Positive Words That Start With K | Huge List of 57 Positive Words Starting With K Pictures and Facts
Positive Words That Start With K (Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns): English is a vast language, and it is probably impossible for anyone to remember all the words in the diction. So here is a list of positive words that start with the letter K, which we are sure will help you remember a few of them and extend your vocabulary. In this article, you can find positive words that begin with k to describe a person or someone in English and also this article describes positive action, affirmation, nice words that start with k.
Get inspired in life with these powerful Positive Words lists available and use them in your everyday conversations, emails, cover letters, etc.
List of Positive Words Begins With Letter K
- Name of Positive words whose name starts with K
- Meaning and example on the Positive words on the list.
Name Of Positive Words Whose Name Starts With K
List Of Positive Words With Letter K to Compliment Others
- Kaleidoscopic
- Karma
- Keen
- Keenly
- Keenness
- Keep
- Keeper
- Keeping
- Keepsake
- Kempt
- Key
- Kick
- Kicky
- Kid
- Kid-friendly
- Kiddish
- Kids
- Kin
- Kind
- Kind-hearted
- Kinder
- Kindest
- Kind-hearted
- Kindle
- Kindly
- Kindness
- Kindred
- Kinfolk
- King
- Kingdom
- Kingly
- Kingship
- King-size
- Kismet
- Kith
- Kitten
- Kittenish
- Kittens
- Kitty
- Klatch
- Knack
- Knackish
- Knee-slapper
- Knick-knacks
- Knight-like
- Knightly
- Knit
- Knockout
- Know
- Knowable
- Know-how
- Knowing
- Knowingly
- Knowledge
- Knowledgeable
- Kosher
- Kudos
Meaning And Example On The Positive Words On The List
Meaning: of, relating to, or created by a kaleidoscope.
Example: His plays would be ferocious and kaleidoscopic, showcasing the mysteries of death and murder.
Meaning: very interested, eager, or wanting something very much
Example: They were very keen to work on their new project.
Meaning: extremely or very strongly
Example: They are keenly aware that this is their best and only chance to make a mark in this tournament.
Meaning: to retain in one’s possession or power
Example: Even though the courtiers could decide, the King would keep his decision as to the final verdict.
Meaning: someone in charge of someone or something
Example: The lighthouse keeper would circle for inspections now and then.
Meaning: The act of holding, guarding, maintaining, or supporting
Example: To make sure his family is safe, he was keeping all the discussions of the meeting secret from them.
Meaning: a gift that evokes memories of a person or event with which it is associated
Example: He would keepsake all the images from his high school.
Meaning: neatly or tidily kept
Example: The room was well-kempt, considering that he stays alone.
Meaning: a usually metal instrument by which the bolt of a lock is turned; a means of gaining or preventing entrance, possession, or control
Example: He was lucky enough to have a spare key with the caretaker, or he would have to wait until his parents get back home.
The key to having a successful event is being well-organized.
Meaning: strike with the foot
Example: The kick was powerful enough to make the ball go inside the goal like an arrow.
Meaning: A young person
Example: The kid is pretty smart for her age.
Meaning: a person’s relatives collectively; a class or group with similar characteristics
Example: The ties of blood and kin are vast and difficult to understand.
The theory of kin selection has resulted in explaining many features of animal behavior.
Meaning: of good or benevolent nature or disposition
Example: Being kind is probably the best personality trait one can have.
Meaning: to start a fire by lighting paper, wood, or other materials
Example: The actions by the government kindled a sense of protest among the people.
Meaning: of a similar nature or character
Example: They both seem to be of kindred spirit.
Meaning: a male sovereign; ruler of a kingdom
Example: After the war, he was declared the King of the Northern Province.
Meaning: A political or territorial unit ruled by a sovereign.
Example: The kingdom had never faced any issues related to violence or poverty under his rule.
Meaning: friends, acquaintances, or neighbors
Example: We are all somehow or the else dependent on our kith and kin.
Meaning: a young cat.
Example: The kitten would always sleep with him on his bed.
Meaning: a skill or an ability to do something quickly and well
Example: She has a knack for fashion designing and wants to pursue a future in it.
Meaning: a hilarious joke, line, or story
Example: That one-liner was a knee-slapper.
Meaning: a small, inexpensive mass-produced article
Example: The house was filled with knick-knacks, ideally in contrast to the wall colors.
Meaning: to make something by interlocking loops of yarn with knitting needles
Example: Grandma would always knit me a sweater for the winters.
Meaning: the act of rendering unconscious
Example: He has won more than ten matches league, and all of them were knockouts.
Meaning: to perceive or accept as a fact or truth
Example: I know the entire situation and would love to help you with some solution.
Meaning: understanding of or information about a subject that you get by experience or study
Example: His knowledge about statistics is commendable.
Meaning: having or showing knowledge or intelligence
Example: When it comes to editing, he is the most knowledgeable person in the room.
Meaning: conforming to dietary laws
Example: It is always better to eat in kosher, as it helps to build discipline.
Meaning: Acclaim or praise for exceptional achievement
Example: Kudos to the entire team for turning the game in their favor at the last minute.
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