A Sunny Morning Question and Answers

A Sunny Morning: Question and Answers“, also explores other themes such as the importance of forgiveness, the power of imagination, and the joy of life. The play is a celebration of human connection and a reminder that it is never too late to find happiness. Read More Plus Two English Question and Answers.

A Sunny Morning Question and Answers

A Sunny Morning Question and Answers 2

Question 1.
How do Laura and Gonzaio conceal their identity?
While boasting about his keen eyesight, Don Gonzaio incidentally mentions the names of some famous Spanish literary figures. Then he states that he was a great friend of Campoamor in Valencia, and also reveals that he was a native of Valencia. Laura’s interest being kindled informs him that she had spent several seasons in a villa called Maricela, in the city of Valencia. At this moment both of them understand that they are the original lover’s Laura and Gonzaio who had been separated by fate.

From then onwards, Gonzaio tells her that the gallant lover who was in love with the silver maiden Laura Llorente was his cousin and conceals his identity. Similarly, Laura tells Gonzaio that she came to know about the story of Gonzaio from Laura Llorente, who was her friend. Thus Dona Laura also conceals her identity.

Question 2.
How effectively does Gonzaio account for the love his cousin had for Laura’s friend?
What account does Don Gonzaio give Dona Laura about his cousin’s life after the duel?
What story does Don Gonzaio narrate to Dona Laura regarding his cousin?
What fictitious story did Gonzaio spin about himself in the name of his cousin?
Describe how Don Gonzaio glorifies his cousin’s death.
While telling Laura about the duel between the merchant and the gallant lover, Don tells her that the gallant lover was his cousin and he was very fond of him. Don Gonzaio tells her that after the duel the young man took refuge in his house being scared of the consequences of a duel with a person highly regarded in that locality. Then he tells her that from his home his cousin went to Seville and then came to Madrid. Then he wrote Laura many letters which were intercepted by her parents.

He says so because he knows for sure that she did not answer his letters at all. Don then concludes the story saying that, in despair, believing that he had lost his love forever he joined the army, then went to Africa and there is a trench, met a glorious death grasping the flag of Spain and whispering the name of his beloved Laura.

Question 3.
How does Dona Laura describe the story ofher% best friend’s death?
How does Dona Laura describe her friend’s love story?
Dona Laura tells Don Gonzalo that her friend had written to her that she had awaited news of Gonzalo for nearly a year. Later one afternoon, just at sunset, as the first stars were appearing she left her house and went to the beach where her beloved had risked his life. She wrote his name on the sand and then sat down upon a rock, her gaze fixed upon the horizon. The waves murmured their eternal threnody and slowly crept up to the rock where the maiden sat. The tide rose with a boom and swept her out to sea.

Question 4.
When does Dona Laura realise that Don Gonzalo is her former lover?
After taking a pinch of snuff both Don Gonzalo and Dona Laura sneeze three times alternately. Dona Laura mutters to herself that the snuff has made peace between them. Then, Don Gonzalo starts reading aloud. A little later, Dona Laura sympathises with him for reading with all those glasses. Their conversation turns to Gonzalo’s ability to compose verses. Incidentally, Gonzalo reveals that he was a great friend of Espronceda, Zorilla, Becquer and others. Then while talking about Campoamor, Don Gonzalo tells her that he had met Campoamor in Valencia and he was a native of that city.

This provokes both of them to talk about their earlier identities. When Dona tells him about the villa in Maricella, Gonzalo tells her about the Silver Maiden and like a poet he describes her beauty. At that moment, Dona Laura realizes that Don Gonzalo is her former lover.

Question 5.
What are the’atrocious’ lies that Laura and Gonzalo make up about their lives after their separation?
Don Gonzalo and Dona Laura outwit each other in weaving stories about their own deaths. Elaborate.
Narrate how, according to Dona Laura and Don Gonzalo, the sad love affair of her friend and his cousin ended.
During the conversation with Dona Laura, Don Gonzalo gives a romantic description of the silver maiden. Dona Laura realizes that the old man is none other than her former lover Gonzalo. Then, both of them together recount their romantic affair until they come to the end of their story. Don Gonzalo rounds it off telling her that his cousin had to hide for a few days and later to fly. At this point, Dona tells him that he seems to know the story well. Don Gonzalo also tells her the same. Dona Laura tells him that she heard the story from her friend.

