Amigo Brothers Questions and Answers Plus Two English Unit 2 Chapter 2

Kerala Plus Two English Textbook Amigo Brothers Questions and Answers Unit 2 Chapter 2  (Story)

Amigo Brothers Read And Respond

Question 1.
What is special about the friendship between Antonio and Felix?
Antonio Cruz and Felix Vargas were both 17. They were so together in friendship that they felt like brothers. They had known each other from childhood. They grew up in the same building on the Lower East Side of Manhattan.

Question 2.
How did they work to achieve their dream?
They both had a dream – becoming a light-weight champion of the world. Whenever they got a chance they exercised, sometimes at the Boy’s Club and sometimes at the gym. They would run every day morning, wearing sweat shirts and short towels around their necks. They had a collection of Fight magazines. They also kept the torn tickets of all the boxing matches they had gone to see. They also had some clippings of their own.

Question 3.
What was the wall rising between them?
They both had a dream – becoming a light-weight champion of the world. They both practised hard. They were told that they were to meet each other in the division finals scheduled for the 7th of August. That was 2 weeks away. The winner would represent the Boy’s Club in the Golden Gloves Championship Tournament. Th&’flieaftS’ ofriy on* of -them would go to the Tournament. This was the wall rising between them.

Question 4.
Felix decides to go to Aunt Lucy. Why?
Both Felix and Antonio have come to know that they have to fight an elimination bout and only the winner would go to take part in the Golden Gloves Championship Tournament. So farthey have been running together and working out together. Now they have to have a plan of their own to defeat his rival in the bout. So they thought it was better that they separated. That is why Felix decides to go to Aunt Lucy.

Question 5.
Compare the thoughts and feelings of amigo brothers on the eve of their fight
The evening before the big fight, Antonio made his way to the roof of his building. He tried not to think of Felix. He thought he had made up his mind. He would knock out Felix early and quickly so that he does not get hurt by a long fight. Felix decided to watch a movie in an effort to keep Antonio’s face away from his mind and fists. The film was The Champion’, acted by Kirk Douglas. The champion was getting beaten. Felix got a shock. He imagined himself in the ring, blasting Antonio against the ropes.

Question 6.
Both Antonio and Felix wanted to win in the first round. What might be the reason?
Both Antonio and Felix wanted to win in the first round because they both wanted to win, and, at the same time they did not want to hurt each other by extending the fight into three full rounds.

Question 7.
The amigo brothers were popular as boxers. How do you know?
They were popular as boxers. We know that from the fact that large posters about the fight were plastered all over the walls. The fight created great interest in the neighbourhood. Both the boys were liked and respected and each had his own loyal fans.

Question 8.
Do you think that the amigo brothers fought Fiercely in the first and second rounds? What makes you think so?
Yes, I do. The amigo brothers fought fiercely in the first and second rounds. In the first round we see Antonio countering the attack of Felix with three lefts that snapped Felix’s head back, sending a mild shock coursing through him. Again we see Antonio crashing two lefts to Felix’s head which made his right ear ring. In the second round we see neither fighter giving an inch. We see Antonio getting a short right on his chin, turning his legs to jelly. We see Felix grunting like a bull throwing wild punches at Antonio from every direction. So both were trying to win by hitting the other as hard as they could.

Question 9.
Who, do you think, will win in the end?
Both will win. Neither of them fell to the canvas and the referee and the two trainers had to pry Felix and Antonio apart. In fact their friendship won.

Question 10.
The amigo brothers rushed at each other after the final bout. Why? What does this tell us about their relationship?
The amigo brothers rushed at each other afterthe final bout because they were proud of each other. They knew they would always be champions to each other. This tells us that their friendship is very strong and indestructible.

Amigo Brothers Think And Write

Question 1.
There are lots of similarities and differences between Antonio and Felix. List them.
Similarities: They both are young boys of 17. They both are Puerto Ricans. They both want to become a light weight champion of the world. They both work out hard. They both run in the mornings. They both live in the same building on the Lower East side of Manhattan. They love each other very much. Neither of them wants the other to be hurt, although they both want to win.

