Unity In Diversity Speech | Speech on Unity In Diversity for Students and Children in English

Unity In Diversity Speech: People in India have this specialty of being united by living diversely. The country India is a secular country where all the religions are equally supported.

There are a total number of 29 states in India. In these different states people speak different languages and they have different cultures. And within those states, there are people who belong to different religions.

Yet these people being divided by religion, culture, region and language, they belong to one nationality. That is Indian. India is an example of unity in diversity. All the Indians belong to the same motherland and that is India.

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Long And Short Speeches On Unity In Diversity for Kids And Students in English

A long speech of 500 words on Unity in Diversity and a short speech of 150 words on Unity in Diversity are provided for the students so that they can prepare a speech on this topic and so that they get an idea about the country India that is so vast and rich in its culture. Ten lines from this topic are also being provided.

A Long Speech on Unity In Diversity is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech on Unity In Diversity is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On Unity In Diversity 500 Words In English

Good morning everyone,

I would like to present a speech on unity in diversity. I hope you will all appreciate.

I love my country India, which believes in the concept of unity in diversity. In our country we welcome all the cultures, languages, religions and people from different regions whole- heartedly.

There are a total of six religions present in India. They are Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism. All of these religions may not be followed by equal numbers of people, but they all are respected equally.

There are different festivals in different religions. The Hindus celebrate many festivals which are related to various thoughts, worship of thoughts, worship of idols and celebrations to spread happiness and love.

During the time of festivities, all the people of different religions, cultures and many more celebrate together. There are no discriminations made for participating in each other’s happiness.

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Diwali and Holi are the most celebrated festivals in India. The whole country unites during this time although they live in diverse places.

This unity among all the people in this country shows our strength and our richness in culture. Each and everybody is individually respected and given importance. We all remain together as a team.

During national events, we all participate as a team; we do not discriminate against one another on the basis of religion, culture or language. We represent each culture very proudly and we represent it together that shows our unity.

Whenever there are cricket world cups going on, we unite as one whole country and cheer for our players’ victory. Whenever we have won the cricket world cup, we have celebrated it being together.

Being united as one nation, we are divided in 29 different states, but we use the same currency everywhere in our country. A common language Hindi, is spoken among all the people of the country.

We all stand united when we sing our national anthem. We are not considered by different religions or any other identities. We are considered together as Indian. Despite having different festivals in belonging to different regions, we celebrate it together.

Even from Indian Army, Indian Navy and Indian Air Force, the soldiers are selected from different regions, religions, cultures and languages. But they fight together and protect us from our enemies.

We have diverse cultures, languages; we pray to different forms of God in different ways and follow religious texts of different religions which lead to attain peace and we represent these differences together and celebrate our unity.

This unity in diversity in India has remained consistently from the time when we had to fight for our independence. This has made us strong. We have always remained together as one whole family has always believed in unity.

We Indians are like a giant tree which has many branches and leaves but has one trunk that connects us to our roots. The presence of such vast number of cultures, languages and religions prove the phrase “unity in diversity”.

Short Speech On Unity In Diversity 150 Words In English

Short Speech On Unity In Diversity 150 Words In English

Good morning to all my respected elders,

Allow me to present a speech on the topic Unity in Diversity.

It gives me immense joy and pleasure to say that India is a country that is the one and only example of the phrase “unity in diversity”. And I am one of her citizens.

We have many religions, cultures, ethnicity and cultures but we are all Indians. We have many cultures to represent but we represent it in unity. Whenever we spot any Indian people in a different country or we find something related to our country, we become very proud.

Whenever our sportsmen represent our country in some sports and win the first prize and make our country proud, our national anthem is played which pays respect to the winning team, it makes me very proud.

India is like our mother and we all are her children and we all love and respect our mother.

10 Lines On Unity In Diversity Speech In English

  1. The phrase “unity in diversity” means remaining united even after living separately.
  2. In India, all the religions, cultures, different ethnicities are welcomed equally with proper respect.
  3. All the festivals of different religions in India are celebrated by everyone irrespective of their individual religions. If Christmas is celebrated by the Christians, it is not necessary that the other religions can’t participate. All the religions can participate in a particular religion’s festival.
  4. We all are very powerful and united like a huge joint family who battles all problems together, and remain united.
  5. We carry the symbol of peace, despite being different from one another in religions, ethnicities and cultures.
  6. We have the soldiers in our army, navy and air force from all over India. They all protect us from those who wish to harm us.
  7. We handle all the problems together like a team.
  8. We all stand in a united manner when our national anthem is played or sung, to pay respect to our country.
  9. We remain in diverse places but still we stand united as one nation.
  10. We intend to go and represent our cultures and our unity despite being different among each other.

10 Lines On Unity In Diversity Speech In English

FAQ’s On Unity In Diversity Speech

Question 1.
What are the boundaries which divide the states known as?

The boundaries which separate one state from the other are known as State Boundaries.

Question 2.
Which language is the origin of all the spoken languages in India?

The origin of all the spoken languages in India is Sanskrit.

Question 3.
What are the Indian epics which represent our culture?

The two epics that represent our Indian culture are the Ramayana and the Mahabharata.

Question 4.
What are the earliest religious texts in India?

The earliest religious texts in India are the Rigveda and the Rigveda Samhita.

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