Advantages And Disadvantages Of Joint Family | Advantages And Disadvantages Of Living in a Joint Family

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Joint Family: India is known for its vast cultural heritage and the system of living in a joint family. It has been there since the Vedic times. Different members live together happily, under one roof. Living in a joint family is a boon, and people there are tied with the bond of love, care, and togetherness. You can very well say that a joint family is an extension of a nuclear family. Families living together usually have one kitchen, and there is lots of love between the family members and the children. Children learn to respect elders and have grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins to take care of them.

With the changing times, the families today are changing from joint to semi-nuclear and nuclear families. People today do not want any interference from elders in their lives and want to live a life of their own. Westernization has touched the children’s roots and has made them believe that living in a nuclear family is much better than living in a joint family with so many people. It is a matter of personal choice to choose to live in a nuclear or a joint family.

In this article, we will be discussing the advantages and disadvantages of a joint family.

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Advantages of a Joint Family

  • People love and care about each other genuinely: Living in a joint family brings love and care for each other. Elders care about little children, and the kids respect their elders and take care of them in their old age. Children living in joint families learn to respect everyone, making them learn the value of caring and sharing.
  • The work is divided between everyone: As there are many members in the family, the work is divided equally between all. Everyone realizes their responsibility, and the work does not feel like a burden when living in a joint family. There is no work pressure, and it is a great learning experience for the children. They, too, learn to help their elders in daily chores like setting the table, filling water bottles, arranging the study table after studying, assembling the toys, and keeping them aside.
  • The bond between the members is strong: The emotional, financial, and bond of togetherness is very strong between members of a joint family. When talking about emotional bonds, children and elders get love and care from each other. The love between the siblings, between cousins and elders, is stronger than in a nuclear family. They all are emotionally connected. When talking about financial bonds, everyone knows that people in the family help each other in financial crises. All those earnings in the family contribute to the monthly expenses, and thus, there is no burden on one person in the family. People living in a joint family share their happiness and sorrows.
  • Family values are strong: Usually, in a joint family, people follow specific values, rules, and regulations that the children imbibe and follow. They need not be taught to behave in a certain way as they learn what they see. Children know their boundaries and learn to respect elders. If they are wrong, elders are there to correct them. Even elders learn a lot from the kids; they learn to be cool and behave in a certain manner when with the kids.
  • Stress-free environment: living in a joint family brings a stress-free environment. There is someone or the other in the house to correct those who are wrong. There are people with whom you can share your problems and sought out things. In a Joint family, people have a cozy corner where they find it comfortable to be. It can be a bond between grandparents and grandchildren, between siblings and cousins, and can also be a bond between parents, aunts/uncles, and children. Everyone acts as a support system, and things become easier as they can be shared and sought with others in the family.
  • Children learn etiquette and social skills: In a joint family, children learn etiquette and social skills, how to behave with elders, people coming from outside, and with other relatives. They learn to share things and learn to communicate and understand the other person in a joint family. Each member is unique, with different behaviors and different skills. Children learn to behave with everyone in a different way.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Joint Family 1

Disadvantages Of A Joint Family

Living in a joint family has advantages as well as disadvantages. This is why people are shifting to living in a nuclear family rather than a joint family. To list a few:-

  • Lack of Privacy: one major issue with a joint family is sacrificing privacy. There is no privacy when living in a joint family. If you are sad, distressed, and don’t want to discuss your problem with anyone, it is not respectful in a joint family. When everyone keeps interfering in the matters of others in the family, it is then problems start.
  • Taking your own decisions is not possible: you are not permitted to take your own decisions. Even a small decision will pass on to all elders and then will be taken. No one in the house is allowed to make decisions without taking the consideration of elders.
  • Parenting cannot be done on your own: if your child has done something wrong, he/she cannot be beaten or scolded by the mother. The child gets spoiled as the mother is scolding, and the elder members keep pampering the child and forgiving the child on the mother’s behalf. You cannot decide your child’s career, education without involving the elders of the family. The grandparents are not aware of the recent learning patterns. Thus they keep interfering in between the decisions made by the parents for their children.
  • Children are not independent: children born and raised in a joint family cannot make their own decisions. It is tough for them, as they have a habit of discussing everything with their elders. Thus, they lack confidence and decision-making qualities. The personality of the children is not developed as elders keep interfering in the decisions they make.
  • Daughters-in-law feel dominated by the elders: there is a difference between a daughter and a daughter-in-law in many joint families. Both are not treated equally. Many daughters-in-law complain that they are dominated by their mothers-in-law and are forced to follow old traditions. They need to follow specific rules and regulations set by the elders in the family.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Joint Family In Tabular Form

Advantages Disadvantages
1. Shared responsibilities and workload 1. Lack of privacy and personal space
2. Strong emotional support system 2. Differences in opinions and conflicts
3. Financial support and stability 3. Generational conflicts and misunderstandings
4. Opportunities for socialization and companionship 4. Difficulty in maintaining individuality and independence
5. More people to contribute to household chores and expenses 5. Interference in personal matters
6. Inclusive and diverse environment 6. Family politics and favoritism
7. Learning from elders and passing on traditions 7. Unequal distribution of responsibilities
8. Help in child-rearing and elderly care 8. Burden of caring for extended family members
9. Division of labor and specialization 9. Resistance to change and modernization
10. Joint decision-making and collective decision making 10. Limited opportunities for personal growth and development

Advantages Of Joint Family

Why are People Moving From Joint Families To Nuclear Families?

People today want to live their lives according to their ways. They do not like other family members interfering in their decisions. Everyone has the right to live in a certain way, and no one can impose rules and regulations on them that are mandatory. In a joint family, no one is allowed to live as they want to. Every decision is dependent on the elders, and one always needs to take permission as a matter of respect. This becomes suffocating for children, especially as they want to live their lives their way. It is because of regular interference that people have started shifting from joint families to nuclear families.

Another primary reason why nuclear family is better is that there men and women both are treated equally. In a nuclear family, people tend to make decisions and live an independent life without someone else telling them how to live, what to do?

Why is the Discussion Between Nuclear and Joint Families a Debatable Question?

Yes, the discussion between nuclear and joint families is debatable as to which is better and why? As some feel children grow well in a joint family. They taken-in values from their elders and learn to lead a life of truth. Children of joint families are very helpful and think about others in the first place. On the contrary, children of nuclear families are very self-centered. They think about themselves first, and then about their parents. They don’t even bother what society thinks about them. Children brought up in a nuclear family do not mix up easily and have few friends. They are not very social as compared to children brought up in joint families. For many, a nuclear family is better, and a joint family is always better for others. I would say both have their benefits and disadvantages. It depends on the thinking of a person and their values as to which of the two is better.

Conclusion on Advantages And Disadvantages Of Joint Family

Everyone wants to raise their child well, whether in a nuclear or a joint family. Raising a child is challenging as the parents want their child to learn to be respectful, obedient, skillful, and very social. They think this is all possible when a child grows in a joint family. To some extent, it is true. But, you will also not want others to interfere in your decision to raise your child. Parenting is a challenge whether you are in a nuclear family or in a joint family. Seeing the world and environment today, If you want your child to live independently, and have the courage to face the world, then a nuclear family will be good.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Joint Family 2

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