Why Animals Should Not Be Kept In The Zoo Essay | Essay on Animals Should Not Be Kept In Zoo

Why Animals Should Not Be Kept In The Zoo: Zoological garden or zoological park commonly called a Zoo is a place where wild animals are confined for public view or for the purposes of education and recreation. Nowadays people have made it a business, they trap the animals and cage them in a zoo for the sake of entertainment. People, too, get an opportunity to observe animals they have never seen or will never get a chance to see. But they never imagine the consequences of confining the animals in the zoo.

Placing the animal in a zoo is snatching their natural habitat from them for the sake of entertainment raises many issues. Today zoos are trying their best to create a natural habitat for the animals so that the animals are comfortable with the environment but they fail to provide the exact replica of the environment.

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For example, some animals need enough space to roam and explore themselves which a zoo couldn’t provide because of the limited space. The animals are forced to live with other species and human beings which conflicts with their habitat and is unnatural for them and that’s the reason why animals should not be kept in the zoo. Watching the same surrounding daily animals get bored and depressed. Eventually, the animals living in zoos become habitual to the surroundings of the zoo and become more dependent; they even forget their powers. And if they have to return to their wildlife for any reason it becomes difficult for them to survive as they completely forget how to survive on their own.

Breeding of Animals

Some zoos breed animals for educational purposes but Zoos that practice breeding programs face difficulty while reintroducing animals back into the wild environment. Predators grow up accustomed to life in the zoo and have trouble adapting to a change in the environment when they are sent back to the wild. In some cases, the animals die after being released from the zoo due to a lack of necessary survival skills.

Zoos claim that they provide education to the children by introducing them to wild animals which they have never seen. But for these purposes zoos are not necessary; these can be achieved by watching many national geographic channels.

Health Issues

Due to limited space and loss of freedom animals become aggressive in nature. They cannot move or eat as they wish. Some animals need the company of their own species but zoos cannot keep more than 2 or 3 animals in one place. This also leads to depression among the animals.

Exercise is also vital for the animals. And due to the lack of space, they cannot keep themselves healthy, so the lifespan of the animals living in the zoo is small as compared to the life of the animals living in the wild.

Zoos claim to save wildlife species by conserving them but unfortunately, animals are not taken proper care they are not given adequate habitats, fresh foods and moreover the required environment. Sometimes the sick animals are also not properly treated as a result they die. A regular veterinary checkup is also neglected in some zoos. These are the reasons why animals should not be kept in the zoo.

Source of Attraction

Some animals like tigers, lions and elephants are the main source of attractions for the visitors. Baby animals are the best source of attraction for kids. Zoos force these animals to reproduce for a source of income. These animals are forced to use their reproductive organs to reproduce and increase the zoo population. It has been observed that generally the baby animals are taken away from the wild. And while capturing their mothers are shot to death. This makes the baby animal depressed.


How would you feel if you are confined in a small room with all the possible facilities? You have to do nothing, just eat and sleep and do ur daily routines in that enclosure itself but you are not allowed to go outside. Will you be happy? Definitely not. Though you have all your pleasures anyone cannot be happy in one place. Similarly, this is with the animals God has given the freedom to everyone then who are we to confine these petty animals and make them deprived of their natural habitat. So this is why animals should not be kept in the zoo.

If you want to see animals in their natural habitat visit a wildlife sanctuary that does not buy, sell or breed animals.

This pandemic Covid -19 has taught mankind a lesson that how it feels to be confined at one place. Humanity has felt the pain of being caged at one place. Animals feel the same pain in the zoo.

So animals should not be deprived of their natural habitat and should not be sent to zoos and the main reason why animals should not be kept in the zoo.

Why Animals Should Not Be Kept In The Zoo Essay

FAQ’s on Why Animals Should Not Be Kept In The Zoo

Question 1.
Do zoos affect the mental and physical health of the animals?

Yes, definitely physical and mental health of the animals gets affected by the zoo. That’s why animals should not be kept in the zoo. As animals are dep[rived of their natural habitat they get depressed and they take time to adjust themselves to the new habitat. Also, new animals which are taken away from the jungles miss their family and other companions. Also, they have to eat what is provided by the zoo authority. They became completely dependent on the zoos which directly or indirectly affects their physical and mental health.

Question 2.
What are the disadvantages of keeping the animals in the zoo?

There are many disadvantages of keeping the animals in the zoo. That’s why animals should not be kept in the zoo. Some are listed below:

  • The removal of the animals from their natural habitat affects their physical and mental health.
  • Inadequate space for roaming animals.
  • Lack of exercise because of limited space and ready-to-eat food.
  • Dependent on human beings for food as they don’t haunt for food they are served readymade.
  • Animal life becomes miserable in zoos; they are never happy.
  • Sometimes animals escape from the cage which endangers themselves and other lives also.
  • Changes the behaviour of the animals, they become more aggressive and can attack the zookeepers.
  • Surplus animals are killed. In other words, if a zoo already has more than enough species of the same kind it will make the decision either to sell it to another zoo or kill it.

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