Positive Words that Start with B | List of Positive Words Starting with B Pictures and Facts
Positive words that Start with B: In the English language, there is a vast range of words available for our use. In our daily lives, the verbs, nouns, and adjectives we use are all a structural unit of the English language that makes up the English language’s foundation.
To speak or write professionally and to be able to express ourselves clearly, we need a crisp base for vocabulary.
But it is impossible to remember every word we come across in the English language. Hence, to ease your worries about this subject, we have developed a list of positive words in alphabetical order.
List of Positive Words Begins With Letter B
- Name of Positive words whose name starts with B
- Meaning and example on the Positive words on the list.
Names of Positive Words Whose Name Starts With B
List of Positive Words With Letter B At The Start
- Balance
- Banging
- Bargain
- Beam
- Beaming
- Beautiful
- Become
- Bedazzled
- Bedazzling
- Befriend
- Belief
- Believable
- Beloved
- Benefactor
- Beneficial
- Benefit
- Benevolent
- Benign
- Best
- Bestow
- Better
- Bewildering
- Bewitching
- Bilingual
- Blameless
- Blazing
- Bless
- Blessed
- Bliss
- Blissful
- Bloom
- Blooming
- Blossom
- Blossoming
- Blockbuster
- Blushing
- Bodacious
- Boisterous
- Bold
- Bonafide
- Bonus
- Boost
- Bouncy
- Boundless
- Bountiful
- Boyish
- Brainy
- Brave
- Bravery
- Brawny
- Brazen
- Breath-taking
- Breezy
- Bright
- Brighten
- Brilliant
- Bubbly
- Buddy
- Buoyant
- Bustling
Meaning and Example On The Positive Words On The List
Meaning: A word to define a state of equilibrium between two or more things, situations, and events that direct towards a calm behavior habitat.
Example: He almost lost his balance while standing on the chair, trying to reach the uppermost shelf.
Meaning: A word used to define something or someone very impressive, enjoyable, or excellent.
Example: The k-pop boyband BTS has got one of the most banging summer albums of all time.
Meaning: A word used to describe a state of negotiation between two parties concerning the subject. In simple terms, it means to come to an agreement about something.
Example: One hour passed by, and their bargain over the crockery set still continued.
Meaning: A word used to describe a bright source of light, either from happiness, an appliance or from the sun.
Example: The only thing they remember from the accident is a red beam of light flashing in front of their eyes.
Meaning: A word used to describe one’s facial expression containing a wide smile induced by happiness, pride, or pleasure.
Example: After their hard-earned victory, all their faces were beaming with bright smiles.
Meaning: A word used to describe the subject to have extraordinary standards of aesthetic appeal which pleases the mind or eyes.
Example: The poem he penned down was one of the most beautiful things I have ever read.
Meaning: A word used to describe something that is coming to be or changing into something else which is different from its initial stage.
Example: After his loss, he promised himself to become a better person.
Meaning: A word used to describe something that has excessive shine or a striking appearance that leaves a great impression on the onlooker.
Example: Her dress looked plain, so she decided to add a bunch of rainbow rhinestones to bedazzle it.
Meaning: The present participle of bedazzled, which means the subject’s great and striking appearance or its ability to make an impression on the onlookers, is continuing.
Example: After she opened her gift, she smiled broadly with the light dancing in her bedazzling eyes.
Meaning: A word used to describe an act of coming to be someone’s friend under normal circumstances or when the other party is in need of help.
Example: On my trip to the hills, my friends said I was very easy to befriend.
Meaning: A word to describe acceptance about something existent and valid without physical proof of it.
Example: The story she narrated so vividly shook my belief.
Meaning: A word to describe something, someone, a situation, or an event where the information is credible or trustable.
Example: Whenever he is late to class, he makes excuses that are never believable.
Meaning: A word to describe someone or something precious, valuable, treasured, or much loved.
Example: She is the beloved cat that I adopted when I was ten years old.
Meaning: A word to describe someone who grants a particular sum of money to help someone in need or for a good cause.
Example: Mr. Smith from today’s meeting was the benefactor of our company.
Meaning: A word used to describe something of good value or advantage for something or someone.
Example: The gift she gave my sister will prove beneficial in the future.
Meaning: A word used to describe a situation of advantage or excess profit gained from a specific source.
Example: If you develop the habit of drinking more water every day, it will prove as a benefit later.
Meaning: A word used to describe big-heartedness or a gesture of kindness or welfare for someone else.
Example: His motivation turned out not as benevolent as it seemed.
Meaning: A word used to describe a situation where one shows kindness or gentleness.
Example: The soap company I buy from uses eco-friendly practices that are benign.
Meaning: A word used to describe the highest order or degree compared to the rest.
Example: His values are the best out of everyone in the class.
Meaning: A word used to describe present or confer something to someone in honor of something.
Example: This rank is a big honor to bestow to anyone.
Meaning: A word used to describe a more desirable condition that is more satisfactory than the current situation.
Example: For our trip on Saturday, we’re expecting better weather.
Meaning: A word that is utilized to describe something or someone complex or perplexing.
Example: The series of questions on the last page of the abandoned book appeared bewildering.
Meaning: A word utilized to describe something that is delightful or carries an enchanting vibe.
Example: When she looked up from her notebook, I found myself gazing into a pair of the most bewitching brown eyes.
Meaning: A word used to describe someone who fluently speaks two languages.
Example: The company opened a post for a new bilingual secretary.
