Plus Two Computer Application Chapter Wise Previous Questions Chapter 11 Trends and Issues in ICT

Question 1.
_____ is a Linux based mobile operating system from Google. (MARCH-2016)
a) ios
b) Blackberry
c) Android
d) windows Phone

Question 2.
_________ is a packet oriented mobile data service on GSM. (MARCH-2016)

Question 3.
In ______ system several transmitters can send information simultaneously over a single communication channel. (MAY-2016)
Decision Support System

Question 4.
SIM stands for ______ (MAY-2016)
a) Subscriber Information Module
b) Subscriber Identify Module
c) Subscriber Identify Machine
d) Subscriber Information Memory
b) Subscriber Identify Module

Question 5.
A 4G mobile network uses ______ (MARCH-2017)
d) None of these

Question 6.
_______ is the popular mobile OS developed by Google based on Linux Kernel. (MAY-2017)
a) Android
b) iOS
c) Blackberry
d) go
a) Android

Question 7.
Pick the odd one out: (MAY-2017)
a) Kitkat
b) Jelly Bean
c) Icecream Sandwitch
d) iOS
d) iOS

Question 1.
Raju sends a short text message to his friend. Explain how the text message is exchanged. (MARCH-2016)
SMS is used for sending short messages SMSC provides store and forward mechanism. If the recipient is not available SMSC waits and retrieves. It uses SS7 protocol.

Question 2.
GPS is very useful for tracking vehicles by transport company. How is it possible? (MAY-2016)
Global Positioning System(GPS) : It is a space- based satellite navigation system that provides location and time information in all weather conditions, anywhere on or near the Earth where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites. The system provides critical capabilities to military, civil and commercial users around the world. It is maintained by the United States government and is freely accessible to anyone with a GPS receiver. GPS was created and realized by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and was originally run with 24 satellites. It is used for vehicle navigation, aircraft navigation, ship navigation, oil exploration, Fishing, etc. GPS receivers are now integrated with mobile phones.

Question 3.
Write a short note on Android operating system. (MARCH-2017)
IP Android OS : It is a Linux based OS for Touch screen devices such as smart phones and was developed by Android Inc. founded in Palo Alto, California in 2003 by Andy Rubin and his friends. In 2005, Google acquired this. A team led by Rubin developed a mobile device platform powered by the Linux Kernel. The interface of Android OS is based on touch inputs like swiping,-tapping, pinching in and out to manipulate on screen objects. In 2007 onwards this OS is used in many mobile phones and tablets

Question 1.
What is Industrial Property Right ? Write a short note on any two Industrial property Right. (MARCH-2016)
Intellectual Property Right : Some people spend lots of money,time body and mental power to create some products such as a classical movie, album, artistic work, discoveries, invention , software, etc. These type of Intellectual properties must be protected from unauthorized access by law. This is called Intellectual Property right(IPR). Paris convention held in 1883 protects Industrial Property Berne Convention held in 1886 protects Literary and Artistic work.

World Intellectual Property Organisation(WIPO) in 1960, Guided by United Nations(UN) ensures / protects the rights of creators or owners and rewarded for their creation.
A person or an organization can register their Intellectual property such as creations, trademarks, designs, etc.

Intellectual property is divided into two categories

  1. Industrial Property
  2. Copyright

1) Industrial property : It ensures the protection of industrial inventions, designs, Agricultural products etc from unauthorized copying or creation or use. In India this is done by Controller of Patents Designs and Trademarks.

  • Patents: A person or organization invented a product ora creation can be protected from unauthorized copying or creation without the permission of the creator by law. This right is called Patent. In India the validity of the right is up to 20 years. After this anybody can use freely.
  • Trademark : This is a unique, simple and memorable sign to promote a brand and hence increase the business and goodwill of a company. It must be registered. The period of registration is for 10 years and can be renewed. The registered trademark under Controller General of Patents Design and Trademarks cannot use or copy by anybody else.
  • Industrial designs : A product or article is designed so beautifully to attract the customers. This type of designs is called industrial design. This is a prototype and used as a model for large scale production.
  • Geographical indications: Some products are well known by the place of its origin. Kozhikkodan Halwa, Marayoor Sharkkara (Jaggery), Thirupathi Ladoo, etc are the examples.

