Essay on City Life Vs Village Life | City Life Vs Village Life Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay on City Life Vs Village Life: Village life and city life are different and varied from each other. They have significantly different ways of life, and each has its advantages and disadvantages. Village life is characterized by primary relationships between individuals, tightly knit communities, and common professions. Urban or city life is characterized by secondary and tertiary relationships and various businesses.

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Long and Short Essays on City Life Vs Village Life for Students and Kids in English

In this article, we have provided a City Life Vs Village Life essay and a brief essay along with ten lines on the topic to help students write this essay in examinations. Below, we have provided a City Life Vs Village Life essay comprising about 500 words and a brief composition comprising 100-150 words on the topic, in English.

Long Essay on City Life Vs Village Life in English 500 Words

Long Essay on City Life Vs Village Life is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Rural and urban lives are different, and their difference makes them unique and beautiful. Life in villages is more straightforward, while urban life offers various complicated aspects. Their smaller geographic or territorial extension primarily identifies rural life. A village is significantly lower than in a city. Thus, primary relations exist between people. Primary relationships refer to the ones that are made directly. People in villages know each other by their names and faces. They talk to them directly.

A city is a larger area, and people can’t know each other directly in cities. People living in cities have their circles of primary relationships, but mostly, the relationship that they share with other citizens is secondary or indirect. Village life is simpler. The primary profession is agriculture, and most people work in fields.

They are a group of hard-working farmers who know the hardships of life. They toil without luxuries and struggle to provide food for their families twice a day. Apart from agriculture, people also practice weaving, pottery, and set up small scale industries like cotton, jute, etc. People mostly have common occupations, and the range of professions is comparatively narrow.

Urban life, on the other hand, comes with a varied range of professions. There is no one crucial occupation. Every job receives appropriate attention, and people have a vast choice of occupations. Village life comes with inevitable social control. People who commit crimes in villages are subjected to social isolation and are shunned by others.

Power via folkways and mores is more prevalent than control via established decrees. The accused becomes a subject of gossip and ridicule. For example, if a man comes home drunk and causes chaos, he is shunned by other villagers. Presenting the accused before Panchayat also pretty much leads to the same consequences.

Urban life is controlled by-laws and codes. Folkways and mores, along with social isolation, do not play a key role in social control. In cities, the person who commits sins is directly presented in front of judges or police if a man gets drunk and hits his wife, domestic violence if filed against him. Village life is not as affected by pollution as urban life is. There are fewer automobiles in villages, and there is an absence of significant industrial sectors. Thus, air pollution is lower, and the air is purer. Village life offers a cleaner and greener environment.

Therefore, people living in cities go to villages during their holidays to take a break from the polluted and contaminated urban environment. Cities, being more technologically and scientifically advanced, have a higher rate of cars and buses. The factories emit poisonous gases into the atmosphere, and there is a lack of fresh air in cities. Higher rates of pollution often make urban life suffocating and congested.

Both the cities and villages have their differences and advantages. Village life is more robust due to the necessary facilities like schools and hospitals being far away. But, we must acknowledge both and choose what suits our needs.

10 Lines on City Life Vs Village Life in English

Short Essay on City Life Vs Village Life in English 150 words

Short Essay on City Life Vs Village Life is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Examining the different and contradictory topics always end in evaluating the pros and cons of both sides. Village life, while offering fresh air and oxygen, comes with several difficulties. Hospitals and medical facilities are not readily available. This often makes life difficult for patients suffering from serious diseases. Village life offers close relationships between individuals, but the dogmatic and conservative mindset holds back progress and the light of education from penetrating their minds.

Urban life has better facilities. Education is more prevalent, and thus, progress happens faster. Cities are more advanced and have better standards of living. But, the lack of understanding between people leads to less or almost no cordial relations. People in cities are so engrossed in their race towards success and power that they forget to take care of their loved ones. we will soonly update City Life Vs Village Life Essay in Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, and Gujarati.

10 Lines on City Life Vs Village Life in English

  1. Village life has its significant boundaries. Indirect means of social control often fails to teach a lesson to criminals.
  2. Urban life is characterized by competition and success. People have forgotten to take care of each other.
  3. In an urban setup, laws play a critical role in discipline and system. Thus, criminals are rightly punished.
  4. The division of labor does not characterize rural life. Here, everyone who does their work is not adequately trained in it. Thus, the quality of the work is low.
  5. The division of labor is prevalent in cities. Trained people do their part of the job. Thus, the output is more significant and better.
  6. The dogmatic and conservative mindset of villagers often leads to injustice. Sexist rules like women cannot access education hold the entire society back from progressing.
  7. Urban people are less superstitious and religious. But, sexism continues to exist in its dormant form in our society.
  8. Village life is based on religious and superstitious beliefs like if they do not pray to the God of harvest, their crops will fail.
  9. Urban people are less afraid of God’s wrath, and they try to analyze things in a more scientific way.
  10. However, both of them have significant plus points and shortcomings.

Short Essay on City Life Vs Village Life in English 150 words

FAQ’s on City Life Vs Village Life Essay

Question 1.
What are the primary relationships?

Primary relationships are direct relations where people know and talk to each other face to face.

Question 2.
What is the division of labor?

Division of labor refers to the fact that people must be trained in specific fields of work to divide the work pressure and provide quality output.

Question 3.
Is village life better than city life?

There is no better life. Village life has significant disadvantages like the absence of necessary medical and educational facilities which can be solved by moving to cities.

Question 4.
Why are villages cleaner than cities?

Due to fewer automobiles and more trees, villages are greener and less polluted than cities.

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