CY3201 – Physical and Organic Chemistry Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

In this article, we are going to discuss the B.Tech Plastics Technology, semester II, Anna University connected to the regulation 2021 subject syllabus. Let’s see what’s more…

We tried our best to provide the following unit-wise CY3201 – Physical and Organic Chemistry detailed Syllabus. We sum up the appropriate textbooks and references to this page. If you have any doubts regarding the syllabus, you can simply comment below on the following page. Hope this information is useful. Share it with your classmates. Thanks for landing on this page.

If you want to know more about the B.Tech Plastics Technology Syllabus connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree program. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.Tech Plastics Technology Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University.

Aim of Concept:

  • To understand concepts of chemical thermodynamics and partial molar quantities
  • To impart thorough knowledge on rubber and plastics
  • To make the student conversant with adsorption and oxidation process
  • To provide comprehensive information and exposure to synthesis of monomers
  • To learn and understand the structure and reactivity in organic compounds

CY3201 – Physical and Organic Chemistry Syllabus

Unit I: Chemical Thermodynamics

Introduction to thermodynamics – Need for second law of thermodynamics, third law of thermodynamics and its validity – Entropy and probability – Maxwell relations – Gibbs – Helmholtz equation – Van’t Hoff’s equation – Chemical potential – Partial molar quantities, methods of calculation Ideal and non-ideal solutions Thermodynamic criteria of polymer solubility, solubility parameter.

Unit II: Rubber And Plastics

Introduction to rubber – latex – processing latex – mastication – compounding of rubber – vulcanizations of rubber – engineering polymers thermoforming – degradation stability and environment- synthetic rubbers preparation and applications of SBR – butyl rubber – nitrile rubber – neoprene and silicone rubber- plastic materials – classification of plastics (or resins) – moulding constituents of a plastic – fabrication techniques used for thermoplastic resin (moulding process)-important thermoplastic resins- natural resins – celluloses – polyethylene – PVC.

Unit III: Reaction Mechanisms

Free radical substitutions, Electrophilic addition, Aromatic Electrophilic substitutions, Nucleophilic additions, condensation reactions, nucleophilic substitutions in aliphatic compounds, cycloadditions, Rearrangements Beckmann, Curtius, Hofmann, cope and oxy-cope, Fries rearrangement reactions (Mechanism not required).

Unit IV: Monomers In Polymer Technology

Preparation, properties and uses of monomers: ethylene, propylene, isobutylene, butadiene, styrene, methyl methacrylate, diisocyanates, glycols, polyols, epichlorohydrin, Tetrafluoro ethylene, acrylonitrile, vinyl chloride, vinyl acetate, Caprolactam.

CY3201 - Physical and Organic Chemistry Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University

Unit V: Structure And Reactivity In Organic Compounds

Bonding in Organic Compounds: alkane, alkene and alkyne – Structure-property relationships Electronic effects: inductive, mesomeric, electromeric and hyperconjugation. Free radicals, carbocations, carbanions, elementary ideas about stereo chemistry RS-nomenclature and EZnomenclature

Text Books:

  1. Glasstone, S., and D. Lewis, “Elements of Physical Chemistry”, Macmillan, 1995.
  2. Finar I.L., “Textbook of Organic Chemistry”, ELBS, 1996.
  3. Gowariker V.R, Viswanathan N. V, and Jayadev Sreedhar, “Polymer Science”, New Age International (P) Ltd, 2005


  1. Maron and C.F. Pruton, “Physical Chemistry”, Macmillan, 4th Edition, 2017.
  2. Morrison and Boyd, “Organic Chemistry”, Pearson, 2010.
  3. Morawetz H., “Macromolecules in Solution”, R.E. Krieger Publishing Company, 1983.
  4. Mishra Chandra, Plastic and Rubber Technology, CBS Publishers, 2021
  5. Michael B. Smith and Jerry March, “March’s Advanced Organic Chemistry Reactions, Mechanisms And Structure” 6th Edition, Wiley-Interscience A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication, 2007

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