Differences: Antonio was fair, lean and lanky. Felix was dark, short and husky. Antonio’s hair was always falling over his eyes, while Felix wore his black hair in an Afro style. Felix weigtiecfl 34 pounds, but Antonio weighed 133 pounds.

Question 2.
Antonio and Felix are intimate friends. Do you keep such intimacy with yourfriends? Describe your best friend.
I have some intimate friends. Raj is my best friend. Raj is 18. He is fair, lean and tall. He comes from a rich family, but he is very humble. In the class he is very quiet, but outside he becomes very talkative. He is intelligent and works very hard. He wants to become an engineer, specializing in Computer Science. He likes chicken biriyani very much. He loves cricket and Hindi films. His hero in cricket is Dhoni and Virat Kohli. In films he likes Salman Khan. Among the heroines he likes Karina Kapoor and Deepik Padukone.

Question 3.
What is the main conflict in the story?
The main conflict in the story is that of ambition. Both Antonio and Felix want to be champions. But only one of them can be a champion. So they decide to fight it out. In the end they realize that both are equally determined and equally strong.

Question 4.
The crowd was enthusiastic in the beginning. Why did people get worried in the end?
The crowd was enthusiastic in the beginning. Large posters about the fight were plastered all overthe walls. The fight created great interest in the neighbourhood. Both the boys were liked and respected and each had his own loyal fans. As they gave each other punches the crowd was enthusiastic and loudly cheered them. But in the 3rd round the fight almost became a life and death affair. Both were punching each other so hard that even the referee got worried. They did not stop the fight even when the bell rang repeatedly and this made the people worried.

Question 5.
Nodreams can be realized without effort How far is this true in the case of Antonio and Felix?
No dreams can be realized without effort. This is true in the case of Antonio and Felix. They both continued working hard till the last day of the fight. They even decided to go their separate ways till the fight was over. In the fight also they did not spare the opponent because he was his friend. They tried their best to win. No pain, no gain. There is a saying in English: The finest pearls are found in the deepest part of the ocean. Only those who make genuine efforts can get these pearls.

Amigo Brothers Activity I: (Write-up)

Question 1.
The box given below contains information about Antonio and Felix. Add more points to it

  • Felt themselves to be brothers
  • Slept, ate, rapped and dreamt positive
  • Both were young boys of 17
  • Both were Puerto Ricans
  • Both wanted to become a light weight champion of the world
  • Both worked out hard
  • Both ran in the mornings
  • They lived in the same building on the Lower East side of Manhattan.
  • They love each other very much.
  • They did not want the other to be hurt
  • Both were strong, one weighing 134 pounds and other 133.

Amigo Brothers Activity II (Making Announcements)

Question 2.
The following announcement was made by the announcer before the competition began: “Ladies and Gentlemen, now is the moment we have all been waiting for-the main event between two fine young Puerto Rican fighters… ”

Imagine yourself to be the announcer of the sports day in your school. Write the script of the announcement that you would make for any one event
“Respected teachers, parents, boys and girls, now is the moment we all have been waiting for- the 400 Metres Relay Race. The fourteams are ready at their various spots. Look at their colours-orange, green, yellow and white. The batons are also of the same colour as their dresses. Soon the whistle will go and you will see the fastest runners of the school competing for the prize. Be ready for a breathtaking finish. I can see the referee ready to whistle. Okay… May the best team win!”

Amigo Brothers Activity III (Newspaper report)

Question 3.
Imagine that you are a newspaper reporter and you witness the contest between the amigo brothers ad note down the points which you would like to include in your report.

  • Venue – Tompkins Square Park
  • Time-Afternoon
  • Contestants – Antonio Cruz & Felix Vargas
  • Park begins to fill up even earlier
  • Fighters enter
  • Crowd explodes with a roar
  • Antonio & Felix bow gracefully and raise their arms in acknowledgment
  • The announcement with the respective weights of the contestants
  • Referee giving instructions
  • Ground
  • 2nd round
  • 3rd round
  • Final bell. Fighting does not stop. People get worried.
  • The referee and the trainers separate the contestants
  • The contestant embrace
  • The announcement but the contestants had left, arm in arm, declaring their strong bond of friendship -amigo brothers!

