts
  • To learn the applications of different functions of Management
  • To study the different issues handled by modern managers
  • To understand the different challenges faced by modern managers

CW3501 – Fundamentals Of Management Syllabus

Unit I: Introduction To Management

Definition, Nature and Scope, Functions, Managerial Roles, Levels of Management, Managerial Skills, Challenges of Management; Evolution of Management-Classical Approach-Scientific and Administrative Management; The Behavioral approach; The Quantitative approach; The Systems Approach; Contingency Approach, IT Approach.

Unit II: Planning And Decision Making

General Framework for Planning -Planning Process, Types of Plans, Management by Objectives; Development of Business Strategy. Decision making and Problem Solving -Programmed and Non- Programmed Decisions, Steps in Problem Solving and Decision Making; Bounded Rationality and Influences on Decision Making; Group Problem Solving and Decision Making, Creativity and Innovation in Managerial Work.

Unit III: Organization And HRM

Principles of Organization: Organizational Design & Organizational Structures; Departmentalization, Delegation; Empowerment, Centralization, Decentralization, Recentralization; Organizational Culture; Organizational Climate and Organizational Change. Human Resource Management & Business Strategy: Talent Management, Talent Management Models and Strategic Human Resource Planning; Recruitment and Selection; Training and Development; Performance Appraisal.

Unit IV: Leadership And Motivation

Leadership, Power and Authority, Leadership Styles; Behavioral Leadership, Situational Leadership, Leadership Skills, Leader as Mentor and Coach, Leadership during adversity and Crisis; Handling Employee and Customer Complaints, Team Motivation -Types of Motivation; Relationship between Motivation, Performance and Engagement, Content Motivational Theories Needs Hierarchy Theory, Two Factor Theory, Theory X and Theory Y.

CW3501 - Fundamentals Of Management Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

Unit V: Controlling

Control, Types and Strategies for Control, Steps in Control Process, Budgetary and NonBudgetary Controls. Characteristics of Effective Controls, Establishing control systems, Control frequency, and Methods.

Text Book:

  1. Management Fundamentals, Robert N Lussier, 5e, Cengage Learning, 2013.
  2. Fundamentals of Management, Stephen P. Robbins, Pearson Education, 2009.


  1. Essentials of Management, Koontz Kleihrich, Tata McGraw Hill.
  2. Management Essentials, Andrew DuBrin, 9e, Cengage Learning, 2012
  3. Management: Principles, Processes and Practices, Anil Bhat, Arya Kumar –Oxford University Press, 2008

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Anna University Syllabus 2021

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