Equivalency Certificate | Application Procedure, Documents Required, Format, Fee and Eligibility

Equivalency Certificate: An Equivalency Certificate (EC) is obligatory for understudies who have concentrated abroad or have unfamiliar capabilities to empower and encourage their affirmation in Indian Universities. The understudies who have recently concentrated in an unfamiliar licensed, endorsed, or perceived school or college need to get an Equivalence Certificate (EC) gave by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU), New Delhi. The Evaluation Division in New Delhi gives the Equivalence Certificate (EC) with the goal that understudies can get affirmation in Indian Universities.

Equivalence certificate is conceded to different projects of different Universities/Institutes affirmed by the Academic Council of this University and competitors, hence, will check the situation with acknowledgment/equivalency in the rundown gave. Competitors will likewise go through the University Regulations on Recognition and Equivalency of Programs of Study and guarantee their qualification for acknowledgment/equivalency endorsement.

Students can find more about certificates, explore the types used for academic purposes, professional purposes and more.

Equivalency Certificate Eligibility Criteria

As on date, the equality concurs dependent on the Policies, Procedures and Regulations as received by various Statutory Bodies and Councils of the Government of India which are:

  • The degree is granted by the unfamiliar colleges which are affirmed/perceived/authorize in its own nation;
  • The degree is sought after by understudy as a full-time customary understudy on the grounds of the college of its beginning or on the properly endorsed seaward grounds of the college;
  • The base recommended length of the degree program of the investigations is in any event equivalent to appropriate if there should arise an occurrence of Indian Universities;
  • The base qualification prerequisites for confirmation in the degree program of studies is at any rate equivalent to pertinent if there should be an occurrence of Indian Universities.

On satisfaction of the above criteria, equivalence certificates are given.

Equivalency Certificate Application Procedure

  • Candidates can fill the form accessible at www.aiu.ac.in
  • Applicants will fill in the application effectively and transfer every one of the archives required viz, united mark lists/mark records, temporary/unique degree authentication and TC or some other legitimate report to demonstrate a method of study. Competitors applying for equivalency to remove instruction programs will transfer mark lists and testaments from SSLC onwards including TC or CC. Understudies meriting marks unwinding will likewise transfer the Community Certificate.
  • In the event that the investigation declarations have not been verified by the Indian Mission, the structure can be submitted with the Original Certificates
  • On the off chance that the affirmation has been done in Regional Languages for example Russian, French, Spanish, German and so on, the investigation endorsements are to be deciphered from the approved interpreters and afterward verified from their Embassies or Indian Mission in a separate country before accommodation
  • The fees are payable through DD for the “Relationship of Indian Universities, New Delhi”

Postal Address

Assessment Division,

Relationship of Indian Universities,

AIU House, 16 Comrade Indrajit Gupta Marg (KotlaMarg),

New Delhi 110 002

Equivalency Certificate Fees

The fees for the application form of Equivalency is Rs.12000 plus 18% GST. Candidates have to submit fees through DD (Demand Draft) in favour of the Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi and send it to our New Delhi Office.

Equivalency Certificate Documents Required

  • Previous Education qualified certificate/mark sheet
  • Copy of passport or visa (For Class 12/Bachelor’s degree/PG/Phd)
  • Offer Letter copy issued by the degree-awarding university
  • Official Academic Transcripts of Bachelor and Master Degrees (issued by University/Board/Education ministry)
  • Letter of Embassy issuing qualification
  • Legal translation of certificate (for other languages)

Equivalency Certificate Terms and Conditions

  • The Envelope containing the Application Form for Equivalence should specify at the highest point of the cover: “APPLICATION FOR EQUIVALENCE”.
  • Every one of the Documents needed with the Application Form for Equivalence should be confirmed by the Indian Mission Abroad;
  • In the event that the Documents are not validated by the Indian Mission Abroad, the candidate will be needed to present every one of the Documents in Original
  • Candidates looking for Equivalence for their Undergraduate/Bachelor’s Degree are likewise needed to present their Grade 12 Certificates also
  • In the event that the necessary Documents are in dialects other than English or Hindi, the candidates should present their English Translation from the approved interpreters and properly verified either by their Embassy or by Indian Mission in their particular Countries

Equivalency Certificate Format

The format of the application form to apply for equivalency certificate is given below:

Application form for Equivalence Certificate

1. NAME (Mr./Ms.)


3. E. MAIL


5. EXAMINATION PASSED (For which Equivalence is required)




9. DOCUMENTS ENCLOSED (Mention the documents that are enclosed with the form)

10. Details of Fees

11. Name of the bank

12. DD number:                                                                              Amount: (In Rs.)

Date                                                                                               Signatures

Equivalency Certificate Format

Evaluation Division of AIU

The Evaluation Division of AIU is vested with the force of agreeing scholarly comparability to the degrees got from the certified unfamiliar Boards/colleges. The Division gives master help on the situation with unfamiliar capabilities to the Students, Universities, Central and State Governments organizations including Ministries of the Government of India, and so on.

The Division additionally gives help to unfamiliar authorizing offices of far-off nations. The Division assists the MHRD with forming the proposition for Educational Exchange Programs (EEP), between Indian Universities and Universities of different areas, on the shared acknowledgment of instructive capabilities.

The Division gives master help on the situation with unfamiliar capabilities to the Universities, Ministries of the Government of India, Union Public Service Commission and other Central/State Agencies, worried with the choice of understudies having gotten their capabilities from abroad. It likewise gives scholastic identicalness to the Management Programs of the self-sufficient Management Institutions affirmed by the AICTE.

About AIU

The Association of Indian Universities (AIU) since the time it’s beginning in 1925 had been vested with the obligation of concurring scholarly comparability to the capabilities granted by the licensed/endorsed/perceived unfamiliar Boards and Universities, with the end goal of higher examinations and business. AIU in this manner encourages the understudies by giving proportionality endorsements to them. Those unfamiliar capabilities which are perceived/likened by the AIU, are treated as perceived with the end goal of work to post and administrations under the Central Government.

FAQ’s on Equivalency Certificate

Question 1.
What is an Equivalence Certificate?

An Equivalence Certificate (EC) is obligatory for understudies who have concentrated abroad or have unfamiliar capabilities to empower and encourage their affirmation in Indian Universities.

Question 2.
What qualifications are required for the Equivalence Certificate?

School Level Qualifications, Higher Education Qualifications, PGDM Programmes, Fellow Programmes and Professional Exams.

Question 3.
Why Equivalence Certificate is necessary?

EC guarantees scholastic continuity. It saves understudies from superfluous issues identified with consistency and qualification. It is the documentation of an understudy’s instructive capabilities. It guarantees that every one of the credits that the understudies have acquired in their past scholarly courses is accounted for. It assists with saving time and energy during the Application Process. It guarantees that understudies don’t lose scholastic years in attempting to compensate for the endorsement or degree.

Question 4.
Who issues the Equivalency certificate?

The Evaluation Division of AIU is responsible to issue equivalence certificates to the degrees acquired from certified foreign Boards/universities.

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