Question 4.
Now prepare a newspaper report to be mailed to your editor.
The fight between Antonio Cruz & Felix Vargas was scheduled to take place in Tompkins Square Park. The time was afternoon. Even before the scheduled fight, the Park begins to fill up because the fighters were much liked by the people around! There was expectation in all the faces to see a very good fight. The fighters enter and the crowd explodes with a roar. Antonio & Felix bow gracefully and raise their arms in acknowledgement to welcome they received from the crowd.

The announcer makes the announcement telling that the contest is between Antonio Cruz and Felix Vargas, two fine Puerto Ricans. Felix Vargas weighs 134 pounds and his rival Antonio Cruz weighs 133 pounds. The winner will represent the Boy’s Club in the tournament of champions, the Golden Gloves. There will be no draw. The Referee now gives instructions telling them it should be a clean fight. In the first round both the contestants do their best to outwit the other. But both are equally strong. In the second round also the same things happen. Punches fly back and forth, but none is floored. Each punch is applauded thunderously by the crowd.

Now comes the third round. Each contestant wants to win. They punch each other very hard. Nobody falls to the canvas. The final bell rings. But the fight continues. The bell rings again and again. But there is no stopping to the fighting. People started getting worried. It looked as if they are witnessing a do or die fight and not a contest. There is utter silence. Then the referee and the trainers separate the contestants.

Now the contestants embrace. They have forgotten they were fighting like bulls up to a moment ago. The announcer makes an announcement. He is trying to name the winner and he looks around. But both Felix and Antonio had left like good old friends, arm in arm, declaring their strong bond of friendship. They proved themselves to be real amigo brothers! May their tribes increase!

Amigo Brothers Activity IV (Debate)

Question 5.
“The announcer turned to point to the winner and found himself alone. Arm in arm, the champions had already left the ring.”
The winner in the boxing competition left without receiving the prize. This is against the rules and regulations of a game. Do you agree to this opinion?

Now use these points to conduct a debate and assess your performance in the format.
My performance:
My fluency:
Relevance of points presented:
Could I establish my points?:
My body language:
The best performer (in my opinion):
His/her merits:
If vou agree. Why? Write down your points below:

  • Going away without receiving the prize is against the rules and regulations.
  • Every competition has rules and regulations. The participants should obey them.
  • If you break the rules, the competitions can’t be done properly.
  • The competitors came to the competition knowing fully well only one could win as it was an elimination contest. Then why go away without taking the prize?
  • If Felix and Antonio loved each other so much they should not have agreed to take part in the competition in public.
  • They both had tried hard to defeat the other. So why doesn’t the winner collect his prize?

If you disagree, write down the reasons:

  • Actually, nobody had won in the contest. The referee and the two trainers had to separate the contestants.
  • Anybody has a right to refuse a prize.
  • By taking the prize before the large crowd the winner must have made the other person sad.
  • They both considered themselves as champions.
  • Taking part in a contest does not force anyone to accept the prize.
  • Their friendship was more valuable to them than the prize.
  • They did their best and that is their prize.

Amigo Brothers Activity V (Book review)

Question 6.
Read the book review
Now, list the features of the review.

  • Author
  • Impression about the book

Now, list the features of the review:

  • Author – Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Book – The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
  • Number of Investigations -12
  • The hero and his assistant – Sherlock Holmes and Watson
  • The narrator of the incidents – Watson
  • The ways Watson and Holmes solve mysteries and catch the culprits
  • The suspense and mystery in the stories
  • How little details which people often ignore prove useful in criminal investigations.
  • Involvement of the reader in solving the mysteries
  • Highly readable stories
  • World-wide acceptance

Question 7.
Read the memoir ‘My greatest Olympic Prize’ by Jesse Owens and prepare a review of it.

A Review Of My Greatest Olympic Prize By Jesse Owens

It is 1936. American Jesse Owens seems sure to win the long jump competition in the Olympic Games. The previous year he had jumped 26 feet, 8 1/4 inches, a record that would stand for 25 years.