Meaning: A word utilized to describe someone innocent.
Example: All you have to do to be good in God’s eyes is to live a blameless life till you die.
Meaning: A word used to describe something scorching.
Example: At the concert, the blazing lights made him dizzier than before.
Meaning: A word used to describe an act of praise.
Example: My teachers have always taught me to say ‘bless you when someone sneezes.
Meaning: A word utilized to describe someone who is venerated.
Example: To be able to be taught by a batch of such wonderful and kind teachers, I feel blessed.
Meaning: A word used to describe great pleasure, delight, joy, or happiness.
Example: The hot chocolate cake melting into my mouth at the close of a very tiring day is pure bliss.
Meaning: A word used to describe a state of extreme happiness, delight, joy, pleasure, or euphoria.
Example: Last year, I visited the Han River in Korea, and I photographed a blissful couple holding their baby.
Meaning: A word for describing the condition of beauty or the opening of newborn flower petals.
Example: The native bush flowers in my grandfather’s garden produced an exotic bloom last year.
Meaning: The adjective form of bloom is blooming. It indicates a prolonged action of a state of beauty or the bloom of any flower.
Example: After the surgery is a success, you look blooming.
Meaning: A word for describing the action of flowering or a high state of development.
Example: My grandmother always wished to look at the cherry blossom before her death.
Meaning: The present continuous tense of blossom is blossoming. It indicates a prolonged action of something that is flowering.
Example: Development in the technical sector of education will help in the blossoming of artificial intelligence.
Meaning: A word for describing a considerable hit of (mainly) a movie or product of commercial value.
Example: The book she published in summer was a huge blockbuster.
Meaning: A word for describing the action of reddening in the face due to embarrassment, shyness, or shame.
Example: The baby’s plump cheeks held a pink blush.
Meaning: It is an adjective describing an action or person as attractive, admirable, or audacious.
Example: After the long rest and break from work, he returned with a bodacious persona.
Meaning: A word for describing someone very cheerful, chirpy, noisy, energetic, or lively.
Example: She is pretty boisterous for her age, and I love that about her.
Meaning: A word for describing someone or action that comes of as something brave or courageous.
Example: She was brave enough to pull off that bold shade of lipstick.
Meaning: A word for describing something that is original or genuine and not deceiving.
Example: For the completion of this application, we will need Bonafide proof of your birth.
Meaning: A word for describing an excess amount of money offered to someone as a reward or salary for their performance.
Example: His extraordinary performance deserved the bonus for sure.
Meaning: A word for describing the practice of encouragement for something better or to improve performance.
Example: To win the competition on a state level, you need to boost your vocabulary first.
Meaning: A word for describing something that is animated or in a state of momentum. It can also be called springy.
Example: My cousin’s baby boy has bouncy red cheeks.
Meaning: A word for describing something with no limit or is not bound to a strict boundary.
Example: Singing my heart out gives me happiness that is boundless.
Meaning: A word for describing something in abundance, larger in quantity, or a generous amount.
Example: There is a lack of bountiful grazing grounds for the cows of our area.
Meaning: A word for describing someone’s behavior similar to the behavior of a young man’s or a male child’s.
Example: She said his boyish looks were what attracted her from the start.
Meaning: A word for describing someone clever or intellectually gifted.
Example: She is the most brainy student in the Arts Stream of our school.
Meaning: A word for describing someone who is exceedingly courageous and ready to face any danger.
Example: He was brave enough to continue the concert even though he dislocated his shoulder.
Meaning: The noun form of brave describing the action of someone who is brave enough to face any challenge and is courageous.
Example: His bravery won the hearts of millions worldwide when the news broke out.
Meaning: A word for describing someone who has a strong physique and is muscularly built.
Example: My mountain trekking mentor was a large, brawny man with huge hands.
Meaning: A word for describing someone or some situation where an action is carried out boldly and without shame.
Example: The teacher reported a bunch of incidents where there was brazen cheating at the time of examinations.
Meaning: A word for describing something or someone that holds awe-inspiring, magnificent, or astonishing qualities.
Example: When she tried on her wedding gown, she looked breath-taking.
Meaning: A word for describing a breeze that is pleasantly windy and relaxing.
Example: The day of our picnic in Autumn was breezy and warm.
Meaning: A word for describing something that has a gleaming appearance. It could also mean someone who is brainy.
Example: The sunlight was warm and bright after a week of continuous heavy rain.
Meaning: The verb form of bright describing an action that makes something appear more luminous than it already is.
Example: Please come to the party, or we will have no one to brighten the mood.
Meaning: A word we use to describe someone or something that has a certain amount of luminous intensity or someone exceeding clever or talented.
Example: He was the most brilliant student of our entire college who chose to take up teaching as a career.
Meaning: A word used for describing someone cheerful, vibrant, and full of spirits. It can also indicate a beverage containing a lot of bubbles.
Example: My grandmother has always been a bubbly and happy woman.
Meaning: A word for describing a friend close in relation or the action of getting closer or becoming friends with someone.
Example: The tall man in a blue suit, who you met, is my buddy from college.
Meaning: A word for describing a lively place that is energetic and full of activity.
Example: My hometown was bustling with life once again after the pandemic subsided.
Meaning: A word for describing something or someone who stays afloat on a liquid surface. It could also indicate someone cheerful or optimistic in nature.
Example: In physics class, we learned how hot air is always more buoyant than cold air.
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