Thank You Speech for Teachers in English for Children and Students

Thank You Speech for Teachers: The word ‘teach’ has been taken from the Middle-English word ‘techne’ which means ‘to show or instruct.’

A teacher is a name or an identity that has played essential roles in everyone’s lives. He/ she show the right path to their students and educate them on in the fields of knowledge, virtue, competence, etc.

Everyone at least once played the role of a teacher which later, led to great pride and joy when the respective student succeeded. Being a teacher is not everyone’s cup of tea. But I would like to thank all my beloved teachers who helped me achieve what I am today.

Students can also find more English Speech Writing about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc.

Long and Short Speeches on Thank You for Teachers for Kids And Students In English

This article provides a long speech on the topic Thank You Speech for Teachers in 500 words and a short speech of 150 words. It also offers its readers ten lines on the topic to help them understand the subject better.

This article will help students, teachers, kids, and other people willing to give a Thank You Speech for Teachers.

A Long Thank You Speech for Teachers is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Thank You Speech for Teachers is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Thank You Speech for Teachers 500 Words In English.

Good morning to everyone present here today. Today, I am here to share how thankful I am to have teachers who have built me into the person I am.

The first word that strikes my mind hearing the word teacher is my school. It would be an unimaginable scenario if there would be no teacher to guide me through the fourteen years of school.

It is this time when we either build ourselves or break ourselves. The rational thinking that develops, the values that are culminated into us, shows a lot about the teachers who educated us. Most of our personality traits and our way of judging other people are developed in these crucial years.

The teachers have a significant role to play in the character building of a student. Not only a school teacher, but any educator has the power to influence our minds to a great extent.

The first work of a teacher is teaching, which everyone is well aware of. To make complicated things easy to understand for the students is the core work of the teacher. That is the magic that they have. But this magic does not come for free. They put all their efforts, hours of practice, thinking, research, etc. to make things easier.

I have known teachers who have worked hard night and day to solve a particular student’s problems. The teachers are our guardian’s right after our parents. They scold us when we are wrong and support us when we are right. They know what is best for us, though, at the time, we may feel its unfair, but as we grow up, we start to understand the real world. We also realize that our teachers always had the best interest of us in mind.

Growing up is hard, but if we still remember the values that we were taught in school by our teachers, we could easily face real-world problems. They taught us to fight our problems and not run away from it but face it bravely.

I am and will always be grateful to my teachers, who had a significant influence on my life. I was never an excellent student, but my teachers were always there to support me, directing me to the right path and encouraging me to do better than before.

As we come to the end of the speech, I would like to thank all my teachers who had molded me into the person I am today. I do a job that I am happy to do, and I am an independent person, I speak up against the wrongs. I hope they will be glad to know that I do my best as a responsible citizen and preach the same.

Thank you, teachers, for all the lessons you people have taught me. I couldn’t ask for more.

With this, I come to the end of the speech. Thank you, everyone, present here for being such an attentive audience. I hope you all have a great day ahead.

Short Thank You Speech for Teachers 150 Words In English

Short Thank You Speech for Teachers 150 Words In English

Good morning and welcome everyone who has gathered the given topic. Thank you, speech for teachers.

No speech can do justice to the contributions a teacher makes. A teacher can make a lousy student good. He/ she is not only concerned with a student’s academic curriculum but also helps in the overall growth and development of the kid.

The contributions of a teacher in the lives of their students cannot be described in words. All words fall short. One can only be grateful for the presence of the teachers in their lives.

Thus, we should always respect our teachers and pour them with happiness and joy. It is our duty and responsibilty as students to make them proud of our actions. And never forget the significance of the roles they played to mold our lives. In this lifetime, one might not get enough time to convey how grateful we were to get the gift of teachers.

10 Lines On Thank You Speech for Teachers

  1. Teachers are like our parents; they guide us through our way when we feel lost.
  2. They had always taken care of us when we were at school, made us learn the difference between the right and the wrong.
  3. There have been times when life was difficult, and our teachers have taught us to fight in difficult times.
  4. Almost every student had one teacher whom they always look up to as their inspirations or role models.
  5. Teachers always kept their student’s priority first.
  6. Gave extra classes to students who lagged in class.
  7. They helped the financially weak students to pursue their dream and encouraged them to achieve it.
  8. They taught us there is nothing called impossible. The real meaning of impossible is ‘I am possible.’
  9. Our teachers taught us lessons that we would never forget.
  10. Teachers had played an extraordinary role in the lives of hundreds and thousands of students. Their contribution to the lives of the students cannot be expressed simply in words.

10 Lines On Thank You Speech for Teachers

FAQ’s On Thank You Speech for Teachers

Question 1.
Who are the teachers?

Teachers are the persons who provide young kids with knowledge and educate them on various subjects.

Question 2.
Can I be a teacher?

In order to become a teacher one must have a degree in B.Ed or apply for government exams to be a teacher in a government school.

Question 3.
What is the job of a teacher?

The teacher’s job is to teach their students various subjects like English, Bengali, geography, history, etc. It also includes giving lessons regarding one’s behavior and the difference between right and wrong. It includes grooming of a child into a well-mannered and well-educated human being.

Question 4.
How do we know if a teacher is good or bad?

If you understand what the teacher explains easily, if your teacher can solve your questions related to the subject, you have a great teacher. But if the teacher is unable to make you understand the subject, then you should try another teacher for better results.

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