As he walks to the long-jump pit, however, Owens sees a tall, blue eyed, blond German taking practice jumps in the 26-foot range. Owens feels nervous. He is acutely aware of the Nazis desire to prove ‘Aryan superiority.’And as a black son of a share cropper, he knows what it is like to feel inferior.

Oh his first jump, Owens inadvertently leaps from several inches beyond the takeoff board. Rattled, he fouls on his second attempt, too. One more foul and he will be eliminated.

At this point, the tall German introduces himself as Luz Long. “You should be able to qualify with your eyes closed!” he says to Owens, referring to his upcoming two jumps.

For the next few moments, the African American and the white model of Nazi manhood chat together. Then Long makes a suggestion. Since the qualifying distance is only 23 feet, 51/2inches, why not make a mark several inches before the takeoff board and jump from there, just to play it safe? Owens does and qualifies easily.

In the finals, Owens sets an Olympic record and earns the second of four gold medals. But who is the first person to congratulate him? Luz Long in full view of Adolf Hitler. Owens never again sees Long, who is later killed in World Warll.

“You could meltdown all the medals and cups I have,’ Owens later wrote, and they wouldn’t be a plating on the 24-carat friendship I felt for Luz Long.’ That congratulations from Luz Long was the greatest Olympic Prize for Jesse Owens.

The story is full of thrills. It is written in simple language. It has suspense of the highest kind. We feel proud that Jesse Owens blasted the myth of Aryan superiority propounded by Hitler and his cohorts.,

Activity VI (Homonyms)

Question 8.
Homonyms are multiple meaning words. They have the same spelling and the same pronunciation but have different meanings.

The word ‘trunks’ has different meanings. See the various sentences given below:
light, duck, pound, hunch, fair, gear
Trunks =
i) shorts worn for sports
ii) The main part of a tree (tree-trunk)
iii) The space in the back of the car where we keep things
iv) The body of the elephant with which it lifts things box

Question 9.
Look at the following words. Find out at least two different meanings for these words and use them in sentences to make the meanings clear.
a) Light:
i) the thing that makes things visible: There is no light in this room; I can’t see anything properly,
ii) not heavy – This table is very light; it may break easily.

b) Duck:
i) a water bird-There are some ducks in this pond.
ii) to avoid: He tried to punch me on my nose; but I ducked and so I was not hit.

C) Pound:
i) a measurement of weight : Felix weighed 134 pounds.
ii) To beat hard, to make into powder form: Many people like pounded yam very much.

d) Hunch:
i) feeling: I have a hunch that he will come today.
ii) A camel has a hunch on its back.

e) Fair:
i) not dark: Mariamma is a fair girt.
ii) good — Ne has a fair amount of money in the bank.

f) Gear:
i) A toothed wheel for adjusting speed: My car has 6 gears.
ii) Equipment or apparatus : A teacher’s gear consists of books and chalk.

Question 10.
The story ‘Amigo Brothers’ has many words related to boxing. Now look at the following games /sports. Find out as many words related to these games as possible. ‘
Cricket: Bat, ball, wicket, run, batsman, bowler, runs, boundary, sixer, all-rounder, fielder, pads, leg before wicket, duck, century, no-ball, free-hit, appeal, umpire, all-out, innings.

Football: Attacker, back-pass, bicycle kick, Confederation, comer-kick, cross, defender, free kick, dribble, FIFA, foul, goal-area, goal line, goal mouth, goal keeper, header, in-swinger, kick-off, offside, out-swinger, penalty, pitch, shot, striker, yellow card, referee.

Chess: bishop, capture, castle, check, checkmate, chessboard, chessman, gambit, grandmaster, king, knight, man, mate, pawn, queen, retreat, rook, square, stalemate.

Swimming: swimming caps, swimming pool, swimming baths, swimming trunks, swimming costume, bikini, diving, backstroke, breaststroke.

Basketball: basket, court, ball, dribble, penalty, score, foul, NBA, offence, defence, speed, between the legs, behind the back, spin.

Hockey: goals, goalpost, net, ball, hockey-stick, shorts, shin-guards, gloves, face-guards, forward, half¬backs, full backs, goal keeper, pass-back, bully, tie.

