Multiculturalism Essay | Multiculturalism and Its Influence and Benefits on Society
Multiculturalism Essay: The term multiculturalism refers to the cohabitation of different ethnic, racial, religious and language groups. In any culture, there are always differences in social backgrounds, religious affiliations, ethnicities, and socioeconomic factors. These differences are what make a culture unique.
The term multiculturalism has shifted in meaning over time. It was first used to describe the coexistence of different cultures within a society. Now it is used to describe government policies that support diversity among different ethnic and social groups. This essay will explore the various definitions, arguments for and against multiculturalism. The essay will also look at what multiculturalism means in its wider sense, how it has developed over time and its impact on people’s lives.
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The Flaw in the Multiculturalism Argument
Multiculturalism has been a hotly debated topic in recent years. Some argue that it is the only way to live in harmony with one another, and also promote positivity among groups because it creates opportunities for people of different backgrounds to be able to live and work together.
Others may disagree with this notion, believing that because of multiculturalism, there is an influx of people, resulting in a society that has become more stratified and fragmented.
The idea of multiculturalism in the U.S. is not one that was established in recent times, but rather has roots in the founding of America when immigrants arrived to the U.S. from all over the world, speaking different languages and bringing with them different customs and traditions. Similarly, India is also a multicultural nation that celebrates holidays and festivals of various religions. This can be attributed to the country’s long and eventful history.
Critique of a Multicultural Society
In a multicultural society, members of various cultures and ethnicities are able to live side by side and share their culture with one another. However, some say that multicultural society is a utopia and does not exist in reality. Moreover, a few pressing problems exist in multicultural interaction. One of the most notable problems is the consequence of the “melting pot effect” – where people from different cultures are randomly intermingled without any regard to their cultural needs or preferences. This can lead to resentment among minority groups, identity crises, and social unrest.
Another big problem is the “divide-and-conquer” phenomenon, which means that people are split according to their ethnic background without regard for equality among all races. This divides people into individual groups of common race rather than forming a united society that can work together to solve a problem. Other pressing issues include the following:
The self-esteem of minority group members are often lower as a result of living in a society with a majority population and also due to certain oppressive norms of society. Instances where the minority group members are treated unfairly because of their race or gender can also lead to low self-esteem.
Minority groups are often discriminated against in organizations, schools, and businesses. Moreover, the average salaries among minority groups are lower in comparison to majority groups. For example, an African-American man in Georgia earns $5400 less than a White man; while Native Americans earn $3200 less than Whites.
Minority groups may find it difficult to find employment. This is because many people are biased against minorities and typically only hire people that they see as “being like them.” To combat this, awareness about diversity in the workplace and other social institutions should be created.
Minority groups often lack the education and skills that are necessary for employment. Too often, minority groups in low-income areas are given less opportunity than their majority counterparts because they lack the education and skills needed to find employment. Many of them cannot afford to take college classes or get vocational training because of the time and money it takes away from their families. This is a significant issue, especially in the current economy where jobs are scarce.
How Multiculturalism Impacts Ourselves & Others in the World
We tend to be more tolerant of people who share our culture. We look for similarities and other commonalities. In other words, it is easier to interact with someone like ourselves – or individuals who share our ethnic values and background. Though this is wrong, we are less likely to see the difference in another person if they also come from our culture, and this has an impact on how we view them. The less we know about a person, the more we rely on our own culture to understand them. This tendency is called the in-group bias and it influences how we see other people in many ways. It can lead to people having inordinate expectations of how someone will behave, and it can also lead to cases of prejudice and discrimination.
Cultural Diversity and its Importance
Cultural diversity is the difference in practices, traditions, or other aspects of the culture of the people in a society. It can be found across the world and is important because it gives people different perspectives of the world. Culture is a powerful idea – it is an ongoing process that has adapted to the ever-changing world. It’s something that influences nearly every aspect of our lives. Culture is also the main force behind shaping people’s identity. It helps people understand how they fit into society and provides them with the opportunity to explore their sense of belongingness. The most important aspect of culture is the influence it has on people’s behavior. Due to globalization, cultures are now more intertwined than ever before. This has caused certain values to change, which can lead to misunderstanding or conflict. For example, one culture may view the act of wearing revealing clothing as desirable and another may see it as inappropriate.
What are the Benefits of a Multicultural Society?
The benefits of multiculturalism are numerous. It is believed that a society in which people from different cultures interact with each other will be more creative and innovative. Multiculturalism also means a better understanding of the world, and having the freedom to choose or express oneself without any cultural restrictions.
However, there are also negative perceptions of multiculturalism. For example, some people might not be happy with the way their country has changed and they may feel like their culture is under threat. Multicultural societies can also create tensions between communities because different groups often live in relative segregation from each other. However, all these can easily overcome by:
Recognizing that different cultures exist: Humans are defined by their cultures, so it’s crucial to recognize that there are many different cultural identities. Being aware of cultural differences will help one to build relationships with people from various backgrounds, which can lead to greater understanding. Sharing stories about other cultures and coming together as a community is one way of eliminating misconceptions and increasing understanding.
Recognizing that different cultures have different values: The world is more diverse than ever, and the values of various cultures are different. It is important to be mindful of these differences when working or interacting with people of other cultures.
Respecting the Values of different cultures: As the world becomes more interconnected, it is important to be cognizant of different cultures and ways of life. This can be done by recognizing that each culture has unique norms and values. If these different cultures are respected, then people will not feel marginalized or isolated by policies enacted in their country.
Encouraging people to learn about other cultures: People often think about cultures as being separated and distinct from each other, but the reality is that there is a lot of cross-cultural sharing. Learning about other cultures can provide an enriching experience and will lead to more understanding and empathy.
FAQ’s on Multiculturalism Essay
Question 1.
What are some examples of multiculturalism?
Multiculturalism can be defined as the celebration and acceptance of diversity. This includes cultures, languages, religion, and ethnicity. Turkish-Germans, Indian-Americans or Chinese-Canadians are just a few of the many multicultural identities.
Question 2.
What are the characteristics of multiculturalism?
Multiculturalism is the idea that the cultures of different peoples and ethnic groups should be preserved and that people should be free to hold on to their cultural heritage.
Question 3.
What are the benefits of multiculturalism?
Multiculturalism is the coexistence, interaction and integration of different cultures. It is a global phenomenon and has been around for centuries. The benefits of multiculturalism include:
- It promotes diversity
- It stimulates creativity
- It provides alternative perspectives
- It broadens the minds of people.
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