2) Copyright: The trade mark is ©, copy right is the property right that arises automatically when a person creates a new work by his own and by Law it prevents the others from the unauthorized or intentional copying of this without the permission of the creator for 60 years after the death of the author.

Attributes Patent Trade mark Copyright
Items Product,process Name,logo,signs Creativity,artistic
Registration required Yes Yes No (automatic)
Duration 20 years 10 years Upto 60 years after the death of the author
Renewable No Yes NA

Question 2.
What is Cyber Crime? Write a short note on any two cyber crimes against individuals. (MAY-2016)

Just like normal crimes(theft, trespassing private area, destroy, etc,) Cyber crimes(Virus, Trojan Horse, Phishing, Denial of Service, Pornography etc) also increased significantly. Due to cyber crime, the victims lose money, reputation,etc and some of them commit suicide.

Cyber crimes against individuals

i) Identity theft: The various information such as personal details(name, Date of Birth, Address, Phone number etc.), Credit / Debit Card details(Card number, PIN, Expiry Date, CW, etc), Bank details, etc. are the identity of a person. Stealing these information by acting as the authorized person without the permission of a person is called Identity theft. The misuse of this information is a punishable offence.

ii) Harassment : Commenting badly about a particular person’s gender, colour, race, religion, nationality, in Social Media is considered as harassment. This is done with the help of Internet is called Cyber stalking (Nuisance). This is a kind of torturing and it may lead to spoil friend ship, career, self image and confidence. Sometimes may lead to a big tragedy of a whole family or a group of persons.

iii) Impersonation and cheating : Fake accounts are created in Social Medias and act as the original one for the purpose of cheating or misleading others. Eg: Fake accounts in Social Medias (Facebook, Twitter,etc), fake sms, fake emails etc.

iv) Violation of privacy : Trespassing into another person’s life and try to spoil the life. It is a punishable offence. Hidden camera is used to capture the video or picture and black mailing them.

v) Dissemination of obscene material: With the help of hidden camera capture unwanted video or picture. Distribute or publish this obscene clips on Internet without the consent of the victims may mislead the people specifically the younger ones.

Question 3.
What is copyright? How does it differ from patent? (MARCH-2017)
Copyright: The trade mark is ©, copy right is the property right that arises automatically when a person creates a new work by his own and by Law it prevents the others from the unauthorized or intentional copying of this without the permission of the creator for 60 years after the death of the author. Patents: A person or organization invented a product or a creation can be protected from unauthorized copying or creation without the permission of the creator by law. This right is called Patent. In India the validity of the right is up to 20 years. After this anybody can use freely.

Question 4.
Differentiate GPS and EDGE. (MAY-2017)
Global Positioning System(GPS) : It is a space- based satellite navigation system that provides lo¬cation and time information in all weather conditions, anywhere on or near the Earth where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites. It is used for vehicle navigation, aircraft navigation, ship navigation, oil exploration, Fishing, etc. GPS receivers are now integrated with mobile phones.
EDGE(Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution): It is three times faster than GPRS. It is used for voice communication as well as an internet connection.

Question 5.
Write short note on IPR infringement (MAY-2017)
Infringement (Violation): Unauthorized copying or use of Intellectual property rights such as Patents, Copy rights and Trademarks are called intellectual property Infringement(violation). It is a punishable offence.

  • Patent Infringement: It prevents others from the unauthorized or intentional copying or use of Patent without the permission of the creator.
  • Piracy: It is the unauthorized copying, distribution and use of a creation without the permission of the creator. It is against the copy right act and hence the person committed deserve the punishment.
  • Trademark Infringement: It prevents others from the unauthorized or intentional copying or use of Trademark without the permission of the creator.
  • Copy right Infringement: It prevents others from the unauthorized or intentional copying or use of Copy right without the permission of the creator.

Plus Two Computer Application Chapter Wise Previous Questions and Answers

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