III. Read And Reflect

Question 1.
In the following play we see a hero who is really true to his self and conscience. He struggles to keep to his truthful ways of life. He proves that truth will prevail in the end.

Amigo Brothers (Story) Edumate Questions and Answers

Question 1.
The conversation given below is part of an interview that Antonio and Felix gave to a reporter. What would be the reported version of the conversation?
Reporter : Has the fight affected your friendship?
Antonio : Never. We never take fighting into our hearts.
Reporter : Who, in your opinion is the winner of the fight?
Felix : That question doesn’t bother us. Both of us are winners.
The reporter asked Antonio whether the fight had affected their friendship.
Antonio denied and added that they never took fighting into their hearts.
The reporter then asked who in their opinion the winner of the fight was.
Felix replied that the question did not bother them and both of them were winners.

Question 2.
You have witnessed the fight between the Amigo brothers and have been quite impressed by the way it ended. Prepare a write-up about the climax of the fight.
The referee wanted the fight to be clean. In the first round Antonio Cruz and Felix Vargas do their best to outwit the other. But both are equally strong. In the second round also the same thing happens. Punches fly back and forth, but none is floored. Each punch is thunderously applauded by the crowd. Now comes the third round. Each contestant wants to win. They punch each other very hard. Nobody falls to the canvas. The final bell rings. But the fight continues. The bell rings again and again. But there is no stopping to the fighting. People start getting worried. It looks as if they are witnessing a do ordie fight and not a contest. There is utter silence. Then the referee and the trainer separate the two contestants.

Now the contestants embrace. They have forgotten that they were fighting like bulls until a moment ago.

The announcer makes an announcement. He is trying to name the winner and he looks around. But both Antonio and Felix had left like good old friends, arm in arm, declaring their strong bond of friendship. They proved themselves to be tfuly amigo bothers!

Question 3.
You might have got sincere friends whom you treasure more than anything else. Write a paragraph about your intimate friend.
The sincerest friend I have is Joe. My parents are poor but Joe comes from a rich family. He helped me in all possible ways. He used to buy more note books than he needed and give me a few. He shared his texts with me. The same he did with pens. He brought lunch for two, telling his mother that he felt very hungry after the morning lessons. Like that we reached Class XII. Fortunately I had a good memory and I remembered whatever was taught in the class. I helped Joe explaining difficult things to him. Occasionally he took me to his house and allowed me to use all the amenities he had at home. He played games with me and always told me to have big dreams and work hard for realizing my dreams. He gave me biographies of Abdul Kalam and Abraham Lincoln and asked me to make them my role models. He was sure that I would make it in my life. I am following his advice and I am working hard.

I pray God to help my friend and me to fulfil our dreams. I will never forget Joe all my life.

Question 4.
Two days afterthe fight between Antonio and Felix, they receive a letter from the secretary of the Golden Gloves Championship informing that both have been selected for the tournament. Prepare the letter.
Golden Gloves Championship
Lower East Side
New York City
Ref. No. GGC/l/13
August 9, 2016
Antonio Cruz & Felix Vargas Boxers’ Gymnasium New York City

Dear Mr. Cruz and Mr. Vargas,
Sub: Selection for the Golden Gloves Tournament We got a report from the referee of Division Finals Bout of August 7. He wrote about your friendship how hard you fought to win, but at the same time you did not want the other to lose. Such a thing is unheard of in the history of the Golden Gloves Championship Tournament.

Giving due respect to your close friendship, we are making an exception this year and we are selecting both of you for the Golden Gloves Championship. This is a tribute to your friendship. Keep it up and Best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Mubarak Musa

Question 5.
Moved by the Amigo Brother’s story of intimacy read from the newspaper you write a letter to Felix and Antonio congratulating them. Prepare the letter.
Asha Sridhar
Standard XII
Crescent Public School
8 August 2016

Dear Felix and Antonio,
Congrats Amigo Brothers! You really deserve that name! You have proved that friendship is greater than winning any competition.

