Speech On Advantages And Disadvantages Of Hostel Life for Children And Students In English

Speech On Advantages And Disadvantages Of Hostel Life: A hostel is a place where students live for study or job purposes. It is generally supervised is by an administrator who takes care of the hostel and the people living there. The students living in the hostels get to experience their hostel lives. These hostels eventually become their homes. Hostels are primarily built, keeping in mind the needs of the struggling students and working officials.

It provides the people with shelter, necessary accommodation facilities, and food at a reasonable price. A hostel mostly comprises of a single bed, a room that is shared by two or three people, a kitchen, and a shared bathroom.

The hostel life is an experience that makes its people train for their future.

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Long And Short Speeches On Advantages And Disadvantages Of Hostel Life for Kids And Students In English

This article provides a long speech on the topic Advantages And Disadvantages Of Hostel Life in 500 words and a short speech of 150 words on the same topic. It also offers its readers ten lines on the topic to help them understand the topic better.

This article will help students, teachers, kids, and other people who will be giving a speech on the advantages and disadvantages of hostel life at a public event.

A Long Speech on Speech On Advantages And Disadvantages Of Hostel Life is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech On Advantages And Disadvantages Of Hostel Life is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On Advantages And Disadvantages Of Hostel Life 500 Words In English

Good morning to my all respected principal, teachers, and my fellow mates. Today, I will be discussing the advantages and disadvantages that one has to face while living in a hostel.

Advantages of hostel life: first of all, the main advantage of staying in a hostel is that one gets a complete opportunity to mix with people of the same age group. This enhances their communication skills with other people.

With passing time, their friends become their families. The people living in the hostel start sharing their happiness and sorrows with their friends. They are not under the constant supervision of their parents.

They learn to make their own decisions, in the absence of their parents. This makes them confident, and they are trained to fight in difficult times without being dependent on others.

Living in a hostel saves a lot of time. A person will not have to waste their time to travel to one’s college or office as the hostel is often built near the campus. The traveling expense is also saved.

There is a relationship of unity and trust built among the roommates of the hostel. They are always present to fight for each other in case of trouble.

These are a few advantages of living in a hostel that is mentioned. But there are several other benefits of living in a hostel.

Disadvantages of hostel life: everything in the world has both advantages and disadvantages. It is no different in the case of a hostel. It also has its drawbacks.

The most crucial disadvantage is that of ragging. Students are often ragged in hostels by their seniors. This could lead to serious crimes. One might even take critical steps like suicide or become depressed.

Secondly, the students might get carried away in things like parties, drinking, drugs, etc. the money that their parents sent for studying purposes they misutilise it in these illegal activities.

In an atmosphere like this, a student might feel hard to concentrate on their studies. This could affect the grades of a student.

Another disadvantage of hostel life is that one can feel depressed staying away from home. There are no parents who can take care of the students or pamper them. One living in a hostel has to do all the work by themselves.

There is no one to take care of the person if he/ she falls ill. Despite being sick, one will have to do all the work all by herself/ himself.

The ambiance of a hostel is not at all like that of a home. In a hostel, one gets no privacy. It becomes challenging to get some own space when one badly needs it.

Thus, it is an important task to maintain a balance between the good and the bad. One might not forget the actual purpose behind living in the hostel.

This marks the end of the speech. Thank you, everyone, for giving an earful to my speech. I hope you have a great day ahead.

Short Speech On Advantages And Disadvantages Of Hostel Life 150 Words In English

Short Speech On Advantages And Disadvantages Of Hostel Life 150 Words In English

Good morning to everyone present here. Today I am here to talk about the topic advantages and disadvantages of hostel life.

Life in a hostel can be a roller coaster ride. One might enjoy it along its course. It might be as high at times, and at times there will be occasions when one experiences the lows of the rides.

A hostel is a place where people come to stay at an affordable price during the period of study. A hostel facility mostly provides its people with shelter and food services.

It has both its advantages and disadvantages. There are advantages such as the people staying in hostels get to meet and bond with new people across the country. It almost becomes their family.

There are also disadvantages like one has to stay away from their families to pursue their studies. One has to do all the household chores by oneself and adjust to an atmosphere that is not as comfortable as home.

10 Lines On Advantages And Disadvantages Of Hostel Life In English

  1. A hostel is a place where most students stay at a minimum cost for study purposes. Hostels are built to provide the students with shelter and other basic necessities for daily life.
  2. Life in a hostel is an experience that turns out to be a great one or the worst one that entirely depends upon the person living there.
  3. One can rejoice their hostel days forever, but in some cases, it might turn out to be the worst nightmare.
  4. It is the person’s job to make sure she/he is on the right track and serves the actual purpose of being in a hostel.
  5. There are problems in hostels like ragging, molestation, lousy food, etc. but one must fight their way through it and protest.
  6. The primary purpose of staying in a hostel is to focus on one,s study without any disturbance.
  7. One should not get diverted into partying and stuff along with their peers.
  8. There are things to be enjoyed in hostels, like friendships, unity, etc. The sole purpose should be studying.
  9. Thus, it is truly a fun ride living in a hostel.

10 Lines On Advantages And Disadvantages Of Hostel Life In English

FAQ’s On Speech On Advantages And Disadvantages Of Hostel Life

Question 1.
Who lives in a hostel?

In most cases, the students live in the hostels of a particular university.

Question 2.
How much rent does one have to pay for staying in a hostel?

It mostly depends from one hostel to another. But approximately in India, one needs to pay around five thousand to ten thousand rupees.

Question 3.
Who administers the hostel?

There is a person fixed who is in charge of the administration of the hostel.

Question 4.
How many people share a room in a hostel?

In most cases, the number of people sharing the same room in a hostel varies from three to four people.

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