Climate Change Speech | Speech on Climate Change for Students and Children in English

Climate Change Speech: A climate of a place remains intact for almost a period of thirty-five years. The climate of a place does not change drastically. It changes over a range of time.

The people who have experienced the climate of a place for a long time can feel the change of climate. Usually, climate change happens due to global warming.

A place which had a cool temperature in the summer months experience a change in temperature in those same months gradually due to the effect of global warming. Nature has the abilities to adapt to the environment, and this is the reason the change of climate does not have a great impact.

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Long And Short Speeches on Climate Change for Kids And Students in English

A long climate change speech of 500 words and a short climate change speech on 150 words are provided to the students so that they can prepare a speech on climate change. Ten lines on this topic are also provided so that the students can have an idea about this concept.

A Long Speech on Climate Change is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech on Climate Change is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On Climate Change 500 Words In English

Good morning to my respected teachers and my friends. Today I want to present a speech on climate change.

The average temperature of a region for a long period of time is considered to be that region’s climate. The people who live in that region get used to the conditions of the climate.

Generally, the climate of a place does not change drastically, but it takes years to change.

As the climate of a region is dependent on certain factors; they are, the location of the region (mountainous region, seaside, and plain land), the average rainfall in that region in a year, the amount of sunlight it receives and many more.

These factors help in detecting the climate of a place. Weather and climate are two different factors. The weather can change within a few minutes or a few hours, and the climate does not change for about a period of 35 years.

It is the climate which makes a suitable habitat for the natural vegetation and the animals. The climate of a place allows a certain species of plants to grow in a region and survive. Some plants require less water and more sunlight and some plants require more water and less sunlight.

The climate of a place makes it easier for the plants to grow and survive in its favourable conditions. After the plants, the animals look for their suitable habitat. The animals which can survive for several months without food and water are comfortable staying in the regions which do not have sufficient food and water.

The main role behind the climate and its variations is played by the sun. The sun’s rays fall on different regions in a different manner. As the shape of the earth is round, the sun’s rays do not fall on all the regions equally.

The equatorial region receives the direct rays of sunlight, and this is the reason the equatorial region remains the hottest region throughout the year. The polar region receives the indirect or slanting rays of the sun. This is the reason the polar region remains snow-covered all the year-round.

Global warming is becoming a serious issue. It is coming in the way of every natural habitat. Global warming is gradually changing a region’s average temperature and rainfall.

The regions which had a moderate temperature all the year round now have high temperatures. The regions which received an average amount of rainfall are now either receiving a high amount of rainfall or scanty rainfall.

Climate change is affecting the natural vegetation and animals very much. Plants are dying due to improper amounts of sunlight and rainfall. The animals are suffering as they are not getting sufficient supply of food.

Despite having all these difficulties, the plants, animals, and human beings are trying to adjust with their new climate as nature has the ability to adapt and survive. The species which are having difficulties to survive are dying and becoming extinct. But the species which are adapting themselves well, are surviving.

Short Speech On Climate Change 150 Words In English 

Short Speech On Climate Change 150 Words In English

Good morning teachers and the respected guests who have arrived today. I am going to present a speech on climate change.

The gradual change of a region’s climate brings a drastic change in the environment. The usual weather conditions are not seen. Some different conditions of the weather are observed. The regions with an average amount of rainfall receive more amounts or fewer amounts of rainfall.

The conditions of a climate in a region which were considered to be that regions speciality are also changing. The plants and animals which survived in a particular climate are facing difficulties in their survival.

The main cause of the change of climate is global warming. It is the main cause which is making the symptoms of the weather conditions of a climate different for the existing species.

The species are trying their best to survive in a different condition. Climate change does not happen over a few days; it takes a lot of time.

10 Lines On Climate Change Speech In English

  1. Climate change happens due to global warming. It changes all the conditions of the climate of a region.
  2. The process of climate change happens over a long time.
  3. The frequent conditions of the weather of a region indicate the change of climate.
  4. Climate change can be temporary and permanent. If a volcanic eruption occurs in a region, then the climate change of that region is temporary, if the climate change happens for global warming, then it is a permanent change.
  5. The overall change of climate in a region causes the average temperature to go up during summer and reduce to the coldest point during winter.
  6. Climate change due to global warming is happening because of human beings.
  7. Deforestation in a forest land causes a drastic change in temperature, which gradually becomes a permanent temperature of that place until new trees are grown there.
  8. Climate change is causing many problems in the environment. Forest fires are increasing due to the dryness in a forested region.
  9. All the species of plants and animals are becoming extinct due to the unfavourable conditions in which they live.
  10. Reforestation can help in changing the factors of the climate of a region to some extent.

10 Lines On Climate Change Speech In English

FAQ’s On Climate Change Speech

Question 1.
Why do climate changes happen?

Climate changes happen due to global warming. It changes the conditions of a climate in a region.

Question 2.
Are human beings responsible for climate change?

Human beings are responsible directly or indirectly for global warming. This global warming leads to a change in the climate of a region.

Question 3.
What happens to the species of plants and animals during global warming?

The plants and animals face difficulties in adjusting to their new environment of climate. The species who can adjust according to the natural conditions then they survive, or else they die.

Question 4.
How do we help in changing the climate like it was before?

If we start planting more trees in open lands, then these trees can make the environment cooler, and this will help in changing the climate like it was before.

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