You may not know me. I am a student from Kerala, India. I happened to read the story of your fight in the Division Finals and I was greatly impressed.

I am sure that the Golden Gloves Championship Authorities will take note of your intimacy and select both of you forthe Tournament.

Keep up your spirits, Amigos! I am really inspired by your spirit. I pray God to help you to achieve your dreams. I wish you all the best in life!

Yours sincerely,

Question 6.
Imagine yourself to be the announcer/commentator of the boxing match between Antonio and Felix. Write the script of the announcement that could be used before the match.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
You are welcome to the Tompkins Square Park for the Division Finals. We have fine weather and I assure you that you will have an exciting time here. You have already seen some .earlier bouts. This is going to be the Bout of the Day!

The moment you have been anxiously waiting for has finally come. Two fine young Puerto Ricans fighters are ready to fight and win. On my left is Felix Vargas. He weighs 134 pounds. On my right is his rival in the fight Antonio Cruz. Cruz weighs 133 pounds. The winner will represent the Boys’ Club in the Tournament of Champions, the Golden Gloves. There will be no draw.

Gi ve Felix and Antonio a big round of applause. They | are going to thrill you in the coming moments! Felix, are you ready? Antonio, you too ready? The referee will blow the whistle now, to start the bout.

As in any bout, may the better man win!

Question 7.
After reading the story ‘Amigo Brothers’, certain students opined that boxing is a cruel game. But you have a different view. So your friends decide to conduct a debate on the topic ‘Boxing is a cruel game arousing animal instincts.’ What would be the possible arguments of your friends who support the topic. Write three points.
Boxing makes us forget the importance of cooperation, sympathy and love and we are blinded only by one instinct-win anyhow!

Boxing brings physical suffering to both the winner and also loser.

By constantly practising, the boxer develops an unhealthy competitive spirit; he is ready to inflict pain, both mental and physical, even on his family members, because he becomes callous to others’ feelings.

Question 8.
“They remain uncompromising in fight, and in love as well”. This is the title of a news report that appeared in a daily about the Amigo brothers’fight. Prepare a detailed news report.
Antonio Cruz and Felix Vargas were both 17. They were so close in their friendship they felt like brothers. They both had a dream – becoming the light weight champion of the world.

They exercised sometimes at the Boys’ Club and sometimes at the gym. After a series of elimination bouts, they were told they were to meet each other in the division finals. The day was fixed for 7 August. They both wanted to win. They talk about it. Then Felix makes a suggestion that they will not see each other until the day of the fight. After the fight they will get together again as if nothing happened. They continue training hard.

The fight is to take place at Tompkins Square Park for the Division Finals.

Felix Vargas and Antonio Cruz are ready. The announcer makes the announcement. There will be no draw. The referee blows the whistle and the fight is on.

In the first and second round Antonio Cruz and Felix Vargas do their best to outwit the other. But both are equally strong. Punches fly back and forth, but none is floored. Each punch is thunderously applauded by the crowd.

Now comes the third round. Each contestant wants to win. They punch each other very hard. Nobody falls to the canvas. The final bell rings. But the fight continues. The bdUfings again and again. But there is no stopping to the fighting. People start getting worried. It looks as if they are witnessing a do or die fight and not a contest. There is utter silence. Then the referee and the trainer separate the two contestants.

Now the contestants embrace. They have forgotten that they were fighting like bulls until a moment ago. The announcer makes an announcement. He is trying to name the winner and he looks around. But both Antonio and Felix had left the scene like good old friends, arm in arm, declaring their strong bond of friendship.

This is the spirit of love! Cooperation in Competition!

Question 9
Imagine that you are the reporter of a local TV channel. After the bout between Antonio and Felix, you were asked to interview them. Prepare a set of five questions to be asked to Antonio and Felix as part of the interview.
(Hints: reason for quitting the scene without waiting forthe result-thoughts during the fight, afterthe fight -theirfriendship- future plans etc.)
You wanted to win badly. Then why did you decide to quit the scene before the result was announced? We know you are close friends. What were the thoughts going through your mind during the fight when you were punching each other hard?

What was in your mind after you were separated by the referee and the trainers and you left the scene without waiting to hear the result?

