Essay On Importance Of Trees In Our Lives | Importance Of Trees In Our Lives Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay On Importance Of Trees In Our Lives: Trees play a very crucial part of our lives. We are indebted to trees in many ways. Apart from providing us with the two most essential things required for survival- food and the air we breathe, trees have gone a long way to provide us with shelter, medicines and are continuously coming up with more benefits. It would not be wrong to consider trees synonymous to life.

Although trees are essential, we cut down trees to make industries with modernization reach their peak. It is high time, we should realize that cutting down trees poses a significant threat to the survival of all living organisms, and we should stop it to sustain the lives of all organisms on earth.

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Long and Short Essays On Importance Of Trees In Our Lives for Students and Kids In English

In this article, students will be provided with two essay samples, i.e. a long essay sample of 500 words and a short essay sample of 150 words on the topic “The Importance of Trees in our Lives” for reference.

Long Essay on Importance Of Trees In Our Lives 500 Words in English

Long Essay On Importance Of Trees In Our Lives is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Trees play a significant role in balancing every aspect of our earth. Without trees, survival would have been impossible. Trees help in keeping the ecological system working fine.

Trees purify the air we breathe. With increasing cars and construction of industries, the level of harmful gases like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, Sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides etc. is shooting up in the atmosphere. Tress absorbs these gases and gives out oxygen which is the key for our survival. Apart from polluting the air, excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is leading to climate change. By absorbing the carbon and giving out oxygen, trees help in reducing climate change.

Trees act as a source of shelter. They provide a resting place to tired travellers. Sitting under a shady tree and taking a power nap is the boost required to continue with a journey. Besides providing travellers with a place to relax, trees serve as home to many birds and animals, which gives rise to biodiversity. With increasing deforestation, hundreds of birds and animals lose their habitat and find it tough to survive.

They act as food for living beings. They are at the necessary level of our food chain. Herbivores feed on plants, and they are in turn consumed by carnivores and vultures prey on these carnivores. Thus, trees balance the food chain of the ecosystem.

Prevention of soil erosion is one of the most important contributions by trees. On hillsides, trees help slow down runoff, and the far-reaching roots of the trees hold soil in place. Soil erosion hampers marine life and at times leads to flood, increases water level of rivers. The trees’ root system is so advanced that they hold the soil in place and prevent landslides in enormous rain cases.

Trees are a source of medicines. Many herbs have medicinal aspects to them and serve as rich resources of ingredients for various drug development. Traditionally herbs like Tulsi, Neem, Turmeric etc. have been used to treat many common ailments. They have no side effects, and we can use them as effective home remedies. The leaves and barks of many trees are used for preparing herbal medicines.

Areas surrounded by trees are much more relaxed and cool. They act as a soothing sensation for our eyes. Trees have a healing effect and reduce mental weariness. Trees act as a guard to unwanted noises and prevent noise pollution.

Due to increased population, cutting down trees have become imperative to make way for residential areas. We are cutting down trees for establishing industries to furnish the increasing modernization and construction of concrete jungles. However, we must spread awareness to plant more trees and make this earth a more livable place for our future generation. Fewer trees would mean a significant plunge in the atmosphere’s oxygen amount, raising difficulty for our survival. Trees are providing us with impeccable services for countless decades, and it is high time we should address their importance.

10 Lines on Importance Of Trees In Our Lives Essay

Short Essay On Importance Of Trees In Our Lives 150 Words In English

Short Essay On Importance Of Trees In Our Lives is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Trees are the backbone of our very survival. Besides providing us with fresh air for breathing, trees give us food, shelter and help us with our mental well-being.

Trees through the process of transpiration bring rainfall. Through evaporation, trees increase the moisture content of the atmosphere and fasten the process of precipitation. They provide us with wood which in turn provides us with fuel.

Trees cool down the atmosphere and are the vital lungs of the earth. Trees accelerate wildlife- they are the home to many animals and birds. Trees boost up economic opportunities. Jobs such as fruit harvesting, production of material for making books, furniture is created. Trees also have an added financial advantage to themselves.

The presence of trees in a property increases its value by twenty percent. Trees help us to relax and reduce blood pressure significantly. So, planting trees should be of utmost concern to us in this appalling situation of increasing deforestation.

10 Lines On Importance Of Trees In Our Lives Essay In English

  1. Trees play a crucial role in the survival of all living beings on earth.
  2. Trees make their food by photosynthesis and provide us with food.
  3. Trees help in reducing soil erosion and air pollution.
  4. Trees boost up rainfall by adding to the moisture level of the atmosphere.
  5. Trees provide various job opportunities.
  6. Trees clear the air of unwanted gases and odours.
  7. Trees provide shade to tired travellers.
  8. Trees provide shelter to hundreds of animals and birds.
  9. Trees shield us from the harmful UV rays.
  10. Trees fight noise pollution.

Importance Of Trees In Our Lives Essay

FAQ’s On Importance Of Trees In Our Lives Essay

Question 1.
What are some of the medicinal plants?

The plants are aloe vera, basil, neem, lemongrass, etc.

Question 2.
Which are the tallest trees in the world?

The redwoods are the tallest trees.

Question 3.
What is the practice of using herbs as medicines known?

The practice is known as Ayurveda.

Question 4.
Which tree has the longest life span?

Old Tjikko trees found in Sweden have the longest life span.

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