The Brave Little Bowman Question and Answers

The Brave Little Bowman : Question and Answers: is a classic Indian folktale about a young man who overcomes his physical limitations to become a skilled archer and a hero. The story is told from the perspective of the little man, who is short and has a crooked back. Despite his physical disadvantages, the little man is determined to prove himself. Read More Class 7 English Quesiton and Answers.

The Brave Little Bowman Question and Answers

Look at the picture below and answer the questions that follow.
The Brave Little Bowman Question and Answers 2

Question 1.
What are the men doing?
The men are fighting.

Question 2.
What weapons are they using?
The men are using maces (gadha) to fight.

Question 3.
Where do we see such fight scenes?
We see such fight scenes in wars during the times of kings.

Question 4.
Can you name some world famous personalities from any field?
Yes, I can name some world famous personalities. For example, Virat Kohli from cricket, Kalam from science and technology, Narendra Modi from politics, P.V.Sindhu from tennis.

Question 5.
Is it their appearance/skill that makes them great personalities?
It is their skill that makes them great.

Questions Given In The Lesson

Possible answers to the questions given in the middle of the lesson :

Question 1.
Do you know the success story of Sudha Chandran? Discuss.
Yes, I know the success story of Sudha Chandran. She is an Indian film actor and a famous Bharatanatyam dancer. She overcame her disability of losing her right leg in an accident and danced again with great courage and determination.

Question 2.
Collect the names of such personalities and share with your friends.
Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, George Washington, Helen Keller, Franklin D.Roosevelt, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Nik Vujicic, Rowan Atkinson, Walt Disney are some of the successful personalities with disabilities. They proved that their disability couldn’t stop them from achieving their goals.

Question 3.
Can the big man win the battle ? Substantiate your answer.
I think the big man can’t win the battle as he is not a skilled warrior.

Question 4.
Will the little man support the big man?
Yes, the little man will support the big man.

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