You were fighting like angry bulls at the bout. Will your friendship continue to be as intense as before, after what happened at the bout?

What would be your future plans? Are you going to choose boxing as your profession?

Question 10.
There are a few errors in each line of the excerpt given below. Identify and correct them.
‘Antonio nodded quitely. (a)
“Yeah. We both know that in the ring the better man win. (b)
It’s fair, Tony. When we get to the ring, it’s got to be like we never met. (c)
We got to be like two heavy strangers that wants the same thing and only one can have it. (d)
You understood?” (e)
a) quietly,
b) wins,
c) into,
d) want,
e) understand?

Question 11.
The boxing competition between Antonio and Felix is coming to an end. Imagine yourself to be the announcer / commentator of the boxing match between Antonio and Felix. Write the script of the announcement that could be used to conclude the event.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Antonio and Felix are fighting like two ferocious bulls. Antonio is punching hard with his left hand. Felix is ducking avoiding the punch. Now Antonio is punching with his right hand it catches the jaw of Felix. Felix is flinching with pain. Felix throws all his weight behind his right hand and is hitting Antonio hard on his left ear. Antonio is trying to block it, but isn’t successful. The punch misses its aim. It hits the nose of Antonio. Look! His nose is bleeding and the blood is coming to his mouth. Oh my God! Now they are locked in each other’s grip. The referee is separating them. Antonio flies savagely to hit Felix on this right ear. The final whistle is sounding. But O, what am I seeing? The fight is going on! Why don’t they stop? The whistle is sounding again. Boys, stop, stop! O my God. What is happening? The referee is trying to separate them. The trainers come running. They too are trying to separate them. They are separate now. Am I seeing it right? I see the boys in a deep embrace. They are smiling at each other as if nothing happened. Felix takes Antonio’s hand and they are walking. (He consults the referee to see who the winner is.)

Ladies and gentlemen, today’s winner is …………. Hey, where are they? Have they disappeared? The crowd shouts – They both are winners!

Amigo Brothers About The Author

Plus Two English Textbook Answers Unit 2 Chapter 2 Amigo Brothers (Story) 1
– Piri Thomas

Piri Thomas (1928-2011) was a writer and a poet. His memoir ‘Down These Mean Streets’ became a best-seller. He spent 7years in prison. He realized that no person is bom a criminal. He used his street and prison experience to teach the youth prone to risk, to help them avoid a life of crime. He travelled a lot in the USA, Central America and Europe, and gave lectures and conducted workshops in colleges and universities.
Plus Two English Textbook Answers Unit 2 Chapter 2 Amigo Brothers (Story) 12

Amigo Brothers Summary in English

Page 40: Antonio Cruz and Felix Vargas were both 17. They were so together in friendship that they felt like brothers. They had known each otherfrom childhood. They grew up in the same building on the Lower East Side of Manhattan.

Antonio was fair, lean and lanky. Felix was dark, short and husky. Antonio’s hair was always falling over his eyes. Felix wore his black hair in an Afro style. They both had a dream – becoming a light-weight champion of the world.

Plus Two English Textbook Answers Unit 2 Chapter 2 Amigo Brothers (Story) 2

Whenever they got a chance they exercised, sometimes at the Boy’s Club and sometimes at the gym. They would run every day morning, wearing sweat shirts and short towels around their necks. While some youngsters were into street doing wrong things, Antonio and Felix slept and had positive dreams. They had a collection of Fight magazines. They also kept the torn tickets of all the boxing matches they had gone to see. They also had some, cuppings of their own.

After a series of elimination bouts, they were told that they were to meet each other in the division finals scheduled forthe 7th of August. That was 2 weeks away. The winner would represent the koy’s Club in the Golden Gloves Championship Tournament.

They boys continued to run together. But even when joking with each other, they both sensed a wall rising between them.

Page 41: One morning, less than a week before their bout, they met as usual for their workout. Antonio glanced at Felix who kept his eyes straight ahead. He was practising some leg movements and hitting an imaginary jaw. Felix suddenly stopped and told Antonio that they must speak to eaGh other.

