Juveniles should be tried as Adults Essay | Essay on Juveniles should be tried as Adults for Students and Children

Juveniles should be tried as Adults Essay: There are many crimes committed in today’s world. Adults are not only the only ones involved in criminal cases. A common phrase, “Old enough to do the crime, old enough to do the time,” is often used in this case of young juveniles committing crimes.

This phrase should be interrupted clearly to people that juveniles are not adults. Therefore, juveniles must not be tried in courts as adults.

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Long and Short Essays on Juveniles should be tried as Adults for Students and Kids in English

We provide students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short piece of 150 words on Should Juvenile Offenders Be Tried As Adults Criminology essay for reference.

Long Essay on Juveniles should be tried as Adults 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Juveniles should be tried as Adults is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Juvenile offenses have been redefined by considering most of them as delinquent acts to be mediated with a separate juvenile justice system that is practically designed to recognize the special needs and immature status of young people and emphasize reformation over punishment. Youths are still less mature and minor. Juveniles should be responsible for their actions and should be held accountable for the crime; then, the juvenile justice system is designed to dictate the consequences. Youths often face a lot of detrimental peer pressure.

Though the justice system is well aware that most juvenile offenders are too young to understand the consequences of their actions truly, many juveniles are still brought to adult courts for case hearing. A juvenile offender is the one who is too young and less mature to be tried as an adult.

Being considered as an adult can be pretty strident. When a juvenile is sent to jail where he/she comes under the influence of other adult cellmates, then they could be badly influenced. Minors can get into more trouble. They will be taken advantage of and will be compelled to commit heinous crimes in the future. Rather than the juveniles should be sent to a rehabilitation center, and thus could be educated in interest.

The main purpose for which a juvenile should go to the juvenile court is guidance and treatment rather than punishment. Although minors may be aware of the distinction between right and wrong, immaturity should be a reason for them not being tried as an adult criminal. Criminal crimes committed by juveniles should be taken to the juvenile justice system because they are a stage of immaturity or going through negative peer-pressure. Considering teenagers responsible for themselves is not distinctive to our justice system. A criminal felony can make things worse than compared to the delinquent act. Transforming the social environment in which the juvenile lives is a more effective way to reduce violence or atrocity than punishing juvenile offenders in adult courts.

With the contradiction of full constitution rights for juveniles is sometimes an issue, the juvenile court’s purpose is benevolence- serve the best interest of children. A rehabilitation institution can help them better in so many ways. Transferring them to the institution can help them become more of a positive person inside and out. They have the opportunity to better themselves: having the prerogative to get an education. Though, sometimes juveniles have to get mandatory waivers where they will be tried as adults.

Trying juveniles as adults sends out a clear message that crimes like murder, rape, and assault will not be tolerated and that evil does must accept the consequences of their actions. However, some teens have the maturity and judgment to make a reasoned decision. When a juvenile commits a crime and is sent to the rehabilitation center, it is not guaranteed that their works will be sealed when they become an adult. The rehabilitation offered to them gives them a better chance of learning right from wrong; repaying a debt for a heinous crime committed, and become a fruitful member of society.

Essay on Juveniles should be tried as Adults

Short Essay on Juveniles should be tried as Adults 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Juveniles should be tried as Adults is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

A juvenile offender commits an offense and thus has vivid guidelines that each state must follow when deciding to try as a juvenile or an adult. Depending on where the authority for the decision lies, these guidelines will fall under one of these three categories: judicial waiver, statutory exclusion, or concurrent jurisdiction.

The purpose of trying juveniles as adults is to impose harsher sentences hoping that the fear of the shorter sentences will make youngsters think twice about committing the crimes. Guidelines that control the justice systems came into play in 1974 when the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act was enacted. Over time, numerous studies have shown that there is no decrease in crime when juveniles are tried as adults and often indicate that the number of repeat offenses is higher in those whose cases were tried in adult criminal court.

10 Lines on Juveniles should be tried as Adults in English

  1. In recent years, there have been numerous cases of juvenile offenders.
  2. The judicial waiver includes a juvenile court judge transferring an adolescent to criminal court.
  3. Statutory exclusion is mainly determined by a combination of age and seriousness of the offense.
  4. Recidivism is yet another issue to consider in examining whether juvenile offenders should be tried as an adult.
  5. Crimes committed by a juvenile are one of the nation’s serious problem.
  6. Several policies have been devised towards young offenders of special importance.
  7. Government policy mostly struggles with the appropriate balance of concern and healthy development of children.
  8. Violent crimes committed by youths have drastically declined over the years.
  9. The juvenile court system tries a method of rehabilitation statement for young criminals.
  10. If minors would commit violent crimes, a complaint can be filed under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act.

Essay about Juveniles should be tried as Adults

FAQ’s on Juveniles should be tried as Adults Essay

Question 1.
Is it justified to try juvenile offenders as adults?

No, it is not justified to try juvenile offenders as adults. They lack maturity and are easily influenceable.

Question 2. 
Name the act issued for juvenile offenders.

The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention act is the act issued in 1974 for juvenile offenders.

Question 3.
What is the possible punishment for a juvenile offender?

A juvenile offender must be sent to the rehabilitation center for reformation rather than in jails for punishment.

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