Speech On Article 370 | Article 370 Speech for Students and Children in English

Speech On Article 370: Indian Constitution’s Article 370 involves giving special status to Jammu and Kashmir (a region located in the northern part of the country), which was administered by India from 1954 and was the reason of dispute between India, Pakistan and China for a long time.

Article 370 along with Article 35A provided special treatment to the residents of the state of J&K, under a separate set of laws including those for citizenship, fundamental rights, ownership of property etc. under this Article Indians from any other state could not purchase land or own any property in Kashmir.

However, on August 5th 2019, the Government announced the abrogation of Article 370 along with 35A. This meant that the state was now divided into two territories of J&K (with a legislature) and Ladakh (without any legislature).

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Long And Short Speeches On Article 370 for Kids And Students in English

We are providing a long speech for students and children on the Speech on Article 370 with about 500 words and another short speech with 150 words approximately on the same topic.

These speeches can help anyone who is looking forward to presenting a speech on the topic, as mentioned above, be it students, teachers, or any other research person.

Furthermore, we have also included ten Lines on the topic and some FAQs to make the content clearer to our readers.

A Long Speech On Article 370 is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech On Article 370 is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On Article 370 500 Words In English

A very good morning/ afternoon/ evening to one and all present here.

Today we have all gathered here to discuss an important topic which has been talked over by many in the recent past, due to the changes brought up by the Government. I will be talking about Article 370, its implications and the situation in our country after its abrogation on August 5th, 2019 by the BJP Government.

It implies that the special status so far given to the state of J&K has been abolished and all Indians are equal, under the same nationality and common laws.

Before speaking any further, I would like to give a brief background of the Article.

In 1947 when the British were leaving India, they gave freedom to all kings to live wherever they wished to. However, with the efforts of VallabhBhai Patel, the unification was successful excepting the province of J&K.

It did not want to get merged and wanted to maintain their independent status. When Pakistan wanted to acquire Kashmir forcefully in 1947, Hari Singh the then ruler of Kashmir sought India’s help for fighting the Pakistani Army. Kashmir then became a part of India; however, special status was given to them under Article 370 and 35A for maintaining their separate status.

Under the Article, the people of J&K had dual citizenship of J&K as well as India’s. They had their separate Flag and elections were held after every six years. Criticising the Indian Flag was not an offence in the state, and the rules of the Supreme Court were not applicable.

The RTI act was not applicable in the state along with any other reservations of a minority. If a Kashmiri girl married any non-resident of Kashmir, then she would lose her citizenship; however, if married to a Pakistani, the man would also get a Kashmiri citizenship. Thus, the Article provided and secured some very important privileges of the state.

Thus, there has been a huge criticism of the abrogation of the Article by a large section of the population. Mass protests have been organised in the country; in fact, the Government has been criticised on an international level for its decision regarding the state. It is considered as a breach of human rights.

Many leaders of the state were under house arrests, telephone and internet services had been revoked, the state was under curfew for several days the situation is still the same with few changes in the recent past. For almost more than four months, Kashmir was fully cut off from the rest of the world.

In conclusion, I would like to say that revocation has had a lot of positive as well as negative results. It did have benefits for the minorities and women of the state, along with more career opportunities to the youth.

However, the picture post revocation was very grim and disheartening due to the way it took place, and the stringent actions taken by the Government worsened the situation.

I would like to thank each of you present here today and lending us with your precious time.

Thank you.

Short Speech On Article 370 150 Words In English

Short Speech On Article 370 150 Words In English

Good morning to everyone present here, today I will be speaking on the topic of Article 370.

Article 370 along with Article 35A which provided special status to the northern state of Jammu and Kashmir, was revoked by the Indian Government on August 5th 2019. This major step was taken suddenly and came as a shock to the entire country.

The two states of J&K and Ladakh were recognised as Union Territories from thereon along with the special status of Kashmir overtaken.

This sudden change was not taken well by the people of J&K along with the rest of a large population as it posed a threat to human rights. Several mass protests were arranged in the country against the abrogation, and the state almost suffered a lockdown for more than a year now.

The status of Jammu and Kashmir has been reduced to that of any other union territories of India, where all the rules of the Central Government were now applicable.

Thank you.

10 Lines On Article 370 Speech In English

  1. Article 370 of the Indian Constitution was formed on October 17th, 1949.
  2. It empowered the state of Jammu and Kashmir to form its Constitution other than the Indian Constitution.
  3. Under the Article, dual citizenship was available to the residents.
  4. A tenure of 6 years was provided to the state government.
  5. Disrespecting any national symbol was not a crime under the Article.
  6. RTI, RTE and CAG laws were not applicable under the Article.
  7. Kashmir did not have a Panchayat system under the Article.
  8. It also didn’t give a 16% reservation for the Kashmiri Hindus and Sikhs.
  9. The Article worked along with Article 35A.
  10. Article 370 was revoked in August 2019.

10 Lines On Article 370 Speech In English

FAQs On Article 370 Speech

Question 1.
Who prepared Article 370?

The chief drafter of the article in 1949 was Ayyangar which granted local autonomy to Kashmir. It was adopted on 17th November 1956.

Question 2.
Has Article 370 been removed?

The Article was rendered as “inoperative” in 2018; however, it is still a part of the Indian Constitution.

Question 3.
How many states are there in India after the revocation of article 370?

After August 5th, 2019, there are 28 states and 8 union territories in India, as after the revocation of Article 370 Kashmir and Ladakh were considered as two Union Territories.

Question 4.
Who had earlier framed the Constitution of J&K?

Dr. Karan Singh had signed the law regarding the Constitution of the state along with the special status given to it by Article 370.

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