Antonio knew it was about their fight. Felix said that since he came to know the fight was between them, he kept awake at night pulling punches on Antonio, trying not to hurt him. Antonio told the same thing. He said that it is natural they thought about the fight. Both are fighters and they both want to win. There are no draws in the eliminations.

Felix tapped Antonio gently and told him he wanted to win. Antonio replied by saying that in the ring the better man wins. When they get into the ring it has to be as if they had never met. They will be like two strangers who want the same thing but only one can have it. Felix agreed. They have to fight it out.

Felix then makes a suggestion. They won’t see each other until the day of the fight. He will stay with his Aunt Lucy, in the Bronx. Antonio agreed and he held out his hand, palm upwards making a deal. Felix sealed the deal by slapping on the open palm. Antonio wanted Felix to run with him a little more. But Felix said he wanted to be free as he wanted to think alone. Antonio asked him if Felix was worried. Felix laughed and said he was not worried. They will fight and afterthat they will get together again as if nothing had happened. The amigo brothers hugged each other tightly.

The evening before the big fight, Antonio made his way to the roof of his building. He tried not to think of Felix. He thought he had made up his mind. He would knock out Felix early and quickly so that he does not get hurt by a long fight.

Page 42: Felix decided towatch a movie in an effort to keep Antonio’s face away from his mind and fists. The film was The Champion’, acted by Kirk Douglas. The champion was getting beaten. Felix got a shock. He imagined himself in the ring, blasting Antonio against the ropes.

He stopped watching the film and began to walk on the street. There he saw only a few boys wearing gang colours. Walking did not relax him. Neitherdid the film. It had stirred him up. He went straight back to bed.

Antonio was passing some heavy time on the rooftop. How will the fight tomorrow affect his relations with Felix? Friendship had nothing to do with the fight. But he soon controlled his negative thoughts. He did some fancy dance steps to drive away his negative thinking. His amigo brother Felix was not going to be Felix in the ring. He was just an opponent. He prayed for victory through a quick clean knockout in the first round the Golden Gloves. There will be no draw. May the best man win.”

The crowd cheered wildly. At the centre of the ring, the referee gave instructions. “Keep your punches up. No low blows. No punching on the back of the head. Let’s have a clean fight. Now shake hands and come out fighting.”

Both the fighters touched the gloves and nodded. Felix and Antonio turned and faced each other squarely in a fighting pose. Felix wasted no time. Now they were fighting like real competitors. The first round came to an end both trying hard to floor the other.

Page 44: The second round began. Felix was off his stool and rushed to Antonio like a bull. Antonio fought back well. Neither fighter was giving an inch. Suddenly Felix hit Antonio on the chin. Antonio’s legs turned jelly and his arms flailed out desperately. Suddenly his head cleared and hit Felix on the bridge of his nose. The crowd was roaring at each punch. Soon the second round came to an end.

The referee asked the ring doctor to check the fighters out. He said OK. The cold water sponges brought clarity to both amigo brothers. They were rubbed until their circulation ran free.

Now was the final round. So far things were even. Everyone knew there could be no draw and this was the final round to decide the winner.

Antonio came out fast. Felix also attacked. Both pounded away. Neither gave an inch and neither fell to the canvas. They fought to win. The sounds of their blows were loud. The crowd had gone completely silent. The referee was stunned by their savagery.

The bell sounded over and over again. Felix and Antonio did not hear the bell. Their blows continued to pound on each other like hailstones. Finally the referee and the two trainers separated them to bring them back to their senses. They looked around and then rushed toward each other.

Page 45: A cry of alarm surged through the crowd. Was this a fight to the death instead of a boxing match? The fear soon ended as the two amigos embraced. No matter what the decision, they knew they would always be champions to each other. The announcer started: “Ladies and Gentlemen. The winner and representative to the Gold Gloves Tournament of Champions is ” The announcer did not see Felix and Antonio. Arm in arm, the champions had already left the ring!

Amigo Brothers Summary in Malayalam

Plus Two English Textbook Answers Unit 2 Chapter 2 Amigo Brothers (Story) 2

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Amigo Brothers Glossary

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