SSI Certificate | SSI Registration, Udyam Registration, Eligibility, Benefits, Validity
SSI Certificate: SSI Certificate is issued by the government of India to encourage small businesses. The full form of SSI is Small Scale Industries. SSI registration is done from the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME). Its other name is MSME registration or Udyog Aadhaar registration.
One who wants to become eligible for schemes and subsidies offered by the government to run small scale industries in India has to register by MSME through the Directorate of Industries of the State Government. The primary reason for SSI enlistment is to keep up insights and a move of SSI organizations in India for the motivations behind giving impetuses and backing administrations.
Every one of the State Government has received uniform enrollment methods according to the MSME rules. Be that as it may, a few states have made alterations to the techniques for acquiring SSI Registration. Along these lines, the methodology for acquiring enlistment would differ from one State to another.
Students can find more about certificates, explore the types used for academic purposes, professional purposes and more.
SSI Certificate Eligibility Requirments
SSI enlistment can be acquired by both assembling units and administration delivering ventures. Be that as it may, the enrollment qualification models contrast for SSI units in assembling and SSI units in assistance delivering as follows:
SSI enlistment can be gotten for assembling units if the interest in plant and apparatus (barring land and structures) is inside any of the accompanying levels:
- Micro Enterprises: The investment in plant and machines should not exceed Rs.25 lakhs
- Small Enterprises: The investment in plant and machines should not exceed Rs. 5 crores
- Medium Enterprises: The investment in plant and machines should not exceed Rs. 10 crores
SSI enlistment can be gotten for administration delivering units if the interest in gear (barring land and structures) is inside any of the accompanying levels:
- Micro Enterprises: The investment in the equipment should not exceed Rs. 10 lakhs
- Small Enterprises: The investment in the equipment should not exceed Rs.2 crore
- Medium Enterprises: The investment in the equipment should not exceed Rs.5 crores
SSI Registration Process
The SSI registration process includes three simple steps:
- Obtain Provisional SSI Certificate/registration
- Start your business
- Obtain Permanent SSI registration/certificate
What is Provisional SSI registration?
To get SSI enlistment the business should initially apply for Provisional SSI Registration Certificate (PRC). A Temporary Registration Certificate is given when the unit is in a pre-employable period and helps the SSI unit get term advances and working capital from monetary foundations/banks under need area loaning. As well as getting a bank credit, the temporary SSI enlistment endorsement additionally assists the business with acquiring offices for convenience, land, different endorsements and so forth and get different important NOCs and clearances from administrative bodies, for example, Pollution Control Board, Labour Regulations and so on
Temporary SSI enlistment can be applied for by a business whenever and a mechanical permit isn’t needed. When an application is made for Provisional SSI enlistment, the temporary enrollment is given and no field inquiry is finished. Temporary SSI enrollments are legitimate for a very long time and if the business person can’t set up the unit in this period, a new application for temporary enlistment can be made toward the finish of five years term.
Starting the Business
The provisional SS certificate is valid only for 5 years. Within that period of time, you have to start a small business and represent your firm with production.
Permanent SSI Certificate
When the business initiates creation or action, the business can apply for and get lasting SSI enrollment. Getting perpetual SSI enlistment will assist the business with acquiring the accompanying advantages:
- Personal Tax exception and Sales Tax exclusion according to State Government Policy
- Motivating forces and concessions in power tax according to State Government Policy
- Cost and buy inclination for products delivered
- Accessibility of crude material relying upon existing arrangement
Lasting SSI enlistment will be given just if the accompanying conditions are fulfilled by the SSI unit: I) the unit has gotten all vital clearances whether legal or managerial, ii) the unit doesn’t abuse any limitations in power, iii) estimation of plant and apparatus is inside endorsed cutoff points and iv) the unit isn’t claimed, controlled or auxiliary of some other mechanical endeavor according to notice.
Documents Required for SSI Certificate
- Aadhaar card details
- Pan card details
- Proof of business address
- Copies of Purchase bill of raw materials, machinery, etc.
- Partnership deed/ AoA and MoA
- NOC from the pollution control committee
SSI Certificate Format
The Small scale industry certificate will include the following details it:
- Type of Enterprise
- Udyam registration number
- Name of enterprise
- The official address of the enterprise
- Date of registration
- Date of start of business
- National industry classification code
- Disclaimer
- Contact details of GM.DIC and MSME-DI
Benefits of SSI Certificate
SSI enlistment is certifiably not an obligatory necessity for a private company in India. In any case, organizations that have SSI enlistment can profit from a few advantages, motivating forces or backing given either by the Central or State Government. A portion of the motivations offered for SSI organizations include:
- Need area loaning in Banks
- The decrease in bank advance loan fee
- Extract exception plot
- The exception under direct assessment laws
- Legal help like reservation
- Interest on Delayed Payments Act
Notwithstanding the previously mentioned benefits given by the Central Government, States Governments and Union Territories have carried out their own bundle of offices and motivations for SSI units. Commonplace SSI benefits identified with the advancement of mechanical bequests, charge appropriations, power levy sponsorships, capital speculation endowments and other help. Both the Center and the State Government endowments focused on private ventures are given uniquely to those organizations having SSI enrollment.
FAQ’s on SSI Certificate
Question 1.
What is an SSI certificate?
SSI Certificate is issued by the government of India to encourage small businesses. The full form of SSI is Small Scale Industries.
Question 2.
Is SSI and MSME the same?
SSI registration is done from the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME). Its other name is MSME registration or Udyog Aadhaar registration.
Question 3.
What documents are required for SSI registration?
Aadhaar card and PAN card of the owner or the Business in order to make an application.
Question 4.
Is Udyam registration and SSI registration the same?
Question 5.
How can we apply for an SSI certificate?
Visit the official website of Udyam registration and register yourself by providing the required details.
Question 6.
By when we can get an SSI certificate after registration?
After 7 to 10 days, once the validation of your documents is done, the SSI certificate is issued.
Question 7.
Who is responsible to issue the SSI certificate?
SSI certificate is issued by MSME through the Directorate of Industries of the State Government.
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