Dance Critique Essay | Essay About Dance Critique, Dance Concert Critique Essay

Dance Critique Essay: In today’s busy life, people find ways to relieve stress. One of the ways is to observe and enjoy a dance performance. It can be a solo performance by some eminent artist or maybe a group performance by some troupe. There are persons who are quite knowledgeable about dance and critically review the performance to evaluate the quality of the dance and recommend it to the general public. They are the dance critiques who aim at evaluating the techniques, atmosphere, and aesthetics of dance. A dance critique must have the aptitude to watch, listen, and experience the performance with an open mind and involvement.

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Long Essay on Dance Critique

The Elements of Dance

Some basic elements that form the structure of dance performance and creative movement are body, action, space, time, and energy. A thorough understanding of this concept would help the dance critique to identify the core characteristics when reviewing a dance performance. The critique has to focus on the posture or body movement of the dancers that make the presentation elegant and graceful. The gestures made by hands and eye movements convey the feelings and connect well with the audience. Timing or rhythm is a very important aspect of dance to get the synchronized effect that emphasizes the subject. It is like a pattern that follows the mood of the dance.

The Process that a critique follows

The process of critical review of dance requires analysis of several elements and the dance critique must have the ability to explain or clarify the qualitative aspect of all these factors. The review by critique should include the following descriptions about the dance:

  • Movement: The flexibility of body actions and gestures by the dancer
  • Choreography: The structure of dance and position of dancers
  • Space: The movement of dancers through the space
  • Performance: The technical and expressive abilities of dancer
  • Music: The effect of music to evoke an emotional response
  • Staging: The costumes, lighting, and sets used to compliment the performance

A dance performance review by a critique includes some systematic steps as below to explain the performance with detailed analysis.

  1. Give a general description of the dance performance including the name of the performance, choreographer, the place of dance performance, and the dance style.
  2. Describe the overall atmosphere created by the performance and put emphasis on characteristics that attracted the most attention. Evaluate the costume, light, decorations, and musical arrangements.
  3. Discuss the style and choreography, and how it contributed to the overall performance.
  4. Evaluate the input of the dancers in terms of their techniques, level of skills, and how they synchronize with music and each other.
  5. Put your own views on the organization, performance, choreography, and other production elements.
  6. Summing up the opinion backed up by actual experiences and impact on the intended audience.

While reviewing a solo performance, the dance critique must look into the strength and mobility of a dancer to work with different parts of the body together. A good dancer must possess a highly developed skill to know and control the position and state of the body, weight, and balance in motion. The critique should be attentive to every single movement or phase of movements that reflect the style and intention to convey the theme of dance effectively to the audience.

The Outcome 

A dance critique must focus on assessing a performer’s capabilities as well as highlighting the shortcomings and weaknesses. The intention should be not to discourage but to help learn the art and work on areas of improvement for new performers and choreographers. The dance critique can guide the budding artists to formulate new ways for self-improvement and excel in the art form.

Essay on Dance Critique

Short Essay on Dance Critique Essay

The Role of critique

Dance is not just a physical performance; it’s a representation of social, cultural, and historical outlook. Dancing is a crafted skill attained through dedication, discipline, motivation, determination, and focus. Dance performance critique must acquire a great deal of understanding about the art of dancing. Their honest review and detailed analysis help others to visualize the dance performance without being present there. It builds interest and responsiveness about this particular performance, its style, and its intention. The dance critique needs to have the ability to see the dance not only as a source of entertainment but also realize how it encompasses a great amount of emotion and passion. A good dance performance receives appreciation from the audience because the movements and gestures connect with them. A particular dance can touch the audience on not just a superficial level, but more on an internal level.

The Steps 

A review by dance critique must contain description, analysis, interpretation, and evaluation about the subject. A description includes the dance piece, whether it’s an individual or group performance, the settings, costume, and music. The analysis can be done on the choreographic process, costume, and background to establish the theme of the dance. Interpreting the dancer’s choreographic styles and the meaning of these conventions can be part of the interpretation process. The evaluation stage gives the overall opinion about the impact of the performance with special mention to individual skills as well as collaborative effort and coordination, as applicable.


A dance performance is the product of creativity, motivation, discipline, and perseverance. It demands physical fitness, stamina, and resilience from a dancer. So the dancer deserves any form of appreciation that improves his/her confidence and self-belief. A dance critique must keep this in mind while presenting his opinion and views.

FAQ’s on Dance Critique Essay

Question 1.
What is the role of a dance critique?

The main role of a dance critique is to evaluate the quality of the dance on the basis of certain parameters and recommend it to the intended audience.

Question 2.
What should be the responsibilities of a dance critique?

The dance critique must put forward his views with detailed analysis and supporting research and must ensure his opinions are not biased.

Question 3.
How can dance critique help the performer in self-improvement?

A dance critique represents the view of the audience and expresses his expert opinions which help the dancer analyze his own performance and work towards improvement.

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