International Day of Yoga (21st June) | History and Importance of International Yoga Day

International Day of Yoga: The practice of Yoga is a spiritual and scientific way of keeping in touch with peace and serenity. It is a form of Indian tradition that combines physical and mental health along with mysticism and spirituality.

International Day of Yoga – 21st June (Every Year)

All across the globe, June 21 is accounted for as the International Day of Yoga. It has been in existence ever since 2014. The daily practice of Yoga nurtures the body and soul. A person who involves oneself in the regular and mastered practice of Yoga and meditation is prone to a better and more healthy lifestyle.

The practice of Yoga is a very healthy and immune thing for health. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was the first one to propose the idea of International Day of Yoga in one of his addresses at the UN.

Yoga not only nurtures the mind and body but also rejuvenates the soul. Practicing yoga at least once in a day keeps one fit and healthy. It refreshes one and boosts him with energy that keeps exhaustion away for a long time.

To commemorate the pros of practicing Yoga and bringing that into the worldwide mainstream, the International Day of Yoga is in celebration. International Day of Yoga 2020 Theme is not a year decided by the UN or Ministry of Ayush India. International Day of Yoga Essay is helpful to students of classes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.

International Day of Yoga Theme

International Day of Yoga 2021

The International Day of Yoga is yet to be celebrated in 2020. June 21 has fallen on a weekend. The International Day of Yoga 2020 will take place in the capital city of Ladakh in India, Leh. The event was announced by the leader of the AYUSH association, Shripad Naik, on March 11. The program is led by the respected Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi himself.

The uniqueness of International Day of Yoga 2020 is that it will be the first time when a large crowd will gather together in a region of high altitude such as Leh to practice, perform, and learn Yoga. Various other educational bodies such as CBSE, CII, FICCI, UGC, and NCERT will be present there. The event will be headed by Modi himself, who will carry out various Yoga Postures and asanas as per the Common Yoga Protocol (CYP). This year will mark the 6th anniversary of the International Day of Yoga. Nearly as many as fifteen to twenty thousand people are supposed to participate.

How To Celebrate International Yoga Day?

The main event performed at the International Day of Yoga is Yoga that goes without saying. Other celebratory events are rooted, chalked out, and begun preparing for around 3-4 months before the day, that is, June 21. As a part of the celebrations, various yoga training and teacher training programs are held.

The celebration is usually carried out by Modi himself. Intermediary State Governments of India also encourage and tag along in the celebratory events. The Governors and Collectors of various cities lead demonstrations and rallies. Prime Minister Modi, perpetrates the vision and necessity of practicing Yoga among the common masses via multiple technological channels, such as video messages and film screenings.

People gather in multitudes and indulge in spiritual practice in groups. They sit across open grounds and practice Yoga, in all parts of the country and some places abroad as well.

A particular theme is settled over the International Day of Yoga Every year. For 2019, the idea was Yoga for Climate Action and Yoga for Heart. The main concern for International Day of Yoga 2020 will be to indulge in 45-minutes of drill yoga as per the Common Yoga Protocol.

“The main national event for the sixth International Day of Yoga, 2020 will be held on June 21 at Leh, the capital of Ladakh. The event of International Yoga Day will be led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi,” Naik said at a press conference.

International Day of Yoga Logo

History on International Day of Yoga

The International Day of Yoga was established in the year 2014. It had come to being after Narendra Modi had discussed the idea and the concept during addressing the UNGA. The address and the suggestion were made on October 14 in 2014. After this, an informal consultancy was carried out by Indian delegates. Narendra Modi also proposed later for June 21 to be commemorated as the International Day of Yoga.

This date was decided upon since it marks the longest spanning day in the northern hemisphere of the world. This date also marks the day of Guru Purnima as per the Indian Calendar; the Guru Purnima is of immense significance when seen from the perspective of Yoga. Hence, this way, June 21 came to be celebrated as the International Day of Yoga fittingly.

2015 was the year when the International Day of Yoga was first initiated. The celebrations and events were held in New Delhi, Prime Minister Modi had led the development. People from as many as 84 nationalities had gathered together. Twenty-one different Yoga Asanas were performed over 35 minutes.

The first celebration of the International Day of Yoga is also marked as the most extensive and most comprehensive yoga class that was ever held. People from all across the world had traveled down to India to become a part of it. The number of participants has been more than thirty-five thousand; since then, the International Day of Yoga is celebrated in India every year.

Importance on International Day of Yoga

The International Day of Yoga is of immense significance. It upholds the age-old cultural traditions and practices of India. India’s concept initially emerges from India, and it has been in practice among the Indians for nearly 5000 years. Yoga is suitable for both the body and the soul. The celebration of the International Day of Yoga promotes the practice of Yoga at an international level.

The day also upholds the benefits that one can reap from daily yoga and meditation practice. The day perpetrates the ethical message of peace, tolerance, and spiritual enlightenment to people all across the globe. The International Day of Yoga is essential and should be celebrated by all.

10 Lines on the Topic of International Day of Yoga

  • International Day of Yoga is celebrated on June 21 every year.
  • The idea for dedicating a day to Yoga and its practice was first brought up by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2014.
  • June 21, 2015, was the first anniversary of the International Day of Yoga.
  • 2020 will be celebrated as the sixth anniversary of the International Day of Yoga.
  • The events for the last International Day of Yoga were held in Ranchi.
  • The International Day of Yoga 2020 is supposed to be held in Leh.
  • The events are held and performed by Narendra Modi himself.
  • The event usually includes the practice of Yoga in groups for a considerable time.
  • People from all across the country group together and participate in the vents.
  • Celebrations take place all over India, and in various states and other parts of the world.

International Day of Yoga Quotes

FAQ’s On International Day of Yoga

Question 1.
Does Yoga follow any religion?

Yes. The practice and ceremony of Yoga is a concept that stems from the religion of Hinduism and Buddhism.

Question 2.
What are Yoga Asanas?

Yoga Asanas are the various practices, postures, and subdivisions of Yoga, The four different kinds of Yoga include Bhakti, Raja, Karma, and Jnana.

Question 3.
Why is Yoga essential?

Yoga helps in several ways. It helps in building the immune system of the body, helps in maintaining a healthy physique. The regular practice of Yoga also helps in reducing obesity. Apart from all these benefits, Yoga also helps one in staying active, refreshed, and energized.

Question 4.
What happens on the International Day of Yoga?

On the International Day of Yoga, everyone comes together in groups to practice yoga asanas and postures. A number of Yoga positions and gestures are followed, learned and taught.

Question 5.
What is the theme of the international day of yoga 2021?

The Theme This year is, ‘Yoga at Home and Yoga with Family’.

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