Water Paragraph 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words for Kids, Students, and Children

Water Paragraph: Water is the only molecule because of which life is possible on Earth. In outer space, the conditions are so hostile that Water cannot be found in its natural form- liquid. This liquid Water has been giving us sustenance throughout billions of years.

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Water Paragraph For 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 And 12 Students

Paragraph on Water- 100 words for class 1, 2, 3

Water is the basic need of every life form on Earth. It is Water that helps us to lead a comfortable life on this planet. Our bodies are made up of 70% water, which is why Water is such an important compound for us. We use Water for so many purposes. We need water for drinking, cooking, bathing, and cleaning. Without Water, life would be impossible on the planet. Water is found on the Earth in the form of rivers, oceans, seas, ponds, lakes, streams, and glaciers. The composition of Water remains the same throughout the Earth.

paragraph on water 150 words

Paragraph on Water- 150 words for class 4, 5

Water is the most important liquid for all living forms. It is not only necessary for our life processes but is also required for the functioning of our planet. Water is available in 3 states on the Earth- solid, liquid, and gaseous. Solid-state includes glaciers, snow caps, ice sheets, and polar ice reserves. The liquid state includes rivers, seas, lakes, ponds, streams, oceans, and geysers. The gaseous state includes water vapor found in the atmosphere. No matter which state it is in, the composition of Water remains the same throughout. It is a powerful compound that nurtures all the life present on Earth. Plants require water for photosynthesis and respiration. Humans require water for many different life processes like circulation, digestion, respiration, and excretion, without Water, life would be impossible on Earth. As it is such an important compound, we must make sure that we conserve it so that it won’t get exhausted soon.

Paragraph on Water- 200 words for class 6, 7, 8

The chemical formula of Water is H2O. It is made from 2 molecules of Hydrogen and one molecule of Oxygen.

Upon dissociation, the Water separates into gaseous Oxygen and Hydrogen. The dissociation of Water can be brought about by passing an electric discharge through it. Apart from its chemical importance, Water has immeasurable importance for supporting life on Earth. It can be found everywhere on the planet, ranging from marine ecosystems to arid deserts. It is present in every part of the Earth in some form or the other. In oceans and lakes, it is found in liquid form, whereas, in Polar Regions, it is found in solid form. Traces of Water are found in the atmosphere and outer space in the form of gaseous water vapor. The surface of the Earth is composed of 3 parts of water and one part land. This shows that Water is highly important for all living beings. The only reason why life formed on Earth in the first place is Water. Finding Water anywhere else in the universe is next to impossible. So we must make sure that we conserve this liquid treasure so that our future generations would be able to use it too.

Water is recognized as a universal solvent. This characteristic of Water that makes it so important for life on Earth to flourish. It has two molecules of Hydrogen joined by double covalent bonds with a single molecule of Oxygen. The covalent bonds give Water its solubilizing properties. It can dissolve a large number of solids, liquids, and gases within itself. Our bodies require 70% of Water to function properly. Most of this Water is used for transporting nutrients to different parts of our bodies and bringing back toxins from them that would be ultimately excreted out.

Water is found in abundance on the Earth but, only 1 percent of it can be used for drinking purposes. This 1 % is known as potable water and is found in freshwater resources like glaciers, streams, lakes, rivers, and ponds. With time, the share of clean freshwater has been deteriorating. Most of the freshwater that we use comes from rivers and underground reservoirs. Overexploitation of these resources has led to a decrease in water levels in these bodies.

You would be amazed to know that the amount of water on Earth that you find today is the same as that during the Jurassic age! However, the reason why we are facing an acute shortage of water in recent times is that most of the freshwater is being changed into polluted Water that is unfit for use. Water is an essential commodity that we need to safeguard and protect. It has been speculated widely that the third world war can be started because of the water shortage crisis.

Paragraph on Water 200 words

Frequently Asked Questions on Water

Question 1.
When is Water Day celebrated?

Water day is celebrated on 22 March every year. You can take active participation in shaping our planet’s future by pledging to conserve water on this day.

Question 2.
What is the chemical formula of Water?

The chemical formula of Water is H2O. It has been made from the combination of 2 hydrogen molecules and once oxygen molecule, combined with a clean dryer state.

Question 3.
How can we conserve water?

We can conserve Water using simple steps like using a bucket instead of the shower while bathing, keeping the tap closed when not in use, fixing leaking pipes immediately, and using a limited amount of water while washing clothes.

Question 4.
What is the percentage of water on Earth?

Earth is composed of 70 percent water and 30 percent of the land.

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