What’s In A Name Essay | Short and Long Essay on What’s In A Name for Students and Children

What’s In A Name Essay: Names are the identity of a person or object that distinguishes one from another. But human beings put a lot of importance on the power of naming. In childhood, a name is given to someone based on affection, relation, or family background. As a person grows up, a name becomes an identity for him/her and is associated with personal attributes and characteristics.

When a person stands out from others by virtue of his qualities or contribution, his name becomes iconic and synonymous with the character and personality of that person. It suggests that the name not only carries the identity of a person, but also the power and worth associated with it. There are instances in history where the parental name of a person is overshadowed by another popular name that people around him love to use to address him. For example, A classic example of what’s in a name is Netaji is a name that symbolizes courage and leadership, although his actual name is rarely used.

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A name as given by the parents or family members has a connection with place, family, culture, and traditions. Starting from childhood to adulthood, a person grows through his name. A name is as familiar and as close to us as anything else. In fact, we become more concerned with our name than the person that it identifies. Many believe that what’s in a name is not as important as personality or character, but after all, it’s the name that shapes one’s destiny. Name is considered a powerful tool in shaping one’s personality and self-esteem considering the meanings we associate with a name. But many times an individual demonstrates totally different characteristics than his name actually signifies. The name of that person then carries an identity based on the perception of others around him but not the name itself.

Long Essay on What’s In A Name 700 Words in English

Naming an individual

A name is the first thing that we own after our birth. It is a word that identifies us, remains with us from childhood till death, and is closely knit to our personalities. When a child is born, the parents give him/her a name as per their wish. The name could be in accordance with their cultural practices, customs, events, relatives, birthplace, etc. Some people also like to name their children after some renowned people, who are admired in the society or have some adorable characteristics that the parents may want their children to follow. Every name has some sense of power or value associated with it. Many believe that names have some influences in building the personalities of an individual.

Names as Identity

Names are considered to be an incredibly important part of our identity. They often carry deep personal, cultural, and traditional connections. They also give us a sense of our belonging to the community and the environment. Since childhood, we become so familiar with our name that we develop a very close association with it. Our names become a nice-labeled sound that appeals to us when someone calls us. Some of us grow with our names, maybe we like the way they are used by our loved ones.

Many of us think about what’s in a name and take our name for granted in the sense that we rarely pay attention to the name – what it means, why we have it, how it is to be regarded or valued. It’s also important to consider the meanings associated with names, which are given by our near and dear ones. These are the products of heritage, upbringing, and culture that we are imbibing. In fact, identity not only hinges on a name but also the importance that we place on a name.

Names always play a crucial role in people’s lives. For some, it is like what’s in a name with no deeper sense or meaning. But most of us like to have names that are unique in some way or others. It’s an identity that distinguishes one from the other. Earlier, it was a tradition to give names matching with siblings which were one form of identification that relates one family member with others. With times, this practice has changed especially due to the small family structure. Now the meaning, as well as uniqueness, is given priority while naming a child.

In the world around us, everything that is in existence has a name attached to it be it humans, plants, animals, or objects. Such names help to bring to memory the thing in question when referred by its name. Every name has some sense of perception or significance associated with it. When a child is born, he/she is given an identity through a name, which helps to differentiate one from others. But as the child grows up, this identity includes features like self-esteem and self-awareness that build his personality and character.

The Power of a Name

The origin of this phrase ‘What’s in a Name’ has actually been derived from the famous romantic tragedy “Romeo and Juliet” written by William Shakespeare. The female protagonist in this play says “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”. The quotation really has a very profound meaning. It signifies that a name we put on something is simply a label to differentiate one from another. But the identity lies in the unique characteristics that anyone or anything possesses. In a deep sense what creates the true meaning and power of a name is the worth of the individual or thing as reflected in the outer world.

FAQ’s on What’s In A Name Essay

Question 1.
What is the origin of the phrase ‘What’s in a name?

The origin of the phrase ‘what’s in a name’ comes from William Shakespeare’s romantic tragedy ‘Romeo and Juliet’.

Question 2.
What are the factors influencing the naming of a person in childhood?

Names given to an individual depend on factors like family, culture, customs, heritage as well as the place of birth.

Question 3.
How much importance is given to the meaning of a name given to a child?

The parents name a child as per their wish. The meanings of the name they choose reflect their cultural & religious beliefs, preference towards any object, person, or event.

Question 4.
Why are children named according to some renowned person?

Parents choose to name a child according to a person who is admired and respected for his character and actions and expects their child to adopt the same in future life.

Question 5.
How does a name associate with one’s personality or characteristics?

We identify a person or object by its name but in the actual sense, we relate the unique features and remarkable qualities in them with their name.

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