Essay On Accountability | Short and Long Essay on Accountability, Importance of Accountability

Essay On Accountability: Accountability alludes to the commitment of a person to report officially to his boss for the appropriate release of his obligation. It is the answerability of a subordinate to deliver a record of his exercises to his boss. The individual who acknowledges obligation is Accountable for the exhibition of the allotted obligations. ‘

To be Accountable is to be responsible for one’s lead in regard to commitment satisfied or unful­filled”. Accountability is the commitment of a person to keep his boss educated regarding his utilization of power and achievement of doled-out assignments.

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Essay on Accountability 500 Words in English

Accountability outgrows duty and goes inseparably with it. An individual who is liable for results should perceive that he will be decided by the nature of his exhibition. Similarly, as the obligation is a subordinate of power, Accountability is a subsidiary of duty. Duty is the commitment to perform allotted assignments, accoun­tability is the detailing of execution.

Accountability makes respon­sibility significant and finishes the cycle of appointment. Responsi­bility is expressed as far as work to be done, while Accountability is expressed as far as execution. Authority is appointed, duty is expected and Accountability is forced. Authority streams descending while Accountability for execution streams up. Obligation emerges from power while Accountability is obtained from respon­sibility.

Authority implies some independence while Accountability is intended to manage self-sufficiency. Authority is the mode for making respon­sibility while Accountability is a method for satisfying duty.

The standard definition when a great many people consider Accountability or being Accountable is tolerating duty. However this is valid, to me, Accountability implies: allowing your activities to transcend your reasons, conquer your dread and acknowledge duty regarding the outcomes you are Accountable for. Accountability is freeing and requires a readiness to address inquiries from those individuals influenced by your activities. Accountability intends to finish the responsibilities you make for yourself or for other people. It implies respecting, surpassing, and further developing guidelines.

Accountability makes a pioneer compelling. Pioneers set the ground for the conduct and execution of representatives. In the event that they take risks for their accomplishments and their disappointments, it makes it simple for workers to appreciate and copy. Besides, it sets the ethics and rules that are fundamental towards accomplishing Accountability.

Importance of Accountability Essay

Accountability advances trust. In various connections, Accountability implies that one is prepared to focus on something and be sufficiently capable to see it as far as possible. In such an occasion, one acquires trust from individuals around as they have set up that one is reliable with a specific circumstance. In addition, Accountability is a declaration of respectability towards representing their activities in the event that they neglect to respect their Accountability and work towards improving the circumstance. A dependable individual appreciates self-rule, certainty, and elbowroom to direct one’s work.

Accountability evokes duty. Duty is an idea of showing that one is full-grown and a reliable individual that a business can trust. A worker shows obligation by accepting all activities, items, choices and disappointments of obligation doled out. A dependable representative has a commitment to report any difficulties, disappointments or triumphs of a task in a genuine, clear and tolerating way and find significant ways to cure a circumstance.

Accountability supports possession as when people figure out how to be liable and answerable for their activities and results they figure out how to connect esteem with their work. At the point when representatives have relegated their jobs, they comprehend that they are important and pivotal in the design of the association. Thus, they are spurred to apply more exertion in their work. Accordingly, their individual conduct and activity start to line up with their assumptions and begin noticing their results as a commitment to a group.


All in all, the structure of Accountability in an association is urgent. A pioneer does as such by wiping out dread, creating trust among the workers, being available to their reactions, thoughts and compensating them for their decision to be liable to their obligations.

Importance of Accountability

Short Essay on Accountability

Accountability guarantees execution by ensuring all representatives run after a shared objective. At the point when one is liable to their activities, it wipes out occasions of them taking part in conduct and exercises unfavorable to their positions. An association accomplishes execution by the authority laying out the objectives and assumptions for every worker and relegating errands in such a manner. Thus, each becomes mindful of their assumptions and obligations subsequently, making an internal compass.

Accountability saves time and funds. At the point when representatives in an association are liable and liable for their activities, use of time and assets is sufficiently spent among others, distinguishing arrangements towards a test rather than attempting to decide the issue. In the present circumstance, Accountability implies that each worker directs their job’s capability, and if an issue happens, they raise it up as opposed to staying silent and allowing it in the end to make a greater outcome.

Accountability additionally advances certainty among representatives when they accomplish their objectives. Trust in representatives is obtained from a climate that acknowledges and works with legitimate collaborations and analysis, that likes their thoughts, joins them in an association, and gives them the freedom to settle on choices about their work. Also, certainty flourishes when workers get the order to settle on choices to difficulties. At the point when a business tunes in and shows interest in representatives’ presentations, they are probably going to appreciate and invest energy in their work.

FAQ’s on Accountability Essay

Question 1.
What is accountability?

Accountability can be characterized as being capable to another person or being answerable for something. A Biblical rule for accountability is that man is liable to his Maker for his contemplations, words, and deeds. Man is additionally responsible to different men for his activities.

Question 2.
What is the importance of accountability?

Accountability wipes out the time and exertion you spend on diverting exercises and other useless conduct. At the point when you make individuals accountable for their activities, you’re encouraging them to esteem their work. At the point when done right, responsibility can build your colleagues’ abilities and certainty.

Question 3.
What is an example of accountability?

An example of accountability is an employee taking responsibility for errors he made while working on the project. He should make sure that the project goes well and should be accountable if anything goes wrong to take the blame.

Question 4.
What is accountability in the military?

Accountability is significant in the military since troopers are customarily needed to perform amazingly testing obligations and administrations. Without accountability, a warrior can’t be required to fulfill these high needs and assumptions. Being responsible means being in the perfect spot at the perfect time, being in the legitimate obligation uniform, being reliable and continually showing up to deal with time, arrangements on schedule and in particular making the best decision at the ideal opportunity and constantly.

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