5 Sample Holiday Letters | How To Write? Template, Format, Sample and Examples

Sample Holiday Letters: Holidays are a time of mirth and joy, wherein we look back upon memories with nostalgia, rejoice, spread love and cheer with others. The speech and mannerisms of the content of a holiday letter differ according to the audience one is writing the letter to. So, the holiday letter one sends to their boss is going to be much more formal and very likely brief, in comparison to the letter one sends to their family, which is going to be informal and most probably longer.

Get Other Types of Letter Writing like Formal, Informal and Different Types of Letter Writing Samples.

Holiday letters are tokens of love that we send to our loved ones, hence they shouldn’t be written in haste but with care and consideration. It may sometimes be a task to figure how to go on about writing a letter properly. This article contains some free samples of holiday letters and tips that will provide you with an idea regarding the format and style of writing a holiday letter.

  • It may be possible that the person you’re writing the letter to does not celebrate the festival you’re sending them a letter for, so take this into consideration before writing the letter.
  • If you can, send a personalised letter instead of sending the same letter to a bunch of people. One would appreciate the former more.
  • Try adding a personal note at the bottom if you can, it adds a unique touch.
  • If you’re writing to your clients/customers, don’t forget to mention special offers, discounts, etc (if any).
  • If the letter is addressed to business colleagues, begin your letter with warm greetings and salutations, stating the reason for writing the letter.
  • If possible, appreciate the services of the colleague/the company you’re writing to.
  • If you are throwing a party, mandatorily mention the venue, time, and details of the party in the letter.

Sample Holiday Letter Templates

Below are some sample letters with reference to which you can write letters of your own.

Holiday Request Letter

Mr. Johnny Cash
23, Elysian Street
London 236578

Dear Sir,

I write you this letter as a request to kindly grant me three weeks leave from 23rd January to 14th February to visit my family for a gathering. I would really like to take a few days off and visit my parents as I haven’t availed a single day’s leave this year.

It is my parents’ 25th marriage anniversary, and I have to travel 2,500 kilometres away for the same. Since this is a one-time occasion that I wouldn’t have the chance to relive, I request you to please grant me a three weeks long holiday.

I will brief my colleague Robert who will take care of my work during my absence. If you wish to contact me, you can do so by reaching me via my cell 8973452671 or mail me at keisha@jmil.com in case of any emergency.

Awaiting a positive response.

Thanking you

Yours Sincerely,
Keisha Malik

Holiday Request Letter

Holiday Thank You Letter

Block 17
Lakeview Society

Dear Sarah,

It’s been quite some time since we last spoke, which was two months ago. Feels a lot like an eternity rather than two months.

I happened to stumble upon some of the photos that we’d taken back then. I remember having the time of my life with you. You’ve been a very dear friend, and at that time you were a brilliant host.

I’m really sorry for taking so long to write to you, I’ve just been really busy with my new job in the city. I recently moved into my own house, and setting up the furniture and renovating the space took up a lot of my time.

Anyway, I’m all settled now thankfully. I was wondering if you could come over to my place and stay for a couple weeks? My house is spacious enough for another person to live and I’m excited for you to see it!

Hoping to see you soon,


Holiday Thank You Letter

Holiday Letter to Family

Sector 21,
Cloud 36, Ghansoli,
Navi Mumbai

15th March, 2021

Dear Mummy,

I’ve missed you dearly. I’m really sorry for not writing to you sooner, college placements and projects were eating me alive. Speaking of which, I got placed into my dream company! I’ve never been happier in my entire life, Mummy. You know how I was toiling day and night just for this.

Since I’ve finally made it, I would like to celebrate this joyous moment and spend some time with you before starting my work. I’m planning on booking a room for us both in a hotel in Goa, where we will be staying for a week. I’ll take you around to the best restaurants and the most beautiful beaches, Ma. You’ll love it so much.

I’m really looking forward to see you, please write to me as soon as you can, so that I’ll fix the date for the trip and book tickets as soon as possible.

Yours lovingly,

Holiday Letter to Family

Holiday Letter to Friend

Block 9,
Brevue Hills,

Dear Jade,

I hope you’re well. I’m writing to you because I want to invite you to spend a few weeks with me during Christmas. It’s been quite some time since we last met, and I’d really like to catch up with you.

The city’s beautiful. Fast cars and long lanes, it’s all you’ve ever wanted, Jade. I would really like to show you around and take you to some of my favourite places. They’ve got beautiful restaurants and diners, huge buildings and skyscrapers, the ones we dreamt of visiting when we were younger. I’m sure you’ll love it.

Let me know what you think. If you decide to come, we can start planning the vacation.

Looking forward to see you!

Yours lovingly,

Holiday Letter to Friend

Holiday Letter from Company

Sirius Cybernetics Corp.
Sandra Stand, Bombay – 113865

December 10, 2020

Dear Employees,

Good day!

The company is ecstatic to announce to all of you that we are giving you all a two week holiday to celebrate Christmas. Before your departure, we have decided to throw a dinner party, and would really like it if you brought you family along to the dinner as well. This is a time of happiness that we would like to celebrate with you all, for you are just like family to us after all.

Happy holidays!

Ms Aisha Bhattacharya

Holiday Letter from Company

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