Article on Women Empowerment 500, 200 Words for Kids, Children and Students in English

Article on Women Empowerment: Women empowerment is when women have the freedom and choice to make their own decisions. They have the most potent right in deciding what’s right for them and what’s wrong for them. Women have suffered through the decades because they didn’t have any rights. They suffered in the hands of their male counterparts.

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Long and Short Articles on Women Empowerment for Students and Kids in English

Given below are two articles on Women Empowerment. The first article is long in 500 words for students of 7 to 12 and competitive exam aspirants. The second article is a short article on women empowerment in 150-200 words. It is for students of class 6 and below. Both articles are in English.

Long Article on Women Empowerment 500 Words in English

The lengthy article given below on women empowerment is for students of Classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and competitive exam aspirants.

Women empowerment is one of the most critical and essential things that everyone should support. It is when women are given the most power and right to make decisions for themselves. Women have been subjected to injustice through decades. They have been treated as non-existent for decades.

Women were else was always making decisions for them. This is one of the biggest reasons for women’s empowerment. It was one of the essential things which were the need of the hour. Women were made aware of their rights. Along with their rights, women were taught how to be self-independent in all aspects of their lives. They were taught how to create a space for them where they can grow and become the people they want to be.

The men always had all the rights. However, the women didn’t have any of these rights, even a small right like voting. Things changed when women realized that they, too, need equal rights. This brought along the revolution by the women demanding their rights. It spread the awareness that gender shouldn’t be the reason for that things go in their favor.

Countries all over the world called themselves, ”progressive countries” but every one of them has a history of ill-treating the women. Women in these countries had to fight against the systems to get the freedom and status that they have achieved today. However, in India, women’s empowerment is still lagging. There is more awareness that needs to be created for the awareness to spread.

India is one of the countries which is not safe for women, and there are several reasons for the same. One of the reasons for their lack of safety is the danger of honor killing. Families think that it’s the right to kill the female if they have brought shame to the family and reputation of the family.

Another big problem that women face is that there’s a lack of education. Women are discouraged from pursuing higher education in the country. Along with that, they are married early. The men dominating the women think that the role of women is limited to work for them. They don’t let these women go, and these women have no freedom.

The need for women empowerment is one of the most significant needs of the hour. There are many ways in which women can be empowered. People should be united together to make the reality of the women empowerment. One of the significant steps towards women empowerment would be towards educating women. Education should be provided and encouraged so that more women can be literate. The education that they receive is going to help them pursue what they want to pursue. Women can have the life that they want to have and be happy in it

Another way of women empowerment is to be given the same and equal opportunities in every field. Women should be given the same chances that their counterparts get. Pay is another area that should be equal for women and men. Women should be paid equally for the work that they do.

Long Article on Women Empowerment 500 Words

Short Article on Women Empowerment 200 Words in English

The short article on Women Empowerment given below can be referred by students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Women empowerment is an important thing that needs to be accomplished. The rights and freedoms that women have today are the results of the fights that the empowered women fought against it. The acts of these empowered women show that it is time that women, too, can enjoy all the freedoms and rights.

India is a country that lacks women’s empowerment. The girls in India don’t get access to higher education. Instead, the girls are married off at a young age. Child marriage is prevalent in the country. The women can’t pursue a career of their own because they don’t have an education.

There are various ways in which women’s empowerment can happen in the country. One of the most significant ways is to educate women. The education that they receive can help them achieve their dreams and aspirations. They should be given equal opportunities at their workplace in every field. Parents must teach their daughters that if they are in an abusive relationship, they should come home. Therefore, the women will feel like they have the support of their parents and can get out the domestic violence. Women should be free to pursue things they want to achieve and achieve all their goals and aspirations.

10 Lines on Article of Women Empowerment in English

The ten lines on the article of women empowerment are for competitive exam aspirants.

  1. Women empowerment is one of the most important things that need to be in the world.
  2. The rights and freedoms that women have been fought for by them through the decades.
  3. Women didn’t have the necessary rights like voting for the longest time compared to the men who had all the rights.
  4. All the progressive countries have had a history where women were ill-treated and didn’t have rights.
  5. As a country, India needs to be more progressive because there’s a lack of women empowerment in the country.
  6. One of the biggest reasons
  7. Women should be given the same and equal opportunities that their male counterparts receive.
  8. The pay should be equal for men and women for the same work that they do.
  9. There should be no backlash that women face for the divorce/.
  10. Women should be free to be who they are and pursue what they want to do and love.

Short Article on Women Empowerment

FAQ’s on Article on Women Empowerment

Question 1.
Why is women empowerment important?

Women’s empowerment is essential because women hadn’t had the rights and freedoms for decades at all. The women were almost non-existent. Women are humans, too, and they need to have the same rights and freedoms as their fellow humans beings.

Question 2.
Why is equal pay significant?

Equal pay is significant because even today, women and men get paid different amounts for the same work. The different pay is usually where the men get paid a higher amount, and the women get a lower amount, even though their work and position are the same.

Question 3.
How does the backlash of society force women in relationships?

If women are going through domestic violence and abuse, they don’t report it to anyone. One of the biggest reasons they don’t report is that the society they live in will make comments about them. This makes staying in abusive relationships.

Question 4.
What are how women can be empowered?

Women can be empowered through education, equal opportunities, equal pay, and free to do what they want to do.

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