Don Gonzalo picks up the same lie and tells her that he heard the story from his cousin. Both of them are now convinced that they were the former lovers of the romantic affair they had just reconstructed. Dona Laura wants to probe further into the affair. Therefore she demands an explanation about Gonzalo’s vanishing from Valencia.

In reply, Don Gonzalo tells her that after staying hidden indoors in Valencia for some time, his cousin went to Seville and then came to Madrid, where he wrote letters to Laura. But, since the letters were intercepted by her parents, she did not get his letters at all and so she did not write back to him. He tells her that Gonzalo, then in despair, believing that he had lost his love forever, joined the army, went to Africa and there is a trench met a glorious death grasping the flag of Spain and whispering the name of his beloved Laura. Immediately, Dona also concocts a story.

She tells him that after waiting for a year for Gonzalo, she went to the beach after sunset one evening. She wrote his name on the sand and then sat down on a rock, her gaze fixed upon the horizon. Then the waves slowly crept up to the rock where the maiden was sitting and the high rising tide rose with a boom and swept her out to sea. Thus ended the sad love affair.

Question 6.
What fictitious story did Gonzalo spin about himself to hide his true identity?
How does Don Gonzalo try to hide his identity?
Don Gonzalo tells Dona Laura that his cousin took refuge in his house fearful of the consequences of a duel with a person highly regarded in that locality. From his home, he later went to Seville and then to Madrid. Since his letters to Laura were intercepted by her parents, Gonzalo did not get any reply from her. He became desperate. In despair, believing that he had lost his love forever, he joined the army.went to Africa, and met a glorious death in a trench, grasping the flag of Spain and whispering the name of his beloved Laura.

Question 7.
Bring out a few instances wherein Dona Laura ridicules Don Gonzalo in A Sunny Morning’.
In ‘A Sunny Morning’, there are two instances in which Dona Laura ridicules Don Gonzalo.
Both the instances occur when Dona Laura and Don Gonzalo meet face-to-face in the park as an old man and old woman and as total strangers to each other.

Don Gonzalo, soon after entering the park, discovers that his usual bench has been occupied by three priests. He gets irritated and says aloud that the priests were idling away their time instead of saying Mass in the church. Then, in a fit of anger, he rushes towards the bench on which Dona Laura is sitting.

Dona Laura cries out aloud ‘Lookout’, indignantly, and admonishes him for scaring away the birds. Don Gonzalo replies that he would not care about the birds. When she replies that she cared for them, Don Gonzalo tells her that it was a public park. In retaliation, she asks him why he had complained that the priests had taken his bench. Don Gonzalo, being cornered by his own remarks, snubs her, telling her that even though she was a total stranger she was taking the liberty to speak to him and walk away.’

Dona Laura comments that he was an ill-natured old man and people ought not to get so fussy and cross when they reach a certain age. Later, when she notices him losing another bench, says mockingly “serves him right for scaring the birds”. “Poor man! He is wiping the perspiration from his face”. Then, when she notices him walking back towards her bench, says, “A carriage would not raise more dust than his feet”.

Question 7.
Describe how the ‘gallant young man’ was separated from his lover in ‘A Sunny Morning’.
Gonzalo and Laura, the two former lovers, had to separate from each other. In her youthful days, Dona Laura was known in her locality as ‘The Silver Maiden’. She was fair as a lily, with jet black hair and black eyes. She was like a dream. She was in love with Gonzalo, the gallant lover. He used to pass by on horseback every morning through the rose garden and toss flowers to her balcony which she would catch. On his way back in the afternoon she would toss the flowers back to him. But Laura’s parents wanted to marry her off to a merchant whom she disliked.

One day there was a quarrel between Gonzalo and the merchant, the suitor. The merchant was badly wounded in the duel and Gonzafo had to conceal himself for a few days. Later he fled from his hometown to Seville and then to Madrid. Even though he tried to communicate with Laura through letters, all his attempts failed. He then joined the army and went to Africa.

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