Afforestation Essay | Essay on Afforestation for Students and Children in English
Afforestation Essay: Afforestation is the procedure of introducing new trees and new tree seedlings to an area that has not been under forestation previously. Afforestation is done through tree planting and seeding in both natural and artificial ways. Trees influence every aspect of the environment, and their importance is increasing every day as they tend to satisfy every need of humanity.
Trees act as wind barriers and protect the environment from getting degraded. The world is evolving and triggering pollution levels. Increase of population is resulting in clearing up of forest areas. Afforestation is the immediate need of the hour to tackle the ongoing global issues. It is an economic aspect which can be carried out easily.
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Long and Short Essays on Afforestation for Students and Kids in English
We are providing essay samples to students on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic Afforestation Essay for reference.
Long Essay on Afforestation 500 Words in English
Long Essay on Afforestation is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.
From the very beginning, trees have provided us with all the necessary components that humankind requires. From food, to shelter and even protecting the environment from wearing off. Trees supply the two most pivotal components, which are food and oxygen without which humankind would not have existed.
The world is going through various global issues and needs immediate aid. Afforestation is the establishment of a forest or a stand of trees in an area where there was no previous cover. Soil erosion, pollution and ecological imbalance can only be treated by planting more trees.
Afforestation can create an ecological balance to manage the evolving population and its effects. Various NGO’s and Government agencies have involved themselves in the process of afforestation. Practising of tree planting in desolate lands that lacks green cover can make it fertile enough to cater to the needs of humanity.
Planet earth is constantly undergoing deterioration due to inhumane activities which are resulting in the depletion of the green cover. Overpopulation is affecting natural resources. Deforestation to make a place for humans have triggered various global issues, and one of them is pollution that has led to global warming.
Increase of population has led to industrialization and urbanization, which is the root cause of degradation of the environment. At this crucial hour, the present situation of earth can be saved by preserving the green cover. To combat global warming and soil erosion, human beings need to indulge themselves in afforestation and reforestation activities so that planet earth can be saved from the ill-effects of desertification.
Afforestation has a major role to play to promote the economy of the nation. Forests supply all the raw materials and other items that are necessary for commercial use. Forests increase water retention capacity and reduce soil erosion to a great extent. It acts as a boon for the agricultural sector since the entire world and its functioning depends upon it. The increase in water retention capacity can also prevent droughts.
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Afforestation also provides ample supply of timber, fodder and many more that enhances the cattle life. It shields crops from damage and makes crop production better. Worldwide efforts are being undertaken to contribute to afforestation.
The Central hardwood forest region of the US witnesses increase in the number of landowners who are converting their croplands marginally into forests. This effort is being made to reduce the pressure on the use of the existing hardwood species, like black cherry and walnut.
India has also made its contribution to afforestation by the National Afforestation Programme (NAP). This scheme involves the ecological restoration of degraded forests to develop the forest resources, including peoples’ participation so that their livelihoods can take a better turn.
People should be made aware of the rising global concerns regarding tree felling. People should encourage themselves and their surroundings to make their own forests. Afforestation is the only easy method to tackle the degradation of planet earth and cover it with maximum greens.
Short Essay on Afforestation 150 Words in English
Short Essay on Afforestation is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Afforestation is the process of planting areas of land with trees, to form a forest. Overpopulation and deforestation are causing much decline in the environment. People are moving to jungles and felling trees for the sake of farming and settlement. The wealth of every country is green forests. But their decline is triggering global issues.
Life cannot be imagined with the absence of trees, since they are the source of food for all living beings and organisms. Trees are part and parcel of life. The concept of social forestry should be popularised. Its main aim is to increase planting trees to meet the increasing needs of human. The effort of afforestation is to reduce the pressure of the traditional trees and protect them from declining.
Many government and non-government institutions participate in many programs that are related to afforestation with the sole aim of creating forests or increasing the number of trees.
10 Lines on Afforestation Essay in English
1. Afforestation can help to bring about climatic change
2. Afforestation is the process of creating a new forest.
3. It is considered as a process of establishment of the forest through natural succession.
4. Afforestation with the help of tree planting bar helps to make tree planting easy.
5. The process of afforestation helps to maintain the fertility of the soil.
6. Afforestation allows natural trees in the forests to be conserved.
7. Long lost ecosystem areas can be brought back by the act of afforestation.
8. Organizations are using afforestation to convert the semi-arid or arid regions into productive regions to fight global warming.
9. Planting trees in barren lands allow a constant supply of essential products from areas that are not even productive.
10. Environmental issues like air pollution are tackled by afforestation.
FAQ’s on Afforestation Essay
Question 1.
What is the difference between afforestation and reforestation?
Afforestation is planting trees in areas where there was never any forest or plantation and reforestation is replanting trees in areas where the forest has been damaged previously.
Question 2.
How does afforestation help mankind?
Planting trees fulfil all need of humans since trees provide food, oxygen and many more basic requirements of humans.
Question 3.
Name an afforestation program in India.
National Afforestation Programme is practised in India.
Question 4.
Name two methods to promote afforestation.
a) Government involved afforestation.
b) Regulations on cutting trees.
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