PR3611 – Metal Forming Lab And Special Machines Laboratory Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University
Metal Forming Lab And Special Machines Laboratory deals with the semester VI subject of Anna University B.E Production Engineering syllabus. In this article, we try to provide the unit-wise syllabus for academic purposes in one place.
We started to analyze the situation of students who are often confused about the syllabus. What are the topics do they include in the syllabus? In this article, you can simply find the detailed syllabus of the semester VI PR3611 – Metal Forming Lab And Special Machines Laboratory. I hope this information is useful. We also provide the required books and references regarding the subject especially.
If you want to know more about the syllabus of B.E. Production Engineering and Management connected to an affiliated institution’s four-year undergraduate degree program. We provide you with a detailed Year-wise, semester-wise, and Subject-wise syllabus in the following link B.E. Production Engineering and Management Syllabus Regulation 2021 Anna University.
Aim Of Concept:
- To establish hands-on experience in sheet metal forming, bulge forming and Super plastic forming.
- To get hands on experience in machining gear, V-block, dovetail, etc.
- To study tool wear, acceptance test for machine tool.
PR3611 – Metal Forming Lab And Special Machines Laboratory Syllabus
Metal Forming Lab
List Of Experiments
- Construction Flow Stress–Strain curve.
- Erichsen cupping Test.
- Determination of interface friction factor using ring compression test.
- Construction of FLD of sheet metal.
- Water hammer forming.
- Determination of Power consumption in sheet rolling process.
- Determination of strain rate sensitivity index of given specimen.
- Superplastic forming studies on Pb-Sn alloys.
- Deep drawing.
- Forward Extrusion process.
- Micro-forming.
- Simulation studies on metal forming.
Special Machines Lab
List Of Experiments
- Gear Hobbing.
- Spur Gear
- Helical Gear
- Planning Machine.
- V-Block
- Dove Tail
- Centerless Cylindrical Grinding.
- Milling Machine.
- Spur Gear
- Tool and Cutter Grinding
- Tool Wear Studies.
- Acceptance Test of Machine Tool as Per ISI Test Chart.
- EDM.
- Capstan and Turret Lathe.
- Measurement of Cutting Force.
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